White Man Accused of Racism for Not Selling Cam Newton His Airplane Seat

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
There’s a viral video making its way around Twitter this weekend that shows NFL star QB Can Newtown offering a man $1500 for his seat that has more legroom with the unidentified man turning down the generous offer.

But then Twitchy regular Tariq Nasheed entered the debate and accused the man of not taking the money because it “was and insult to his WHITENESS”:

Saw this yesterday. Personally I would have taken the $1500 hell might have even asked for more. Double that offer and seat is all yours buddy!
Bucky I am with you I would have taken the money also. However, I admire the heck out the guy for standing his ground for what ever the reason was.
Depends where they were going. $1500 doesn't cover the upgrade on some seating upgrades. And there may be some company rules about accepting cash where that guy worked. And if money is no object for you the extra leg room is more valuable.
Depends where they were going. $1500 doesn't cover the upgrade on some seating upgrades. And there may be some company rules about accepting cash where that guy worked. And if money is no object for you the extra leg room is more valuable.
All of this is valid, however the mind-reading Ministry of Truth KNOWS the real reason! He's a RAYCISS bigot who refuses to give the black man his due! He needs to be tracked down and thrown into a FEMA facility for punishment and reprogramming!!
Nasheed is insulted by his own reflection. He is always trying to stir the pot.
American Freedom News