where is "our" great leadership?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i recently was sent a 12-minute interview USC head coach Pete Carroll did with 60 Minutes. in it, they examine Carroll's coaching and life philosophy and discuss his terrible coaching performances in the NFL along with his tremendous success re-building USC.

the focus of the interview, though, was not his on-field performance (although, admittedly that's the only reasonthey caredabout his other efforts).rather, it focused onwhat he is doing off the field. you see, he spends a great deal of time and his own money to reach out to gangbangers in LA. it is a very interesting piece and shows how a coach (or good leader of any kind) can have a tremendous impact on a community.

while i find his selflessness impressive (it is an inherently White trait as any honest person admits), i wonder why there are no coaches, philanthropists, or recognized figures of any kind who reach out to the White community to help White youth. i mean, the kids in the Appalachias are the poorest in the nation, yet you never hear of anyone targetting them with an outreach program.

furthermore, imagine what a great leader in the athletic world could do for the White youth of America if they reached out to try and build an athletic program from the largely ignored recruiting base of White America! this could happen in any sport, from track to football to basketball, because White athletes are vastly under-represented in all of these sports.

i can only dream, because i've never heard of such a thing. meanwhile, millions of dollars are being spent to "help" blacks in baseball, basketball, and football. hell, there have even been media cries for government funding in swimming and auto sports! foreigners are even targetted by MLB for potential players and provided with millions of dollars for youth camps! but nary a dollar is being spent looking for the next Kevin Little or Jason Sehorn or Larry Bird ...

i'd like my fellow CFers to watch the interview, and then share their thoughts on the subject. i look forward to hearing your opinions.


Mar 23, 2009
I am not sure I see much hope with our younger generation. Hopefully some reform and knowledge can be made by our older population so we don't continue on the path we are on. Surprisingly as of late white athletes are doing better, but the stereotypes are as extreme as ever. Our education system is taught by exclusively liberal teachers that diversity is a virtue, and essentially that it is ok for whites to cease to exist. What happened to trust, the gentleman, the lady, and chivalry? It was diversity, or in other words the eradication of the white male. We are on a path that is getting worse, and the end of the media, if even possible, or the end of modern civilization may be our only hope.


Oct 26, 2008
Our leaders care more about minorities and foreigners than white Americans. Look at all the scholarships that are given to foreigners. Look at all the latin players in MLB. Look at all the asian golfers on tour. The MLS constantly wants to bring in foreigners. Northwestern gives a scholarship to a brit, Luke Donald, and he gets a free education and gets to play on our PGA tour. I thought a country was supposed to provide opportunites for its citizens. What about all the Jamaican track ahtletes that get scholarships in the US? The people runnng this country don't care about any Americans at this point, let alone white ones.
I guess they think whites are all rich. I see almost no stories about Appalacia in the news, but a ton about minorities.
The white lower class is the only group that can be made fun of now without much complaint. That is because the rich have contempt for these people. They laugh at them. They are called "white trash" even by middle class Americans who would never use the N word , but have no trouble laughing at these people. They are called Rednecks of course. These rednecks are the racists I guess, even called so by Barkley. If Charles thinks people on the Upper East side of Manhattan want to live with any average black person, he is living in a fantasy world.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jimmy, IMO Carroll is a great recruiter, solid coach & appears to be a bleeding heart. Good allusion to the needy kids in dirt poor Appalachia (so often overlooked for the poor minoooorities in Africa, the ghetto, etc.).

