Weeping Wussies


Oct 15, 2004
A while back Don posted in a thread about the increase in men crying in public. At one time it was considered the ultimate in weakness to cry in a public forum. Edmund Muskie crying in public probably cost him the Democratic nomination for President in 1972. Now it seems like a rite of passage for a politician to shed crockadile tears during an election.

While I can understand how someone might get misty eyed once in a while I am shocked at the number of men who cry openly like girls, often for the silliest of reasons. It is part of the pussifiacation of the male species and I feel some public shaming is necessary to get those wimps to man up. So here are a few of the ones I have seen recently and I'm afraid the trend is going to get even worse. Feel free to post others that you see so we can scoff at their lack of cajones.

Here's Newt Gingrich crying about his mommy:


Rex Ryan was reported crying as his team cleaned out their lockers, but this baby cries all the time anyway:

Lebron James crying:

This pussy cries all of the time, he's famous for it, Saturday Night Live did a skit goofing on what a cry baby he is, when the ultra liberals are making fun of you being a wuss-- maybe it is time to cry!

Kobe Bryant crying about how he's all sorry he raped a white woman, sorry he got caught that is..


Here's what people think of when they see you cry:

So stop it!!!
Like clockwork, I see this headline on Drudge this morning.


I don't think we needed to see this as evidence. We already knew Santorum was a wimp.

While I sympathise with Santorum on that situation his response should have been one of anger not teary eyed surrender. He could have used the situation to go on a rage filled rant about liberals and their disrespect of the sanctity of life not to mention an inappropriate invasion in the private moment of a family in mourning. I would have taken the opportunity to call out the commentator and threaten them with a physical thrashing for the insult. But of course in the United States of Pussydom he expresses his feeling by crying. He's actually the perfect candidate to represent a "conservative" Party that conserves nothing. And a religion that can't defend even it's basic tenets with anything stronger then teardrops.

Tears should never fall from a man's eyes unless someone has thrown a caustic chemical into them.
I didn't watch the Rose Bowl except for the very end. Oregon's coach was being interviewed and it seemed as though he was fighting back tears. The reporterette asked him about two different players on the team, and Kelly said he "loved" both of them and that just thinking about the one made him want to start crying. (BTW, what a collection of thugs and wiggers that team looks like with their helmets off.)

On the NFL Network yesterday they were discussing the Jets and how Piggy Ryan has lost control of the locker room. Brian Billick was saying how Ryan still has to establish himself as the head coach rather than still thinking and acting like a defensive coordinator because he "loves" so many of his players from his days of being a coordinator.

Coaching seems to have evolved from the head man as an aloof and feared drill sergeant to openly identifying with and "loving" his emotional needy players.
"A while back Don posted in a thread about the increase in men crying in public. "

In the western countries, especially the USA, men are now less masculine and women less feminine than they were in the past. The proliferation of sexual deviates makes this all too obvious. It's probably something in the food and water, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was even deliberate, as in James Tiptree's "The Screwfly Solution: -

While I sympathise with Santorum on that situation his response should have been one of anger not teary eyed surrender. He could have used the situation to go on a rage filled rant about liberals and their disrespect of the sanctity of life not to mention an inappropriate invasion in the private moment of a family in mourning. I would have taken the opportunity to call out the commentator and threaten them with a physical thrashing for the insult. But of course in the United States of Pussydom he expresses his feeling by crying. He's actually the perfect candidate to represent a "conservative" Party that conserves nothing. And a religion that can't defend even it's basic tenets with anything stronger then teardrops.

Tears should never fall from a man's eyes unless someone has thrown a caustic chemical into them.

Cool thread, pictures, and commentary, Jax. Thanks.

The zenith of this pitiful trend of male tear-shedding is when the public blubbering is as a result of something occurring within the political realm. American politics are, by every conceivable measurement, a counterfeit praxis of discourse exchange. It’s nothing but lifelong-millionaires being paid handsomely to discuss ideas (normally anti-white in nature) that never come to fruition.

Since all forms of white masculinity are viewed as adversarial (even terroristic) personality traits, well, crying like tampon-craving girl is considered a chic “rite of passage” into the “ruling class” of Jews, rich whites, wiggers, Marxists, feminists, career women, affirmative action non-whites, and other assorted dullards…

crying bush.jpg

CAPTION: George H.W. ("Huge Wigger") & George W. ("Wigger") Bush, Weeping Together


CAPTION: Glenn Beck, the Pontificating P-ssy, Cries on Fox News


CAPTION: The Dripping Tears of Queen Barry


CAPTION: NeoCon, John Boehner, Bawls Alongside a Soulless Transvestite


CAPTION: Obese Zio-Piggy Tool, Winston Churchill, Purportedly Cried Constantly


CAPTION: Narcissist, Brett Favre, Crying


CAPTION: Alleged "Man" Wails Alongside an Alleged "Woman," Who Remains Stoic

Jon Stewart crying about the 9-11 attacks and sniffling about his memories of the MLK assasination...

