Why the media hates MMA, hockey, and K2


May 20, 2005
Hi. This was an email I sent out to the "usual suspects" today. Thought it only right to post it on castefootball.

MMA, Hockey, and champion heavy-weights Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko...what do these things have in common?

Yet another journalist decided to basically attack MMA on his program. John Deustch, who hosts something called "The Big Question", did a special on the "Ultimate Fighting Craze" on Friday night, albeit he had the decency to allow WW Champion Matt Hughes, MW Champion Rich Franklin, and fighters Forest Griffin and Luke Cuommo on the show to defend their sport. While Deutsch was highly non-confrontational (understandable when everyone in the room can beat you into a greasy spot with one arm tied), he used the same script as everyone else who has bashed MMA-Such as "Conservative" John McCain, Colin Cowherd of ESPN radio, and neo-conman commentator Matt Drudge. "Barbaric", "Primal", "Human *******-fighting", "barfighting"-sound familiar? Over and over this T.V talking head said "Well, I'm a boxing fan, but this seems just a little extreme...", the ironic part being that the NEXT segment of his show was a discussion of why two boxers have died in the ring in the last month, yet NO ONE has EVER died in a UFC match! I repeat, not ONE death. Yet this utter hypocrite can a boxing afficianado and condemn MMA with a straight face!

For those of you who don't know, boxing is more dangerous than MMA for a number of reasons, starting with the very piece of the equipment that most people think makes it safer-boxing gloves. But brain damage is the danger in fight sport, and this is NOT caused by direct impact from the fist. Instead, it is caused by jarring impact and the brain rattling around inside the cranium. The heavy padded boxing glove, which SEEMS so humane, actually adds weight and impetus to the fist, increasing the jar to the brain. It is no coincidence that "punch drunkeness" and pugilistic dementia were UNKNOWN in the pre-glove prize ring. While the capacity of a bare or lightly-padded fist to knock someone out with one punch is probably greater, this actually DECREASES the rate of brain injury, since a man who is knocked out with one-two-three good punchs will not take as many jars to the brain as a man who goes the distance and gets hit with one-two-three HUNDRED punches. It is a statistical fact that middle-weights experience more brain-damage than heavy-weights-HWs hit harder, but MWs hit more often, and that is what makes the difference. The British Medical Association has even recently recommended that proffesional boxing go back to bare-knuckle, after observing that bare-knuckle fighters in Thailand do not suffer brain damage, even though nearly every match ends in a KO. And obviously, getting caught in an armbar or choke and tapping out involves little risk of injury.

Despite these facts, Mr. Deutsch had some shill of a neurosurgeon on his show to help him bash MMA. This man had the gall to look at footage of knees being thrown and say something about the danger of angular rotation trauma. Which simply means the head being jerked around, as previously discussed. But probably the best way in the world to cause "angular rotation trauma" to the head are powerful hooks to the jaw, ESPECIALLY with a half-pound of glove on your fist. But boxing is "civillized" whereas MMA is "barbaric"? He also made one comment which makes me doubt his medical competence, claiming that a rear-choke will cause brain damage after ten seconds. Excuse me? It usually doesn't even cause UNCONSCIOUSNESS in ten seconds, much less brain damage. The worst-conditioned person in the world can hold their breath for a full minute. What is this guy smoking?

But you know, being fairly intelligent guys, I'm sure the media is well aware of these facts. No, it's not ignorance that causes them to attack UFC/MMA. Or for that matter, hockey. Yes, our friend Cowherd was at it again on ESPN radio. After saying on his show last month "I'll talk about boxing, but not UFC. UFC is like human *******fighting!" (You see, the SAME script), "MMA fans look like the cast of deliveranceJ", on a recent episode he opined that hockey fans "are going to the games, after all, they're not going to the opera or anything", "Think it's okay to wear a jersey to dinner" (It's not?) and "are like people who go to sci-fi cons". Hmmm...I wonder if he'd also point out that a typical NBA or NFL fan also isn't likely to go to the opera.

Kind of reminds me of the situation with the Klitschko brothers. Here are two guys with PHds, who speak five languages, handsome, athletic, champion fighters, even no felony records! Yet they are hated by the boxing media and the average fan. When Holyfield fought Tyson, everyone rooted for him as a classy guy against the rapist animal that was "Iron Mike", yet Evander himself has 10 kids by 8 women. But Vitali, probably the only true gentleman to be a HW champion since the Brockton Blockbuster himself, Rocky Marciano, can get no respect.

So I ask you, what, or rather who, do these things have in common? What common factor links UFC, NHL, and Russian HWs in media scorn? Why, when the average MMA champion has a College degree and the average boxer has a felony record, is the former considered barbaric?

If your remember that you live in a society that considers things Al Franken's "Stupid White Men" to be worthy of publishing, that considers open ethnic slurs like "White Men Can't Jump" to be decent comedy, and legally enshrines discrimination against the ethnicity that founded this nation, it's not too hard to figure out. Hockey, the new wave of Eastern European boxers, and most especially MMA, all present countless role-models of strong, athletic, rugged White males. But the left-media wants all your images of strength and machismo to come from the ghetto. In this way, they can attack and demean the White race who built this country, and more importantly, the White values and ideals, such as discipline, decorum, self-reliance, and above all, Liberty, that this country was founded on. The White MMA fighters who defeat their black counterparts 90% of the time, the Eastern Europeans who seem unstoppable in boxing right now, and the hockey fans who DARE to follow a sport where fast sprinting isn't the #1 requirement for super-stardom, they aren't going along with the plan you see. And for this, they must be punished.

Well, I'm not one to tow the line for my hidden masters. I'm going to keep watching the UFC, rooting for the continual dominance of my Brothers in that sport as well as boxing. Hell, I may even start watching hockey.

I hope you will too.

Matt Bailey

"Over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the
supreme fighting man of earth." - Robert E. Howard

Beat the plowshares back into swords. The other was a maiden aunt's dream-Robert Heinlein

Princes and Lords should learn to survive with this art,
in earnest and in play. But if you are fearful, you should
not learn to fence. Because a despondent heart will always
be defeated, regardless of all skill.
--Sigmund Ringeck, Fechtmeister to Albrecht, Duke of Rhine, circa 1420-1440

With the Sword I will wash my shame away/God's Doom bring what it may.--Arab saying
Excellent email, White Savage! Excellent!

How many characters in the movie deliverance had college degrees? Chuck Lidell has a degree in ACCOUNTING! How many accountants do you know that can kick your ass?? Rich Franklin has a Masters degree and taugh MATH in high school before fighting full time. Any number of UFC fighters with a wrestling background have degrees. They wrestled and competed in the NCAA, before moving on to the UFC.

If WWE hadn't taken over and Hollywood-ized wrestling, it would still be a professional sport in its own right.

I admit it. I personally like the fact that white men dominate in the most "brutal" of sports, like MMA and hockey.

That should tell all those liberal panty-waists in the media something.

American Freedom News