Negroes are not "athletically superior", but they do have certain innate advantages in a sport like boxing, such as a smaller and more simply constructed brain and a thicker skull and thicker skin and a protruding muzzle rather than a vulnerable chin and their faces are less angular and their noses are already flattened out. There are many other physical and physiological differences between the races, especially between the negro race and the higher fully human races. Semi-human negroes should not be allowed to compete with full humans in sports, just as full blooded gorillas or boxing kangaroos are not permitted. Hitler said that the 1936 Olympics would be the last time that such a thing would be allowed, but unfortunately, as usual happens on this hellish planet, the bad guys won their so-called "good wars".
And speaking of Hitler and the '36 Olympics (and surely everyone here has seen Leni Riefenstahl's great documentary on it!), another lie that they promulgate is that Hitler snubbed the American Negro Jesse Owens, but Jesse Owens himself said that he was not discriminated against in Germany - but he was in the USA!
Owens himself will confirm that the “snub” story is a hoax, stating in 1936:
"When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany [Hitler]."
Years later, in his autobiography, Owens again clarifies: .
"Hitler didn't snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram."
Finally, in 2009, well known German sportwriter Siegfried Mischner, comes clean with a secret he had been keeping. Mischner describes an encounter he had with Jesse Owens in 1960's. Mischner, now 83, claims that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler shaking Owen's hand!
And by the way, the German Olympic team had two Jewish members, plus the president of the German Olympic organizing committee was himself Jewish.