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Since all forms of white masculinity are viewed as adversarial (even terroristic) personality traits, well, crying like tampon-craving girl is considered a chic “rite of passageâ€￾ into the “ruling classâ€￾ of Jews, rich whites, wiggers, Marxists, feminists, career women, affirmative action non-whites, and other assorted dullards…

Crying in politics these days is the theater of deeply held sentiments. It is an attempt to use an emotional response to convey sincerity. At this late stage in Western Civilization only a complete moron believes a straight-faced politician. So they cry to make people think they actually care. For some of these clowns crying seems to involve a lot of mashing on their tear ducts with a finger. For others crying seems to come quite naturally. Being anti-masculine, it shows their softer side and appeals to the female voter. Ever since we made the mistake of letting women vote any male politician that wants to get elected has to appeal to the emotional crying demographic.

On the other hand, they all should cry in shame and beg forgiveness for what they have done to their country.
Thank you Thrashen and Paleocon for bringing into focus the reason for all of this male crying. I could not agree more that it is both a surrender of male values to feminist paradigm and an attempt of politicians to achieve some semblence of sympathy from an otherwise skeptical public. Both are odious reasons for doing it and besides what kind of men are they? I agree the tears, if any, should be shed for our disappearing culture.
No doubt that public crying comes off as weak and lily-livered...especially for (so-called) "leaders". These "men" need to exemplify being in control and focused...versus blubbering crybabies. There's a few justifiable occasions when men might shed a tear (in private), but NOT in front of an audience/in the spotlight. This public crying mess is part of the feminization of "men" as part of the cultmarx agenda. :thumbdown:
crying bush.jpg

CAPTION: George H.W. ("Huge Wigger") & George W. ("Wigger") Bush, Weeping Together

That one takes the cake - and WTF are those two satanic **** bawling, or pretending to bawl, over?

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CAPTION: George H.W. ("Huge Wigger") & George W. ("Wigger") Bush, Weeping Together

That one takes the cake - and WTF are those two satanic **** bawling, or pretending to bawl, over?



I think Skulln'bonesman Boosh (Sr.) was crying because the Bush clan had wanted Jeb to be POTUS (vs. Dubya).
I was just watching an interview of Steve Stricker, during final round coverage of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions or whatever corporate name the first PGA tournament of the year has been given this year. Stricker was asked how he wants to be remembered when he's done golfing. "As a good guy, someone who contributed to the community in Madison and elsewhere," he began before choking up and crying as tears streamed down his face. He was unable to finish. . .
I got a feeling this thread is going to be as large as the smiling negro thread.
How about **** Vermeil crying over super thug Lawrence Philips?

One of my collegiate track teammates told me that he once did a landscaping job at Vermeil’s mansion in Pennsylvania. He said that Vermeil’s enormous home was filled with hundreds of bizarre framed photos of D-ck hugging Negroes...

pace vermeil.jpeg

CAPTION: Homoerotica

He said that Vermeil wasn’t there at the time, but his wife supposedly bragged about D-ck allowed various NFL players to live in his mansion. Seriously, what a weirdo.

And, as The Hock mentioned, this gay p-ssy has cried so many times, for so many hollow reasons. He cried when the Rams forced him (at gunpoint) to publicly announce that the team had released Lawrence “Zenith Thug” Phillips, he wailed when the Rams won the Superbowl, he blubbered when the Rams lost the Superbowl, he bawled when Trent Green tore his ACL, he wept when he retired from coaching, then he sobbed when he “un-retired”…


CAPTION: Weirdo, Negro-Lover, Wussy, & Cry Baby, D-ck Vermeil
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I do believe quite a number of college and NFL coaches have a "thing" for some of their WGAs. The whole idea is sickening!
Hey, thanks for helping me out with the Dik Vermeil thing Thrashen. It really means...just...gulp, er, ahh....sniff....just give me minute...sniff...
Hey, thanks for helping me out with the Dik Vermeil thing Thrashen. It really means...just...gulp, er, ahh....sniff....just give me minute...sniff...
Who could forget the crying Alabama DWF earlier this season? Even his push-up bra wearing girlfriend couldn't lift his spirits. Pathetic!

I wonder if he inspired this Marquis Maze outpouring of "emotion" last night? Nah, probably just some of his extra "unlimited upside" leaking out the sides of his eyes.
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I am a bit fast emotional too. There is a rumor that de ani pregnantcy pills that a lot of women take can be saved out of the water after it went it it after pissing out, and this espacially the hormones in this pill are responisble for men change.Average men testoserone is getting lower every year according to stats, also men genital have shrinked.
I cried once. Didn't like it. Won't do it again.
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