Yet another NBA brawl.

Don Wassall said:
"Hockey years ago eliminated brawling. Players fight, but if a third player joins in, or anyone jumps off the bench while a fight is taking place, they face a severe suspension, something on the order of 20 games. As a result, hockey fights are one-on-one bouts only."

...can't say I disagree with your points. Hockey fighting is one on one. However, I think due to the 3 cheap hockey incidents I mentioned hockey has implemented strict suspensions and fines for illegal hits and cheap shots on defenseless players. There have been some cheap one on one hits. The Bertuzzi hit, although he didn't mean to break his neck, and some others were done to get revenge. They are calling illegal checks tighter and the fighting has to be face up fights. There is no allowance for more sticking incidents or Tie Domi/Darian Hatcher illegal checks. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Yeah, let's talk about Bertuzzi and McSorley.

Both of those guys were charged with and found guilty of assault.

Both were suspended indefinitely. Bertuzzi's suspension lasted 20 games; McSorley never played another game of hockey in the NHL. Bertuzzi lost over half a million dollars in salary.

Since when have you ever heard of a black athlete in any sport being charged with assault for fighting another player during a game? Kermit Washington almost killed Rudy Tomjanovich and he wasn't charged with assault. The only NBA players suspended for more time than McSorley have been suspended for fighting with fans or assaulting a coach, not another player.

Citing McSorley and Bertuzzi as examples of 'whites' fighting only substantiates the fact that their is a double standard in the way black athletes are treated in comparison to whites.

p.s. If anyone is wondering who cited McSorley and Bertuzzi, among others, it was Riggins in the post before this one. I shoulda quoted you, Riggins.
Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
Yeah, let's talk about Bertuzzi and McSorley.

Both of those guys were charged with and found guilty of assault.

Both were suspended indefinitely. Bertuzzi's suspension lasted 20 games; McSorley never played another game of hockey. Bertuzzi lost over half a million dollars in salary.

Citing McSorley and Bertuzzi as examples of 'whites' fighting only substantiates the fact that their is a double standard in the way black athletes are treated in comparison to whites.

p.s. If anyone is wondering who cited McSorley and Bertuzzi, among others, it was Riggins in the post before this one. I shoulda quoted you, Riggins.

Bertuzzi has always been a dirtbag...but he's a dirtbag who can play. I saw the come-from-behind swing that he took at that player, and it was really dirty.

As for McSorely, his incident got blown out of proportion because he just happened to do it a black player (Brashear, another usless piece of s#it), and ESPN jumped all over it. I'm not excusing either of their behavior, but McSorely's case was taken to the utter extreme because Brashear was black. If McSorely were to have struck a White player, he wouldn't have been thrown out of the league, I'm sure of it.

Here's what would have happened if Brashear were White...A crapload of fines would have been paid, a serious suspension would have been in order, and a public apology would have been made by McSorely....but he would NOT have been banned from the NHL forever.You have to remember he did this to "one of them", therefore, ESPN used it and replayed the incident over-and-over, as did every local news channel. (I live five minutes from NYC, and hockey is hated around here, but was this incident plastered all over the news? YOU BET IT WAS. Guess why) Race was DEFINITELY a factor in this, theres no doubt about it. I'm sure the NHL could smell Al Sharpton coming a mile away, and they didn't want to drag this through the mud any further. He's lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime. Seriously.

The media, especially the soulless turds that control ESPN, love to see White athletes not only fail, but suffer as well. E.G.- Blacky attacks Whitey, and there are little or no repercussions. Vice versa? Whitey is demonized with impunity.

Side note: Shogun, McSorely DID play hockey again after that incident, but it was in European Leagues for just a brief period of time, and NOT in the NHL. Just thought I'd point that out.

Edited by: Ground Fighter
White Shogun said:
Yeah, let's talk about Bertuzzi and McSorley.

Both of those guys were charged with and found guilty of assault....Since when have you ever heard of a black athlete in any sport being charged with assault for fighting another player during a game? Kermit Washington almost killed Rudy Tomjanovich and he wasn't charged with assault.

