Why does the castesystem exist?

la piovra

May 7, 2020
Longtime lurker, who has experience first hand with the inner workings of the corrupt recruiting processes. Now I no longer watch sportsball because i like some others got turned off by the propaganda it has become let alone first hand example of the corruption. But my question is when did the caste system seem to take place and establish itself? Also what is the why behind it? Thanks
Longtime lurker, who has experience first hand with the inner workings of the corrupt recruiting processes. Now I no longer watch sportsball because i like some others got turned off by the propaganda it has become let alone first hand example of the corruption. But my question is when did the caste system seem to take place and establish itself? Also what is the why behind it? Thanks

I'd recommend scrolling down to the bottom of the page and start reading some of the articles in the "Understanding the Caste System" section, particularly J.B. Cash's pieces. This is a great one to start with: http://www.castefootball.us/index.php?threads/the-racial-caste-system-in-sports.8644/
Seems like what I suspected it started around the time of integration, France seem to have pioneered this type of thinking by giving their colonial pets something that can be "theirs"(soccer) while the ethnic Frenchmen just play rugby...My question is this though would non integrated leagues ever be welcomed again first at a civic then national level?
With all due respect I think the words "caste system" as used here is a misnomer. The caste system is in India where the civilization and the Hindu religion was founded by ancient Aryans (indo-Europeans) thousands of years ago, and to some extent at least the caste system there has preserved the dominance of our race, tho diluted over the millenium, for at least the lighter skinned Indian Brahmans. Thousands of year, a hell of a lot longer than it seems we will be dominant here in north America and western Europe!

If you want to learn about the ancient Aryans I recommend the videos of Robert Sepehr who hasn't been censored from Youtube yet.
With all due respect I think the words "caste system" as used here is a misnomer. The caste system is in India where the civilization and the Hindu religion was founded by ancient Aryans (indo-Europeans) thousands of years ago, and to some extent at least the caste system there has preserved the dominance of our race, tho diluted over the millenium, for at least the lighter skinned Indian Brahmans. Thousands of year, a hell of a lot longer than it seems we will be dominant here in north America and western Europe!

If you want to learn about the ancient Aryans I recommend the videos of Robert Sepehr who hasn't been censored from Youtube yet.

It's a great name because many people have heard of India's caste system and thus can understand the main point of this site more easily, even though most disagree because it's not what the media told them to think and thus it "does not compute."

There are generic caste systems, not just India's. Anyway, after 18 years and a lot of recognition of CF by friend and foe alike, the name isn't going anywhere. ;)
It's a great name because many people have heard of India's caste system and thus can understand the main point of this site more easily, even though most disagree because it's not what the media told them to think and thus it "does not compute."

There are generic caste systems, not just India's. Anyway, after 18 years and a lot of recognition of CF by friend and foe alike, the name isn't going anywhere. ;)

Hey if it works it's good, and good on you, as they say on that south pacific island where they are importing black africans and mohamedans, along with the peoples republic of new zealand next door, so that they too can celebrate the greatness of Diversity - so don't mind me kvetching!

PS Ain't I smart, I switch dialects from Australopithecine* to Yiddish on a dime!

* I'm used to kidding my Australian "mates".
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