White guys smoke pot too and win CY Young award!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A white athlete busted for pot! the article goes pretty easy on him.

Tim Lincecum was cited by the state police in Washington for possession of marijuana this week. The pot was found in his car after he was pulled over for speeding near the Oregon border on Oct. 30. It was a small amount, and the police determined that Lincecum was not intoxicated while driving, so he's been cited for misdemeanor possession. After his hearing on Nov. 23, that will likely be the last we hear of this particular incident.

Andrew Baggarly, the San Jose Mercury writer who wrote the blog entry linked above, guesses that this incident won't be much more than an embarrassment for Lincecum and that it's unlikely to affect his potential arbitration hearing early next year. He's probably right that it'd be wrong for the Giants to accuse their superstar pitcher of being a dirty hippie for having a few ounces of pot in his car, but that's a funny mental image I'm stuck with and now I hope you are, too.

Lincecum was probably pretty high on most people's list of MLB players that could potentially get caught with a little bit of pot, but there will probably be some Giants fans disappointed by this news (then again, maybe not, they are mostly from San Francisco) nonetheless. Still, Lincecum wasn't high while he was driving, he wasn't excessively speeding, and if he'd just get a haircut this entire incident probably could have been avoided entirely.

Of course, marijuana is illegal and so that disappointment isn't necessarily unjustified, but he owned up to it and there are really much, much worse ways he could be spending his offseason.
Oct 24, 2005
From my experience, white people do not care much for pot or for smoking.
The mexican government has accused the americans of being dope fiends, and the money we spend on dope is used by gangs in mexican to take power. Pot use did not increase until after the 1965 immigration law was passed and more mexicans moved here, then with the amnesty of 1986, pot use increased. The only explination is that the mexicans are using this stuff.
But, of course, we have to blame white people for all our problems.


Apr 14, 2005
screamingeagle said:
From my experience, white people do not care much for pot or for smoking.

Well I don't know what white people you've been hanging out with but I wholeheartedly disagree. I smoke weed multiple times a week. I have many friends or people I hangout with that smoke weed. I know family members and co-workers that smoke weed. The white people I know who don't smoke actually do not disprove of it and are for its legalization.
Nov 30, 2008
I just watched football games at the bar with a successful, pretty wealthy for his age conservative Republican political operative who was joking about how most of his dumb moments in life came when drinking, not smoking pot. I think studies show that the same percentage of white and black people smoke pot.


Apr 6, 2007
whiteCB said:
screamingeagle said:
From my experience, white people do not care much for pot or for smoking.

Well I don't know what white people you've been hanging out with but I wholeheartedly disagree. I smoke weed multiple times a week. I have many friends or people I hangout with that smoke weed. I know family members and co-workers that smoke weed. The white people I know who don't smoke actually do not disprove of it and are for its legalization.

How do you feel about dealing with, and supporting some would say, a criminal enterpriseto "score" some reefer? Or do you grow your own? Not judging just curious.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't think as many white people smoke as blacks by percentage but it's still alot. The tendancy seems to be moving towards legalization but it has seemed like that before. I think medical marijuana will push the issue.


Mar 23, 2009
whiteCB said:
screamingeagle said:
From my experience, white people do not care much for pot or for smoking.

Well I don't know what white people you've been hanging out with but I wholeheartedly disagree. I smoke weed multiple times a week. I have many friends or people I hangout with that smoke weed. I know family members and co-workers that smoke weed. The white people I know who don't smoke actually do not disprove of it and are for its legalization.

Agreed. It's just portrayed that blacks do it more because it gives them an image of being effortlessly good at sports. In reality, most normal teenagers smoke pot. In my generation especially.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
I don't think as many white people smoke as blacks by percentage but it's still alot.

Could it be a generational or regional thing? I grew up at a time when drinking was accepted as the normal and manly thing to do. I never associated with or had hippies as friends. Didn't like em, so I was out of the loop. Even as a kid I was very conservative in some ways.

Never smoked a joint or did any drug other than aclcohol.

My best friend was Irish and his brother, father and grampa could really put it away. One of his uncles owned a bar and we would hang there with his other relatives who had recently jumped off the boat. Man oh man, did we have fun. Lots of memories.

Those boys were the best story tellers and really loved a good time.Richard Harris and Peter O'Toole were slackers in comparison. Problem is they loved to argue and fight just as much! Seems like all of us always had a black eye, chipped tooth or a fat lip.

But I was young, and it was great. Now I'm old and stodgy.

We drank everything in sight, but none of us smoked weed to my recollection.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
StarWars said:
whiteCB said:
screamingeagle said:
From my experience, white people do not care much for pot or for smoking.