Europe, good catch regarding the open season on so-called "White trash". IMO, the only White "trash" are cultural Marxists, members of the Globalist Elite/NWO, mudsharks & wiggers. However, this supposed "humor" is directed at salt-of-the-earth country folks & other hard working blue collar Whites. As a old school Georgia boy (whom city folk & lefties would almost certainly label as a "redneck"), I take issue with the hypocrisy (so common in cultural Marxism). BTW, Barkley's a loud-mouth blowhard that was grossly overrated as a player.
Oct 24, 2005
I am part of a committee that is working on reducing violence in our city. Most of the other members claim that poverty is causing the violence. There was one reseach paper we were given. According to their reseach West Virginia has a higher poverty rating than our city, and a much lower violent crime level. I suggested that we go to West Virginia to determine what they are doing right.
Naturally, this idea went over like a lead balloon. Of course, I think I know why crime is so low in WV ...Edited by: screamingeagle


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Jimmy, thanks for posting this clip and bringing the topic up! I wonder the same things as you and one of my thoughts on it is that it isn't cool for a white coach in the caste era to reach out to just his own people. Its not limited to sports though, as we see this in churches, in government, and especially in community development practice. So pervasive is the "inclusive" or multi-cultural mindset, it permeates any "community" effort. If you want funding for a project, you have to show the foundation how diverse your project or organization is. Of course, this doesn't apply if you are all black, just the other way around. Does the double standard sound familiar? As a result, you rarely see efforts directed specifically toward whites. Strangely enough, minorities have been the focal point of various types of "helps" for decades, when the face of poverty, according to academics, is more often white than not.

The mindset of most people is such that in order to be seen in a positive light, they believe they must reach out to minorities. The cultural Marxists have largely succeeded in making whites self-loathing to the point that we don't care for our own who are suffering. I think this is one way to explain Carroll's behavior, along with that of many high profile whites. I wish there were whites with money/power/influence who would help whites develop in sports, help white people in need, and just help whites in general. I believe that we as a people could be greatly helped by efforts that could re-instill some racial pride and gumption in us.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the BNP's Arthur Kemp hits itpretty close to the bullseye in this speech in Wiggan on June 25th.

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.

why don't we have any American politicians who speaks out for us like this?


Oct 26, 2008
I started to watch the video, but the first couple minutes are depressing enough. I'll try to watch the rest.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Europe said:
I started to watch the video, but the first couple minutes are depressing enough. I'll try to watch the rest.

wow. that's a "lot" of commitment you've got there, Europe.

watch the speech. he hits pretty close to the mark, i think.


Oct 26, 2008
Great speech, but it might be too late. I guess I am pessimistic. Too bad that probably wouldn't be shown on regular TV in Britain or the US.
That's how the media keeps speech out. It's like the book by Vincent Bugliosi that didn't get any media coverage because it said Bush should be on death row. Nobody covered it. It was only on C-Span.


Oct 26, 2008
I posted this in the soccer forum, but some people might not look at that forum, so I'll post it here.

The funny thing is you know members of the "main" parties and voters don't want to live in Pakistan or African, but at the same time they are importing these countries.

Wasn't Pakistan formed because the Muslims want their own country and non Muslims had to leave Pakistan and go to India when it was formed? It's an official Muslim state.

The funny thing is that if Pakistanis or Africans tried to take over the country by force, they would be stopped. But now it's a gradual take over.It's like gaining weight. It slowly happens and you don't notice it, but all of a sudden you need new pants.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
That video gets me pumped up Jimmy! I wish we could have a party in America with the courage to do and say the same thing. It will probably never happen here. The BNP hits the nail on the head! Wake up white people!

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Yes, I've seen this video. Very good I think. But the BNP is an illusion at best. The powers that be will never allow a takeover by a party against what they believe. The answer isn't in any established governmental body for us anymore. That time is past. That's one reason it's a good thing that an organization like the BNP doesn't exist here.
We have to do what has to be done from the grass roots in this country and that doesn't involve the "ballot Box." We're far beyond that here.

Tom Iron...


Oct 21, 2004
One of the things I admired about Bobby Kennedy is the fact he was the first (and really so far only) politician to visit Appalachia and draw attention to the awful poverty there. His daughter later (maybe around 2000) filmed a great documentary about the people of Appalachia and their plight. It was a fascinating film.