Good post Shogun. And you're right about Kermit Washington, he should have been charged with assault. Can you imagine the outcry if Bill Laimbeer cold cocked a black player in the same fashion and pert near killed him? He would have had to endure hell.
The Kermit Washington near-killing of Tomjanovich was shocking when it occurred. It figured prominently in the media's building up of the super-tough black man image, and made white athletes even more reluctant to initiate a fight with a blackathlete or to respond properly to a provocationthan they already were. The footage of it was played over and over,similar to howthe Rodney King beating and other events have been used to try to instill the proper lessons in the masses. I remember Garrett Morris doing a "sports report" on SNL's "news" segmentwhere it was used humorously as an example of how black athleteswere oppressed.

Speaking of the heads of evil whites getting in the way of an oppressedblack's fist, guess what happened today?
the center, who remains hospitalized, has a skull fracture, a severe concussion and a small bruise on the left side of his brain.

"From what I'm told, when he got hit unexpectedly, he went out cold instantly and fell right back on his head,"

Surprise, surprise.
Whether Bertuzzi is a dirt bag or not is irrelevant to the fact that he was charged with assault, while there are plenty of black affalete dirt bags who have not been charged with assault for striking another player during a game. The whole point of my post wasn't to defend those two as much as just to point out the disparity of treatment.

I've edited my earlier post for accuracy, as you pointed out McSorley did actually play hockey again, just not in the NHL.
.......QUOTE from article:

Andriuskevicius' agent, Herb Rudoy, told the Chicago Sun-Times that the center, who remains hospitalized, has a skull fracture, a severe concussion and a small bruise on the left side of his brain.

"From what I'm told, when he got hit unexpectedly, he went out cold instantly and fell right back on his head," Rudoy told the Sun-Times.END OF QUOTE......

He got hit "unexpectedly" huh? I guess thats P.C. terminology for "typical, blind-sided, negro, sucka-punch". Blacks love to strike when no one's looking don't they. But what I can't figure out is, why some of these guys are getting hurt so badly from a single shot.

When I was about 14, I was on a bus in Jersey City with my girlfriend at the time. We were coming back from Newport Mall, and there was a group of young blacks (about the same age) that started openly and publically discussing my girl's body with one-another. Well, I didn't like it. When we got off the bus, I said something to the blacks (against her wishes), and I got into a fight with them...all three of them. I knew what was going to happen, and I didn't care. This was "respect" issue here.I would rather get banged up in a fight that I know I'm not going to win, than be emasculated in front of my girlfriend. Needless to say, they got the best of me, but I did get some quality shots in. However, I was in no way seriously hurt, other than a few cuts and bruises.

Thats why I can't understand why this basketball player got hurt so bad from a single shot to the head. I guess it was just because he didn't see it coming or maybe he was hit just the right way. Some people are just more concussion-prone than others. Luckily, I am not one of those people.
White Shogun said:
Whether Bertuzzi is a dirt bag or not is irrelevant to the fact that he was charged with assault, while there are plenty of black affalete dirt bags who have not been charged with assault for striking another player during a game. The whole point of my post wasn't to defend those two as much as just to point out the disparity of treatment.

I've edited my earlier post for accuracy, as you pointed out McSorley did actually play hockey again, just not in the NHL.

I never said you were defending them.I already stated that they were both wrong for what they did. I just forgot that Bertuzzi was charged with assault. It had been a while since that incident, so I forgot that part. Don't be so hostile.
Sorry GF, I didn't mean to come across that way. Bertuzzi's incident occured in '04; McSorley's in 2000. In a way, the fact that those incidents happened so long ago and years apart adds even more weight to our contention that these types of incidents happen more in the NBA than other sports.
White Shogun said:
In a way, the fact that those incidents happened so long ago and years apart adds even more weight to our contention that these types of incidents happen more in the NBA than other sports.

Yeah, absolutely. I have a feeling that the Pistons/Pacers and Knicks/Nuggets brawls will not be the last of them. I'm sure the NBA will provide us with much more of this sort of "activity", throughout the rest of the season. Theres still two-thirds of the season to go, so that leaves a lot of time for the leagues finest players to further embarrass themselves for our entertainment.

