War Hats



I would say about around 10 years if I saw a vet wearing a hat saying what war(s) he fought in twice a year that would probably be an overstatement.
Nowadays I see it 2 or 3 times a week. I have total respect for the guys that have tried to protect our liberties as Americans but watching more and more people needing this adulation for their service is disconcerting if not the antithesis of humbling.
Word association game. When I read “war hats” I immediately thought kippahs. I wonder why....
Since when did I ever say I was pro-Israel? I am going to call you paranoidthinker from here on in. Just because someone has a differing point of view than you does not make them a troll. But if ignorance is bliss you are probably in Aruba.
Since when did I ever say I was pro-Israel? I am going to call you paranoidthinker from here on in. Just because someone has a differing point of view than you does not make them a troll. But if ignorance is bliss you are probably in Aruba.
I never said you were a troll but maybe you are projecting.

Speaking of war hats, I’ve seen a lot of guys wearing USS Liberty hats. I might have to look into getting one as they look really bad ass....
American Freedom News