Welcome to Walmart

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I remembered tonight why I try to avoid Walmart like the plague. It's like experiencing the demise of the United States as a first world civilization in living, breathing, color.

The parking lot is covered in trash: cans, cups, lids, empty boxes, but the dirty diapers full of sh*t are the worst. The air stinks of it. The aisles inside are worse, in a way: they're narrower and almost just as dirty. They're packed with fat brown women screaming at kids running amok in the store. She has six of them, they look like they popped out one after the other in sequential order: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and the one in the car seat in the cart full of food she will inevitable pay for with a Lonestar card (that's welfare for all you non-Texans.)

As I exit the store (tienda?), I pause to say hi to the old white lady checking receipts. She smiles and says thank you.. as I go through the door a young Mexican kid clutching a plastic shopping bag to his belly walks nearby and we exit at the same time. The alarm sounds - I stop, the kid keeps on walking, picking up his pace. I stop of course, despite the fact she just checked my purchases against my receipt. I call out sternly to the kid, ordering him to wait. He does, but of course the old woman says that she isn't sure who's things set off the alarm. White guilt, I assume. Of course it can't be the young brown man who timed his exit to coincide with mine, clutching his bag tightly to his body, right? Nah.. it's the middle aged white guy with a cart full of nothing but groceries that you've already checked.

She checks my receipt (again), almost guiltily it seems, and I exit the store, glancing over my shoulder to see her sheepishly talking to the Mexican kid. I don't know what came of the incident.. I was too busy avoiding the dirty diapers and keeping a wary eye on the low-rider with the thumping bass, who's cruising the parking lot and giving me the evil eye.

Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Great post Shogun. I'm sure we'veall had similar experiences. I guess Wal-Mart is a metaphor for America. I don't know about your area, but the Wal-Marts in my neck of the woods seem to be filled with the fattest people imaginable. The employees and shoppers are enormous.


Aug 30, 2007
I think these illegal immigrant families have so many children because they get more government money for each one they churn out.

My wife and I planned so carefully for several years before we had our son, because we wanted to make sure to be in a position to raise him properly (we are legal and employed, by the way, and neither want nor need help from the government).

I also noticed that these losers tend to have brand new, huge SUVs.

I have a good, professional white collar job and make good money. I am college-educated. I have only one kid. As a married man I get less taken out of my paycheck each payday.

How do these losers afford such nice cars?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I was in a Wal-mart in Florida recently and not one person was speaking English, not any of the customers or any of the workers. I realized then that I was in a foreign country.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
WS, good post sir. Walmart is deep in bed with (our enemy) Red China. Their 3rd rate goods are el cheapo, produced from communist Chinese slave labor. As WS mentions, Walmart also a magnet for illegals and their jackpot babies. It's too bad INS/ICE is being held in check and cannot/will not launch immigration stings at WallyWorld. Furthermore, Walmart had planned for mass useage of RFID chips in there products (before being called out & exposed). Overall, Walmart is the quintessential example of greed and globalism gone awry.


White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
yanling said:
I think these illegal immigrant families have so many children because they get more government money for each one they churn out.

No way! Seriously?

Just kidding.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
yanling said:
I also noticed that these losers tend to have brand new, huge SUVs.I have a good, professional white collar job and make good money. I am college-educated. I have only one kid. As a married man I get less taken out of my paycheck each payday.How do these losers afford such nice cars?

Its a combination of factors. First, they have low rent due to cramming multiple earners in one home. Second, they accept leasing terms on their vehicles that you or I would laugh at if offered to us. Third, they have no intention of honoring the lease, either because they used phony identification or simply don't care a lick about their credit score. If you wanted to live in squalor like they do, you could drive a really nice car as opposed to their sort of nice car.


Apr 6, 2007
Good post WS. I mostly shop on line if I can help it. We have a super center where I live at. The store is kept pretty clean but I can't say that for the people that that you see in there. I couldn't help but to laugh when you mentioned the "lonestar" card. In Georgia its the "Peach" card. At least welfare has gone high tech!


Apr 13, 2005
You've pegged Walmart pretty well, particularly the flotsom and jetsam that flows through its rotten doors 24 hours a day.


May 20, 2005
The Wal-Mart in my area isn't so bad as yours,however, I notice that many of the employees appear quite lacksadasial, surly, unhelpful, particulary the older women, never anyone around when you need help, etc. Their success is not based on quality.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
I'll admit I wind up going to Walmart once a year now, usually by chance. I'll be going to Borders or some restaurant, pass a Walmart, and stop in to pick up a cheap item or two.

Yeah, the Walmart of 15 years ago--at least you had decent polite customer service (though I opposed its labor practices and China thing then (as I do now)).

Anyway, the managers and associates were still mostly whites then. They weren't paid well , but I appreciated their politeness, and would reciprocate.

Now its all surly Mexicans who, when you ask for help, simply confess their ignorance in a rude manner, and then pass you on up the food chain till you reach the white store manager--who *may* be able to help you.

It would be interesting if we whites wrote letters to Walmart, explicitly saying that the reason we won't shop there anymore is precisely because its a third-world bazaar. It's no longer "my" walmart, a fixture of the local mostly-white community . The old wal-mart was predatory--but it least it *tried to project or at least fake* a down-home localism, a willingess to integrate with the white community. It hired the NASCAR fans and high school graduates. Sure, it was growing nationwide and taking out a general store or hardware store or two, but you could show up once a month a see white people you knew,strike up a conversation,etc..

But now it is nothing but naked greed, with its blatant courting and usage of every third-worlder under the sun.

I go into a store--its blacks, hispancis, pakistanis, indians,--rude loud selfish relentless.

No more Walmart for me.


May 3, 2006
I live in a white enough area that the local lefties pop off every now and then about "lack of diversity." They should go to the local Walmart. Every time I go to there it's like I'm in one of Lothrop Stoddard's bad dreams. I don't know where they're coming from, and it seems to have happened overnight. The grounds haven't gone third world yet, but only because there are still enough white people there to hold the line. At the rate it's going, though, I'll probably start seeing the dirty diapers in a year or two.Edited by: Hockaday
Dec 10, 2012
I walked into a Wal*Mart recently, for the first time in a decade.. It was a location I had never patronized before, but all the familiar, trademark Wal*Mart sights & smells came rushing back.
The long line of noble, undocumented workers at the Western Union counter.. exporting all their untaxed wages out of the economy/country..(but the cultural Marxists have been telling us for 25 years they're more than shoddy carpenters, they're grrreat for America's economic health).
Then aisle after aisle of assorted 3rd world immigrants arguing with their spouses, folks screaming shamelessly, and obliviously, into the cell phones. Then I was cornered by a cell phone salesperson who 'just wanted to ask me a few (invasive) questions.'

As I was leaving I did spot a lone (perhaps) kindred spirit. An old greeter, who was born long before Wal*Mart's America.. probably alive since the Depression, and recently had his retirement immorally stolen/squandered from him by irresponsible investors.. A man who remembered days of veneration for George Washington, and when the term Women's bathroom, was naively taken literally..

Yes.. Norman Rockwell's endangered Mr & Mrs America.. welcome to your Wal*Mart.