Its funny, because I never watched basketball, until recently. Its not the violence per se, that gets me to tune in, just the fact that they act like fools gives me a good chuckle.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Public reaction to NBA fights completely out of whack


very time there's a fight or a brawl in the NBA the country reacts like the sanctity of our American culture is at stake. In the wake of the New York Knicks and Denver Nuggets brawl this weekend there's hand-wringing ("What has our country come to?"), whining ("I can't believe these millionaire athletes can't behave") and morally superior generational posturing ("These kids today are just bad seeds.")

This is all complete crap. Your average intramural league has more dustups than an NBA game. Yet every time one of these brawls or fights occurs, the cultural critics come yapping, and the eternal barking over our sporting demise is ascendant. Never mind that the NBA is by far the least violent of our major professional sports leagues, or that the league is likely to levy a substantial suspension and fine to punish those involved. None of that matters, because these dust-ups are primarily black guys fighting, and we can't have that.

Baseball's players are 60 percent white and only 8.5 percent black. The NHL has 2.5 percent black players, while the NBA is about 80 percent black. But I'm sure it's insignificant that the players in the NBA fighting this past weekend were black. After all, we're a color-blind society, right? We treat everyone the same, and comparing professional hockey or baseball fighting to basketball fighting isn't really fair.

And the race of the athletes has nothing to do with how we respond to the fighting in those sports, either. Or maybe in the end, the reaction of our country when NBA players fight says a lot more about us than it does about them.

Apparently this white piece of crap is upset about the amount of attention and backlash is directed towards his precious black masters.Edited by: Deacon
Fighting in sports has always ocured and its as much a black thing as white thing. I think its stupid to to pick out on black fight and say how it encompases all black behavior. When there are just as many white fights in sports. Sports in todays society serves as a sort of sudo warfare and teams as tribes. During competition players get very emotional and fights break out. So I think sports is a special situation were a non criminal white male might fight just a readaly as a black. Of coares in the real world blacks are much more violent just look at the crime statistics.
white tornado said:
Fighting in sports has always ocured and its as much a black thing as white thing. I think its stupid to to pick out on black fight and say how it encompases all black behavior. When there are just as many white fights in sports.


There IS, in fact, a difference between the two races when it comes to violence in sports. Lets compare basketball to hockey, shall we...

In hockey, fights are concentual-bouts between two players who agree to throw down (99% of the time, as they're are always execptions). Two players square up, drop their gloves, adjust their elbow pads, and kick away any equipment lying on the ice, so no one trips over it. The ref takes the same position that a boxing or UFC official would, and then they bang-out. There is a respect factor here. And when the official feels that enough is enough, he intervenes, and they stop. Again, there is a respect factor here.

Basketball, on the other hand, is hockey's polar opposite. Thats why I become incredibly irate when I hear morons on Stephen A. Smiff's show, say "Oh well, the Whiteboys fight in hockey, its the same thing.". NO, IT IS NOT THE SAME THING. But they will never allow a hockey player enforcer, such as Scott Parker or even Eric Boulton, to come on Mr. Smiff's show and explain why it isn't the same. (Maybe Mr. Smiff is just chicken-s#it to have a tough, White man on his show, because it goes against everything he stands for. I am truly convinced that the purpose of his show is solely to emasculate us. I'm not have delusions again, its just that his show is so blatently anti-White, that its comical.)

Moving on. When trouble occurs on the court, 20 players end up out there who don't want to actually "fight", as much as they just want to look tough on T.V. One or two idiots (usually black) throw sucker punches (at usually Whites), and then proceed to disappear into the crowd of players, hoping to not get hit back (the same way Carmelo Anthony did the other night). Then, the court is flooded with every referee, coach, manager, security guard and police officer, because the fiasco is so out of control that no one can stop it.

Bottom line:

-Hockey players fight, while still adhering to
the "unwritten rules" of a scrap.

