First off, I have read The Creature From Jekyll Island and have to say, that book blew me away. If every US citizen read that book tonight, there'd be a violent overthrow of our government tomorrow with bankers and politicians hanging by their necks from light poles. The book is meticulously documented. I would urge all Caste footballers to read that book.
There are many conspiracies, the largest is the move towards one world government (erasure of national borders with the goal of greater central control). This one is not race or ethnic specific (many different raced people are involved). However, Jews do tend to rise to the top, especially in the areas of finance and media. Their excessive usury type banking practices have brought attacks on them down through the years. Therefore they do like to stratify populations and set the various groups at each other. That way the groups are so busy fighting amongst themselves, they don't focus on the real opressors. If blacks and whites are beating up each other, they're not beating up Jews. If Iranians and Iraqis are beating up each other, they're not beating up Jews. When they add things up, the biggest threat to them is white northern europeans. This is why they attack them every way possible.
And they're doing a good job. Many of our youth are absolutely ashamed to be white. Every once and while things backfire, e.g., allowing unbrainwashed (for now) Eastern Europeans into boxing and the starting of No Holds Barred type fighting tournaments.