Was Jesus a Jew?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Obviously, Jesus was Jewish. To deny that is to deny the truth of the Bible. Way too much evidence to prove this. Matthew 1:1. Jesus's genealogy. Son of Abraham, son of David. The name Jesus transliteration to Yahweh or Salvation. Born in Bethlehem an occupied Jewish town. Parents from Nazareth, a Jewish city. Luke's genealogy traces his mother Mary back to David and the tribe of Judah. Luke 2:4. He was taken to the Jewish temple as a child in accordance to Jewish Law. He observed Jewish customs as an adult.
John1:11, states "He came unto his own, but his own rejected him." However, he also had some gentile blood also. If you look in Matthew's genealogy, Matthew 1:1, Boaz mother Rahab was a gentile.
The beef wasn't that the Jews refused live moral lives. They thought they were moral by trying to live by the law. But they couldn't. It's not humanly possible to live by the Law. We've all broken the Law. Everyone has lied, stolen, etc. at some point in their lives That's the message Jesus. Jesus said, "I did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17. If you've broke one Law you've broken them all. When the Holy spirit reveals that to us, then we can be saved. But until we've accepted by faith the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as an atonement for our sins, we cannot be saved.
One poster said here on the forum a long time ago that he lives by his own Morality or his own Laws. What are his own Laws? Even if you think you're living a moral life according to yourself, your still going to break your own Laws or Morality. No one has ever lived a complete moral life, except Jesus himself. There is NO ONE righteous, not even one. Romans 3:10. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, not of your own morality or works. For it is by grace we are save by faith, and it is not from yourselves, it is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6.
Jesus was not descended from Abraham and David by blood, only by adoption.

Joseph of Judea was his stepfather, Jesus was the son of God and Mary. God is not Jewish. Nazareth was not in Judea. Joseph was from Judea, but Mary was from Galilee.

Jesus was no more Jewish than, say, actor Orlando Bloom, who was adopted by a Jewish stepfather.
The geneologies in Matthew and Luke are both in regards to Joseph's line. In Matthew it's from Abraham TO Christ. In Luke it's from Joseph (who was not his physical, biological father, as Christ was begotten of the Holy Spirit and Mary supernaturally) BACKWARDS to Adam.

If anything can be said regarding His race or ethnicity it would of necessity be from MARY'S lineage only. Her lineage is not given in either Matthew or Luke.

Mary was obviously an observant Israelite of one of the twelve tribes. ONLY Judah and to some extent Benjamin made up the tribe of Judah after the division when the ten Northern tribes were taken captive or dispersed because of the Assyrians having victory over them around 721 BC.

So saying Christ was a Jew or not isn't the issue. He was someone who belonged to the Covenant people of God. Also, the prophecies over and over again call Him "the son of David" who obviously was of the tribe of Judah. It's a given that Christ's Earthly and prophetical lineage identity was with that line of David (Judah).

Having said all this, Christ had no Earthly, physical father. So, the arguments are moot.
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I'll go on record as saying Jesus was not a Jew. In that he had zero chance of marrying a Jewish girl of the correct lineage, he was not a Jew. Obviously, it never came up but the fact remains he never would have passed muster as a Jew during his time - therefore he wasn't.
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