-Basketball players (usually black) cause mass chaos,
and show no regard for anyone, including, other
players, coaches, fans, or even law enforcement.

End of story.

Edited by: Ground Fighter
White Shogun said:
Since when have you ever heard of a black athlete in any sport being charged with assault for fighting another player during a game? Kermit Washington almost killed Rudy Tomjanovich and he wasn't charged with assault. The only NBA players suspended for more time than McSorley have been suspended for fighting with fans or assaulting a coach, not another player.

Citing McSorley and Bertuzzi as examples of 'whites' fighting only substantiates the fact that their is a double standard in the way black athletes are treated in comparison to whites.

The Tomjanovich point is a good one. Kermit should have been charged with assault and punished by the NBA harsher than he was maybe even thrown out of the league! I would also agree that the media harped the McSorley incident to death...However, Scott Neidermeyer was also punished for a less severe sticking incident on a black player named Worrell. This was also over-hyped by the media, and he was punished less than Bertuzzi, because If I remember correctly the public didn't believe it to be racially motivated. Also, unlike Bertuzzi's incident the victim wasn't hurt badly...

Worrell was a goon hockey player who was nothing more than a hulk checker on skates. He pissed Neidermeyer off by an illegal check that hurt his teammate. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I definitley agree that the media sides with the black athlete over whites, but in my opinion you can find both black and white who have taken cheap shots at other players!

I'm not saying I'm right on my opinion. It's possible that certain groups are more geneticly predisposed to assault people or take cheap shots...However, I think that may have to do more with genetic predispostions for quick tempers. I know this is not a geneology theory board, but I think it's innappropriate to label certain groups b/c of headlines in the media and stereotypes that are out there...and being Irish and Scotish I can tell you that people stereotype us as being rowdy drinkers with tempers....and if a black person insulted me by labeling me as that I would take it as an insult b/c they are not one of us! I am done ranting on this subject, I just think it's inappropriate to overstereotype groups for very negative qualities, and that that even happening occasionally is too much.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
What 'stereotype' are you objecting to, Riggins? Let's be specific and see if it's a stereotype or a fact.
I'm objecting to the thug persona that certain posters attribute to the black race...I tend to have a more liberal veiw of crime statistics.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Ground Fighter said:
But what I can't figure out is, why some of these guys are getting hurt so badly from a single shot.

Don't forget how big some of these guys are. This player was 6-6, and I assume with some good upper body strength. I would NOT want to get hit by somebody that big.

Thats why I can't understand why this basketball player got hurt so bad from a single shot to the head.

My guess is that he fractured his skull when he hit the floor. He's 7-2, that's a long way to fall.
I can't figure out why the guy won't press charges against Sorley. Its just
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I'm objecting to the thug persona that certain posters attribute to the black race...I tend to have a more liberal veiw of crime statistics.

I totally agree. The War on Drugs is the main culprit behind so many young black(white also) men being behind bars. Most of these drug offenders were non-violent criminals. Riggins would you agree?
whiteCB said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I'm objecting to the thug
persona that certain posters attribute to the black race...I tend to have a
more liberal veiw of crime statistics.

I totally agree. The War on Drugs is the main culprit behind so many young
black(white also) men being behind bars. Most of these drug offenders were
non-violent criminals. Riggins would you agree?
I'll go out on a limb here and guess you have never spent a day in jail
Yes, there are a lot of black men behind bars for rather minor crimes of drug possesion, especially for marijuana.

But here is how it works. The police know that a certain person has committed an array of violent crimes. Assault, armed robbery, rape, even murder. But they can't make a case against him because all of the potential witnesses are either criminals themselves or are afraid to testify, or just don't bother to go to the trial, and no matter what evidence they find inner city juries often refuse to convict no matter how rock solid the case.

But busting someone for drugs is EASY. It is the easiest crime in the world for the law enforcement system. Why? Drugs are virtually the only thing in our society that it is a crime to have in ones possesion. If they catch a guy with drugs in his possesion then they have an open and shut case. No further evidence is needed, no extenuating circumstances, no eyewitnesses, nothing. Just put the case on the docket and try it.

