Youths: Lift some weights for God’s sake!


May 20, 2005
I get tired of seeing white young men who are so skinny compared to the blacks even more tired than of seeing grossly obese people.

Screw "natural superiority"-they ain't the world's strongest race, WE are, proven fact The only %$#@%% reason your average black young man looks ripped is that sports and chasing tail are about the only things they do. Both lead them to lift weights religiously.

OTOH, I'd be surprised if 50% of young whites lift weights on a regular basis.
I've seen skinny people stronger than musclebound guys. It's just an illusion.
White Savage is right-young whites should get more into weights and fitness. I am not talking being a freak on the juice-I am talking being tough and well able to take care of youself and your loved ones if things get ugly and with more Mexicans coming into the US and blacks controlling the inner city they will get UGLY!
I don't know where you guys come from, but I see more fat Mexican & Blacks where I live. I posted something similar on the ANU forum.

<a href="" target="_blank">
Overweight and obesity in the U.S. occur at higher rates in racial / ethnic minority </a>Edited by: Bear-Arms
Rather some other group is fat or not is not my concern-What is my concern is that young Whites hit the weights and become as strong as there potenital can take them. I 'd like to see the top ten of every weight class in Boxing all white, entire NFL, NBA ,MLB teams entirely white. Every UFC Champion white. At least one Company in the Army and Marines White with the roughest,toughest guys you have ever seen.We won't get that eating donuts and watching The Jeffersons.
I thought you wanted whites to boycott the army?
"Every UFC Champion white"

I got good news for you there buddy...isn't every UFC titleholder currently white? I know HW, LW, MW, and WW are, can't remember LW right off my White Shogun?

I certainly Vitali unfifies the HW title PDQ and the big Eastern Europeans lock it up indefinitely. Of course, if UFC simply kills boxing, that too will be a victory.
BTW, something I forgot.

My philosophy-alot better to have the physique of Tank Abbot than the physique of Woody Allen, if you have to pick between the two.
The LW title is vacant. Yves Edwards is considered the 'best' LW, if you will, a black fighter from Haiti or Jamaica or someplace who now fights out of the Woodlands in Houston, Texas.

A fighter named Josh Thompson, who at 24-2 has at least as good a record as Yves at 25-8-1.

Yves has more wins at 25, and more losses at 8, than any other current fighter in the LW division.

You can check out these stats and those of other fighters at
Yes I believe White males should boycott the military as the military seems to favor blacks,gays and fat Mexicans-However there may be a future war with the Red Chinese,North Koreans or the whole Muslim World. At that time Uncle Sam's ONLY HOPE is a well trained,well lead Army of White Males-until that time comes let Uncle Sam "Stew a little" for his shameful treatment of the White Male. He'll come begging when the Chinese start there agression in the Far East. White males have won every war for the U.S.and all we have to show for it now are gay rights, open borders, diversity, affirmative action, 3rd world immigration and every major city black and crime filled. UNCLE SAM NEEDS WHITE MALES!!!!
Uncle Sam needs a Whole Division 10,000 to 15,000 men all White highly trained, led by White Officers to put fear in the hearts of the Muslims worldwide. Perhaps two Division one Marine-one Army. White Brothers from all over the U.S. No PC nonsense-just tough,White males. Train them like all like Rangers. Make them the roughest/toughest outfit in history and these men with Viking,Spartan,Knights in there blood could put fear in the hearts of our enemies. But the military as it is now don't ask-don't tell-don't join!
Funny you should bring up the Spartans and the phrase "Don't ask, don't tell" in the same post..,
Forget the Spartans then, if an All-White Army could fight as good as the Vikings of old we would have no trouble with Muslims, North Korea or the Chinese.
I notice White Males don't encourage there own like the blacks do-maybe we are more brainwashed then we think. If someone puts a post on here to build up/encourage other Whites,sadly it's other Whites who so often shoot it down. Are we afraid of success? We seem to nit pick way too much. The Caste System will stay in place a long time unless we stop fighting among ourselves over small matters and work together for the future of our race.
Gary, I wasn't discouraging people to stay healthy and lift weights. I was just saying, it's a stereotype to think that all blacks are athletic, I see quite the opposite in my community. Besides, weightlifters look nothing like body sculptors. If you seen a woman bodybuilder on the street you wouldn't even think she'd be able to lift. Looking the part is different than doing the part.
I think a lot of kids think it is too late for them
to start lifting weights. I think a 16 year old boy is going to
be embarassed if he can only bench 135 pounds in a weightroom.
Kids need some encouragement to start lifting I think.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Any kid who is embarrassed aboutlooking weak starting offcanbuy a set of free weights and start lifting in his basement if that's what's holding him back.
When Doug Hepburn started lifting weights he had a club foot that needed 3 operations and in a few years of lifting was billed as the 'Worlds Strongest Man'-When Bruno Sammartino came to the USA from Italy he was very skinny and weak and yet he built himself into a powerful wrestling champion and these stories are endless-start where you are with what you have-never give up-sleep-lift and eat lots of protein[milk,meat,eggs]and you will get stronger.
The Charles Atlas course layed the foundation for some pretty strong guys-Marciano,Sammartino,Clint Walker[actor who played Cheyenne] were some who started building there muscles with his course. I knew a young poor guy who wrote to the Charles Atlas Company and told them he couldn't afford the Course so they sent him one for free. There is no excuse for a young White male to be weak. I live in a city of 10,000 and even here there is baseball,YMCA for swimming,lifting weights,Judo, the high school has football,wrestling,track and basketball.I want to see young White males get stronger and tougher. Nobody is going to bully Hulk Hogan and take his lunch money. There is no reason for a White guy to get slapped around by anybody-Work out-believe in yourself-pray to God for help-go out for sports-eat right-eggs are only 50 cents a dozen and a quart of milk $1.25. YOU CAN MAKE IT IF YOU WANT TO!!!
There is the key: WANT TO.

You've got to move outside your comfort zone and make an effort to WORK. Put away the Gameboy, turn off the TV and pick up the iron. Hell, if you've ever had a bully on your tail (like I did, once) that should motivate you.

Of course, there are always those moms and dads who sort of get in the way instead of helping.
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