Well I don't know what white people you've been hanging out with but I wholeheartedly disagree. I smoke weed multiple times a week. I have many friends or people I hangout with that smoke weed. I know family members and co-workers that smoke weed. The white people I know who don't smoke actually do not disprove of it and are for its legalization.

Agreed. It's just portrayed that blacks do it more because it gives them an image of being effortlessly good at sports. In reality, most normal teenagers smoke pot. In my generation especially.

Agreed more common than some older members would think


Apr 13, 2005
Okay, being one of the senior members, I'll weigh in.

I'm not surprised at all that a lot of whites -- of all ages -- smoke pot and smoke it pretty regularly. The stuff was everywhere when I was in junior high back in the 1970s and there's got to be more of it now. Even Ray Price got busted for carrying some! Personally, it just never appealed to me. I tried it in high school but haven't touched it since then.

Back in the 70s, your choice of vices was pretty politicized and I was a "redneck, white socks and Blue Ribbon beer" type of guy. Right-wing jocks like me preferred spiked Dr. Peppers or Schlitz from a can, just like daddy used to do. I still will call a joint a "left-wing Lucky." Also, watching my viper friends slide down from pretty regular all-American boys into seedy and wasted couch monkies was not a pretty sight.

But in the Marines a lot of guys liked to make drinking a sport and Rugby players tend to like to retire to the tavern and drink the bumps and bruises away. Frankly, I never understood why getting blotto and puking on yourself was fun for some people.

Smoking pot is your own business and I don't want to see the cops come down on anyone for it, but I can't see that it has any benefits either, except that it might make some of the comedians on Comedy Central actually funny. Hell, my family might be the last non-pot smoking Americans left!Edited by: Bronk

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I tried pot maybe a couple thousand times and decided it wasn't for me.

It's been quite a few years since my last toke. Still, two people I've worked with, who didn't know each other, were convinced I'm a secret pot smoker. Something about my demeanor I suppose.

The Mexicans got us to smoking pot are you kidding Screaming Eagle? Well, there was a Mexican kid named Tony there when I took my first tokes. I could blame it on him but it wasn't his pot. The bag belonged to a skinny blonde kid named Jerry. He died a few years later when he raised his drilling rig into some power lines. I wouldn't doubt he was stoned.

No, plenty of white people smoke pot. It kind of fits our creative side I think.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Hock said:
I tried pot maybe a couple thousand times and decided it wasn't for me.

It's been quite a few years since my last toke. Still, two people I've worked with, who didn't know each other, were convinced I'm a secret pot smoker. Something about my demeanor I suppose.

The Mexicans got us to smoking pot are you kidding Screaming Eagle? Well, there was a Mexican kid named Tony there when I took my first tokes. I could blame it on him but it wasn't his pot. The bag belonged to a skinny blonde kid named Jerry. He died a few years later when he raised his drilling rig into some power lines. I wouldn't doubt he was stoned.

No, plenty of white people smoke pot. It kind of fits our creative side I think.

Your first line is classic thereCheech! Mary Jane is harmless and the plant itself has amazing beneficial uses, which is undoubtedly why it's illegal. No one in history has ever fatally overdosed on marijuana and it is non-addictive. The same cannot be same of the many legal drugs -- alcohol, caffeine, and the endless Big Pharma brave new world crap hawked constantly on the dinosaur networks. That which the Permanent Regime cannot control it makes illegal.

The almost 40 year "War on Drugs" is one of many perpetual "wars" Washington feels compelled to engage in, always for the benefit of The People of course. The huge numbers of Americans in the animal pens called prisons in this country for victimless crimes is unjust to put it mildly. Wars without end. . .


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The Hock said:
I tried pot maybe a couple thousand times and decided it wasn't for me.

Man that's laugh out loud funny!

I also "inhaled" a few times as a youth. I will say this, the stuff now is 100 times more potent then when I was a kid. I predict it will be legal some day merely because the government needs new ways to raise cash, and taxes on vices are very popular.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Never touched any dope, but knew a few mugs (back in the day) that messed with it. I'm not a big "legalize" advocate, but do think the "war on drugs" (as Don alluded to) is fabricated & propagated by the PTB (to build further government empowerment & police-state growth). I wouldn't be too upset if they legalized it, as long as folks weren't smoking it in public. I don't mind cigarette smoke if I'm in a sports bar (I don't smoke), but wouldn't want any "contact buzz" from a pothead firing up some dope. If they keep it illegal, they need to downgrade some of the sentences for possession (for individual consumption). There's no sense in keeping the jailhouse full of potheads (...save room for the murderers, rapists & other vermin).

