US manufacturing jobs go to China

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
In the small town of Cary, near Chicago, you can see American industry being dismantled in front of your eyes.

Doug Bartlett's factory used to make electronic circuit boards. But orders collapsed as the recession took hold.

The factory shut in March with the loss of 87 jobs. Now the wrecking crew is in and the factory is being gutted.

"It hurts," says Doug. "You hate to see the people laid off."

Doug is selling off all the usable machinery. He blames the death of his business on unfair competition from the Chinese, accusing them of artificially devaluing their currency to undercut American goods.

"You have to stop the Chinese from cheating," he says.

"We're not only watching the dismantling of my company, we're also watching the dismantling of the circuit board industry in the United States and the dismantling of American industrial might."

BBC article
Edited by: Parody

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Sir, I think we don't need this malarkey. There's plenty of other places for this nonsense. Not here Sir.

Tom Iron...


Oct 26, 2008
It's been happening for years. None of the politicians want to stop it.They all believe in "globalization". Jobs going out and immigrants coming in and we can't do a thing about it. I am not paying attention to politics much any more because nothing can change it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Outsourcing of American manufacturing and insourcing of 3rd rate, H-1B visa workers (dotz) combined with the illegal invasion of low/no skill untermenshen from "MeckeeCo" is exactly what the Globalist Elite is using to destroy our Middle Class. It is proof to the fallacy of the Left/Right paradigm that both sides of the RNC/DNC "coin" support these traitorous mandates. When you look at the disasterous effects of so-called "free-trade" in conjunction with the ponzi scheme that is "Wall $treet" they equal this (engineered, intentional) financial disaster. This economic crisis is being leveraged to ramp-up to implementation of the long planned Orwellian dystopia!


Nov 26, 2004
Richard Florida has written two articles for the Atlantic, 'Where the Brains Are' (Oct. '06) and 'How the Crash Will Reshape America' (Mar. '09).

Deindustrialization as described by the article posted by Parody is no big deal, per Florida's thesis. Oh, sure, it's a big deal for the little people, but the people who matter are entering a glorious age.

While he doesn't mention it in his Atlantic articles his speeches ($35,000 a pop) and books include a calculation of what constitutes good diversity in the cities of the future: high-tech workers, artists, musicians, lesbians and gay men, and "high bohemians".

Industrial cities are long dead. The suburbs are dying. Home ownership is foolish. All the 'right' people are going to congregate in the 'right' cities, manufacture ideas, drive up rents and thereby drive out the inferior people. These cities will enjoy a serving class housed in nearby suburbs.

The 'right' cities seem to include Los Angeles, Austin and Boulder. And of course New York and San Francisco. The 'right' people are highly educated. And really, really cool.

The hinterland will include a bit of farming, a bit of manufacturing. But that can be done anywhere, not just in the U.S. Just as long as it's done cheaply. Export jobs, import workers; it doesn't matter, just get the wages down and the benefits eliminated.

This trend is international. Cities that welcome immigrants are especially advantaged; London for example. But maybe not Tokyo or Paris.

There are problems with Florida's (grew up in Newark, of Italian descent, quite likely homosexual) vision. Race comes to mind. The cognitive elite tends to be white, Jewish and Asian. Blacks and non-white Hispanics might notice. They might not cooperate and leave the good cities. Whites, Jews and Asians might not forget who they are and might then not agree on who is top caste. Jews and Asians already resort to ethnic aggrandizement, but whites might (but doubtful) dare to play the same game.

A few sparkling coastal gems surrounded by dull, homophobic burgs and boondocks might not be worth defending militarily. Or at least it may prove difficult to induce non-elite white males to do the job. They may not even want to join the police force. And if straight white males aren't interested in protecting the Castro and Christopher Street then Bruce and Maurice have a problem.

It's not possible to attract all the smart people to select cities. They may not want to come. Even if they want to enter some will be left outside the golden gates because a quota needs to be filled or someone's relative from Tel Aviv needs a job. Poor, smart people are a danger. And outsiders will be quite poor when compared to the new elite. Further, this elite will be decadent and tolerant of decadence.

But the biggest problem with Richard Florida's dream is none of this is likely to happen. The greatest creative minds have been normal, sensible people living among other normal, sensible people; Idaho Mormon farmboy Philo Farnsworth, Henry Ford, Neal Stephenson, Carnegie, Madame Curie, Shockley, Tim Berners-Lee. Flamers and 'high bohemians' might be flamboyant, but rarely profound.

Creativity isn't solely fostered by 'vibrant' cities. Nor is creativity a matter of witty banter tossed about by Woody Allen characters (virtually all of it gags drawn from centuries-old Yiddish theater).

Creativity is the research which put a man on the moon. It's the invention of the electronic transistor. It's the assembly line. It's self-dissolving heart patches. It's the Automatic Kalishnakov '47. Will the new elite match any of this? Not likely, as their primary activity is congratulating themselves on how clever they are.

But to be fair recent gifts have blessed us. The sub-prime debacle born of the idea risk can be fully quantified by calculus and that blacks just need a chance at home ownership and will then act like whites. The Iraq War. The Afghanistan War. Both of which were going to be so easy because...well, just because.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is the usual of the rich sending jobs overseas to cut the middle class and poor out of the equation.They will continue to do it as long as they can because it's very profitable for them.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
An article entitled "'Made in China' Is Starting to Get Too Expensive"
This already happened in Japan and Taiwan and to a lesser extent in Korea. If you remember the Taiwanese cheap transistor radios from the 70's, you will remember that this country at the time made cheap consumer goods for North America and Europe and in the 80's their wages rose too high for the goods to be worth the price for Western consumers. It would be nice if these jobs came back to the US or Canada. I suspect few will as Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asian countries will get more factories.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
This is the usual of the rich sending jobs overseas to cut the middle class and poor out of the equation.They will continue to do it as long as they can because it's very profitable for them.
Not only that, but the government, in spite of their rhetoric, encourages it. Look at the recent Keystone Pipeline debacle. Canada is still going to extract the oil, but they'll ship it to China. American low and middle class potential employees suffer. The EPA, now that they have unilaterally declared that carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" (quit breathing, folks), now has dictatorial powers to "regulate" it. Our local (coal fired) power plant can now only use two of their generators with any regularity, as using all three will exceed their CO2 emissions.

Another example, in construction, there has been a "cement shortage", which has caused the price of concrete to rise. "Overseas construction" by booming economies in China and elsewhere are being blamed. But the real reason is the EPA. We can't produce it here in the US anymore, as the coal or natural gas process for making the cement has been shut down because of the horrible "greenhouse gas pollutant". We now get a large percentage of our cement from China and elsewhere. It has been estimated that the EPA alone has regulated out of existence 5 million jobs in the last few years.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Don't you want a greener America? Don't you want to save the earth? Why do you hate the planet so much????


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO