The cabal is trying to, but, the upside is there are more whites in this world today than there was 50 years ago.

The white percentage in the world is vastly lower now than it was before the first fratricidal war of the 20th century started in 1914, at which time the white race unquestionably ruled the world. I'm talking about Aryans - Europeans - and not including east Indians - and some American Indians too, truth be told! - and Arabs, etc. who are technically Europids/Caucasians/Whites - tho there are those amongst them, like the Berbers of north Africa for instance, who are indeed Aryan.
So, if your dating preferences don't include same sex partners, that's called homophobia.

A man can't make a family with a man so I must be one hell of a condemned bastard damned for eternity for not having married a fa ggot. Oh well.
A man can't make a family with a man so I must be one hell of a condemned bastard damned for eternity for not having married a fa ggot. Oh well.

Oh yeth we can you - you - you racist nazi homophobe you!

So, if your dating preferences don't include same sex partners, that's called homophobia.

Ha ha yeth indeedy it thertainly is!

When your dating preference includes sexual preference that's called homophobia. When your dating preference excludes animals that's called animalphobia (with the exception of goats which is called islamophobia).
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At no time in my life would I date or have sex with a Negro woman. I've always found them too primitive, too masculine, not at all attractive. For me, being forced to date them would be cruel, it would be like being forced to eat dung.

Some East Asian women on the other hand are pretty and feminine.
At no time in my life would I date or have sex with a Negro woman. I've always found them too primitive, too masculine, not at all attractive. For me, being forced to date them would be cruel, it would be like being forced to eat dung.

Some East Asian women on the other hand are pretty and feminine.

While there are (some) attractive women amongst all races, the White race has (far away) the best looking females...& that’s a fact. I never dated (&/or had relations) with a colored or oriental gal. I only dated White gals (& married one). Furthermore, I told my kids that if they ever betrayed their race, heritage & ancestors, I’d disown them. Not that I’m worthy of any “honor”, but their grandparents, great grands & kin beyond most certainly are.
American Freedom News