Bronk, I still am a PBR drinking redneck!
If I'm drinking "upscale" I'll go with Shiner Bock, Sam Adams or a Hefeweizen, but I'll usually stick to PBR, Bud or (Original) Coors.Get'cha pull!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Apr 13, 2005
The Hock said:
I tried pot maybe a couple thousand times and decided it wasn't for me.

Yeah, my buddy has been snorting coke for 20 years and he aim't addicted.

Edited by: Bronk
Jul 14, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
Never touched any dope, but knew a few mugs (back in the day) that messed with it. I'm not a big "legalize" advocate, but do think the "war on drugs" (as Don alluded to) is fabricated & propagated by the PTB (to build further government empowerment & police-state growth). I wouldn't be too upset if they legalized it, as long as folks weren't smoking it in public. I don't mind cigarette smoke if I'm in a sports bar (I don't smoke), but wouldn't want any "contact buzz" from a pothead firing up some dope. If they keep it illegal, they need to downgrade some of the sentences for possession (for individual consumption). There's no sense in keeping the jailhouse full of potheads (...save room for the murderers, rapists & other vermin).

Bronk, I still am a PBR drinking redneck!
If I'm drinking "upscale" I'll go with Shiner Bock, Sam Adams or a Hefeweizen, but I'll usually stick to PBR, Bud or (Original) Coors.Get'cha pull!

Dixie I'm glad you like drinking beer. I have thought about making a thread about favorite "potent potables" as Alex Trebek would say. I wasn't sure if other members might be offended by it though, since we make fun of how drunk black worshiping fans get. I know there's no sacred cows here though.

For beer honestly my most frequent choice is Bud Light. I like it for the fact that it doesn't have much flavor or aftertaste, and is easy to drink, and is almost universally available. Sometimes I like Bud instead, but of course if I'm at someone's house I'll drink Miller Lite, Coors Lite, etc. At bars sometimes I'll like to try something different and get Heineken or Yuengling, and occassional I try something darker like Guinness or a microbrew.

I usually like to stick to beer, but as far as liquor based drinks go, I like rum and coke, or other rum and vodka drinks. I used to love whiskey but lately I haven't been able to handle it!
Nov 30, 2008
"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too."
~late comedian Mitch Hedberg

I don't and in fact none of my friends in H.S. did. I hung out with a lot of very motivated jocks and not a single one--white or black--smoked pot.

In college I had some friends that smoked once in a while. Maybe 2-3 times a year. I'd say the racial breakdown of people I've known who smoke are about the same.Edited by: Fightingtowin
Oct 24, 2005
This thread is been getting a lot of responses. Here are some randon thoughts.
Most of the people I know are runners, and runners hate smoking. I, like most people stop smoking pot when we became legal drunks. This is why I think most whites don't smoke pot.
Pot became illegal because they thought that it caused mexicans to become violent. Now we know mexicans are violent all the time. Pot has nothing to do with it.
I thought by now pot would be legalized so that it could be taxed and the money used to fight the war on terrorism. This president and the previous two have been dopers. It hasn't seemed to harm them any.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ES, good stuff partner. I only drink a few brews 1-2x per week (during football season) & every few weeks the rest of the year. If I go to pre-game tailgate, I might have a pull off some Maker's Mark or Jack...but rarely drink liquor (otherwise). Unfortunately, I have a couple other "vices" in eating too much at times (big appetite) & dip/chewing tobacco. I'm trying to clean up my diet & 86 the tobacco (soon) as well.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Single malt scotch and Irish ales.

or Jack Daniels and Canadian lager.


Apr 13, 2005
For beer honestly my most frequent choice is Bud Light.

Electric Slide, I once ordered a Miller Light in a bar and the guy next to me said, "I thought you said you wanted a BEER?"

Nov 5, 2008
The majority of people in Europe smoke or have smoked weed. Buying weed is very easy. It gets trickier once you cross the invisible cultural iron curtain that is anywhere east of Poland/Slovakia (ie - Ukraine, Belarus, and onwards) as weed and much more addictive drugs are still typically considered as one and the same and law enforcement is harsh (unless you can afford to pay your way out of it).

In Canada it is safer to smoke a joint on the street than drink a beer as they are ridiculously strict about alcohol but dont give a sh*t about weed.

Purchasing weed always means (unless your in Holland) giving money to 'criminal organizations', but that organization might well be the old lady with the big basement who lives next door.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Giants ace Lincecum wins second straight Cy Young

SAN FRANCISCO (AP)â€"Tim Lincecum(notes) has been so dominant in his first two full major league seasons that even his top bosses don't know how he can get much better.

Two NL Cy Young Awards, a pair of All-Star selectionsâ€"all at age 25.


funniest comment:
Actually, I am surprised that the Cy Young voting was so close. Linceum should have smoked the competition.