There is a whole lot of crime going on in Americas ghettos. There is nowhere near the resources to handle it. So what would you rather have? A bunch of violent criminals behind bars on drug charges, and some non-violent patsies thrown in with them, or those same rotten bastards out in public killing and raping with no real way put many of them behind bars?

When I was a die hard libertarian I would have replied that it was better to have them out in public then to violate their basic right to "self-ownership" in their choice to use drugs.

But then I realized I have to live in the real world not the world of ideas. Especially ideas that were formulated for white people living in white societies.

I have seen the world of the urban American black up close for years. You just cannot believe the level of criminality. And I don't give a rat's ass if it is because of the "legacy of slavery" or bad DNA, it is what it is.

There is a simple formula for making life better in America. Put black men behing bars. The more that are in jail, the better society will be. Every arrest and incarceration of a black man reduces the crime rate, do it enough and you will have serious reductions in crime.

Is there a better way? What? Welfare, government "counseling"? Get real. None of that stuff would work even if it was done right and the government never does that stuff right.

You only have so many years on this planet. If you are stuck in a largely non-white society then encourage the government to build as many jails as possible and fill them up to capacity. Either that or move to Ireland or Iceland or somewhere while you still can.
jaxvid said:
And I don't give a rat's ass if it is because of the "legacy of slavery" or bad DNA, it is what it is.

There is a simple formula for making life better in America. Put black men behing bars. The more that are in jail, the better society will be. Every arrest and incarceration of a black man reduces the crime rate, do it enough and you will have serious reductions in crime.

Could it be they are slaves to bad DNA? Jaxvid, your post is filled with truth and common sense. I am so sick of the nature vs nurture debate. What will it take for people to wake up and smell the coffee?
I would only say in response to Jaxvid that I have a somewhat different
take on blacks disproportionately in jail for drug crimes. Liberals always
say that there are a lot of white, upper class people who do drugs too,
why aren't they in jail? The reason is that the white upper class people
aren't out on the street committing other crimes. They go back to their
suburbs and party and that's pretty much the end of it.

Meanwhile, poor blacks on drugs are committing other crimes to feed
their habit--theft, armed robbery, drug dealing, and the like. Also, many
of the blacks caught are members os street gangs, which murder, rape,

The cops focus on the poor blacks because they can kill two birds with
one stone--by getting the drug addicts, dealers, and gang members off
the street, they also eliminate a lot of other violent crime and larceny that
these people commit. So they go where they get the most bang for their

Drug use, violence, and poverty may indeed cause some of the problems.
They sure do reinforce them. But the reason why people are poor in this
country is because they are lazy, dumb, have no skills, make poor
decisions, have bad character, don't work or cooperate with others, etc.
People who do nothing and act like animals create poverty for themselves
and others--poverty is a human invention, just like prosperity is. Poverty
is not some malevolent force all its own.
PitBull said:
Meanwhile, poor blacks on drugs are committing other crimes to feed
their habit--theft, armed robbery, drug dealing, and the like. Also, many
of the blacks caught are members os street gangs, which murder, rape,

Black murders white Nun for Drug Money

Craig Lynch is found guilty in the April, 2006 murder of Sister Karen Klimczak. Lynch had admitted to the killing, telling police he was in Sr. Karen's room at Bissonnette House to steal her cell phone when she surprised him and he panicked.

He attacked the nun, killing her and then buried her body in a lot near his mother's home. Lynch was acquitted of first-degree murder. Defense Attorney David Addelman said Lynch didn't intend to kill Klimczak.

Sr. Karen operated Bissonnette House on Grider St. in Buffalo. Bissonnette House is a halfway house for recently paroled men. Craig Lynch had moved into Bissonnette House less than 2 weeks before the attack on Sr. Karen. He was found guilty of second degree felony murder and first degreemanslauther and burglary.

Craig Lynch faces 25 years to life in prison when he is sentenced in March.

Anyone interested in the history of the "War on Drugs" should read the book Smoke and Mirrors by Dan Baum.Edited by: C Darwin
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