You can’t make this stuff up

Mar 8, 2007
From the book Great Government Goofs* by Leland H. Gregory, III:

"The United States Government's Food and Drug Administration takes longer to approve or disapprove drugs than similar agencies in any other country in the world. It's great to think that they're being cautious: but maybe there's another reason. The FDA recently put out their Equal Employment Opportunity Handbook spelling out 'practical' guidelines for hiring. One segment of the handbook related this hiring tidbit: The normal requirement of 'knowledge of rules of grammar' and 'ability to spell accurately' should be overlooked, since it may interfere with hiring of 'underrepresented groups or individuals with disabilities.' The statute later explains that the interview process should not be used 'to judge highly subjective traits such as motivation, ambition, maturity, personality, and neatness.'"

Makes sense to me. Of course, the rainbow of diversity should always be favored over something as trivial as competence.

*the book was published in 1997, but do you think that anything has changed?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
So If I had dreads, and was hyper and spelled ebonic style I could be a government document proof reader.......


May 3, 2006
I recall a situation a few years back in California where the head of the California Forest Service (a woman) put out a memo warning her supervisors that they were hiring too many qualified people. This, she reasoned, was hurting the push for diversity.

I think she was correct.


Nov 25, 2004
Our new black superintendent of schools in my area was nominated by a school board member with a statement that went something to the effect of: "He doesn't speak proper English, he misuses the letter S, his writing doesn't have proper grammar, he doesn't have the experience and qualification of the other candidate (white), he is a big risk, but a risk I'm willing to take."

Welcome to Minnesota! The superintendent of our schools!! Can you believe that?Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'd expect that kind of comment back home in the Delta, not in Minnesota. I guess its like Spanky McFarland once said, "things bad every place."
Mar 8, 2007
Hockaday said:
I recall a situation a few years back in California where the head of the California Forest Service (a woman) put out a memo warning her supervisors that they were hiring too many qualified people. This, she reasoned, was hurting the push for diversity.

I think she was correct.

It seems that hiring in this country has gotten topsy-turvy. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is a great concept. The best people should be considered and hired regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, etc. However, when everyone is given an equal opportunity, Caucasians and Asians usually are the most qualified. That so horrifies the social engineers that there are things like Affirmitive Action and other programs for under-represented groups. What is forgotten is that they are under-represented because they are just simply less qualified.

I had to tell my father, who used to be a manager who hired and fired, that there is now something called "race norming" which is used for hiring based upon test scores. "Race norming" is the creation of separate test score lists because Caucasians and Asians are invariably the top scorers and, if hiring was done mainly based upon test scores, certain under-represented minorities would seldom be hired.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
Our new black superintendent of schools in my area was nominated by a school board member with a statement that went something to the effect of: "He doesn't speak proper English, he misuses the letter S, his writing doesn't have proper grammar, he doesn't have the experience and qualification of the other candidate (white), he is a big risk, but a risk I'm willing to take."

And we wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket?In an effort to dumb-down the militaryeven more - West Point is lowering standards. That's got to be a good idea. 419/NEWS/704190323/-1/COMM03

Times Herald-Record
April 19, 2007
West Point â€â€￾ Struggling to attract black candidates, the U.S. Military Academy is rethinking admission requirements for minorities.

... But as the percentage of black cadets at the historic officer training school hovers well below national and Army averages, the school's top officers say something needs to change to expand the pool of black applicants.
"There may be African-Americans out there with lower standardized test scores who would perform very well at West Point," said Col. Andre Sayles, director of the military academy's newly created diversity office.
Another high-ranking official, who was granted anonymity because his remarks were made during a background briefing last week, said West Point should accept minority candidates with "lower SATs."
"This academy needs to bring in more kids who are at risk than ever before," the senior Army officer said, using the admissions term for candidates with lower-than-average test scores.
"Our 'at risk' kids, very frankly, tend to come from the minority communities."Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Gentlemen, I know that I'm redundant in making this point, but I feel it's vitally important.......this is ALL by design!!! The Globalist Elite strongly embrace and push this socialist engineering via their controlled channels. These Globalist "puppet-masters" also know that this type of madness (PC BS) will lead a more expedient downfall of our once-great Republic. These Internationalist vermin who control the government/media complex continuously look for angles such as these to dissolve our sovereign nation & thereby more quickly implement their North American Union (NAU)...and ultimately their One World Government/socialist dystopia...

"This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept."

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral Commission co-founder & Jimmy Carter NSA

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Mar 8, 2007
highschoolcoach said:
From the book Great Government Goofs* by Leland H. Gregory, III:

"The United States Government's Food and Drug Administration takes longer to approve or disapprove drugs than similar agencies in any other country in the world.  It's great to think that they're being cautious: but maybe there's another reason.  The FDA recently put out their Equal Employment Opportunity Handbook spelling out 'practical' guidelines for hiring.  One segment of the handbook related this hiring tidbit: The normal requirement of 'knowledge of rules of grammar' and 'ability to spell accurately' should be overlooked, since it may interfere with hiring of 'underrepresented groups or individuals with disabilities.'  The statute later explains that the interview process should not be used 'to judge highly subjective traits such as motivation, ambition, maturity, personality, and neatness.'"

Makes sense to me.  Of course, the rainbow of diversity should always be favored over something as trivial as competence.

*the book was published in 1997, but do you think that anything has changed?

Found this is in American Renaissance after reading about it (AR)in a forum:

New Federal Job Exam

For years, entry-level jobs in the federal government were filled by competitive examination. That is, they were until 1982, when the tests were thrown out because so few minorities could pass them. In the old days, only 0.07% (yes, that's seven in ten thousand) of the blacks who took the Professional and Administrative Career Examination (PACE) scored high enough to be considered for a job.

In a capital city that is 70% black, this was politically unacceptable, so, for the last eight years, jobs in the government have been doled out on the basis of "softer" criteria, like job interviews, recommendations, and college grades. It was a procedure that one director of government personnel calls "intellectually confusing,procedurally nightmarish, inaccessible to students, and very difficult to explain."

Well, yes, it is difficult to explain to white applicants that objective hiring criteria have been junked because the feds want to hire more non-whites. At the same time, after eight year's worth of determined, non-white hiring, even the bureaucrats began to notice that some of the new recruits weren't up to the job. Former Reserve Bank chairman, Paul Volcker, headed a commission reporting last spring that incompetent employees were creating a "quiet crisis" in government and that things had to change.

A new government test has been developed at great expense, and with an eye to eliminating "adverse impact" on minorities. Nevertheless, if it is a genuine test of professional aptitude, we suspect that blacks and Hispanics will score worse than whites. We hope this will not cause the Mandarins too much embarrassment.

And we wonder why the government doesn't work as effectively and efficiently as it should.