Tyson gets 1 whole frickin’ day in jail


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm not a big drug warrior but whats with Mike Tyson getting 1 day in jail for one count of felony cocaine possession and one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence?

Here's a guy with a long prison record, including rape, they find him driving erratically, a danger to the public, and he has "bags of cocaine" on his person. If this was you or me we'd be breaking big rocks into little ones for a couple of decades. Yet one of America's most notorious criminal "celebrities" is treated by the judge (a woman) as follows: Judge Helene Abrams said she was impressed with the boxer's attempts to complete his GED and how he voluntarily sought treatment for drug addiction.

Yes a 40 year old guy finally getting his GED, and voluntarialy seeking treatment for his addiction (after being caught with "bags of cocaine".) Is it just me or is the world insane?

Snippet of story:

The 41-year-old boxer pleaded guilty Sept. 24 to one count of felony cocaine possession and one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence. The charges stem from his arrest last year after leaving a Scottsdale club.

Officers stopped Tyson when they spotted him driving erratically. Police said they saw Tyson brush a white powder off his dashboard, and they found baggies of cocaine in Tyson's pockets and in his car.

Tyson faced a maximum sentence of four years and three months in prison. Prosecutors recommended a one-year sentence, but the judge said the boxer has tried to atone for his crimes.

During a sentencing hearing Monday, Judge Helene Abrams said she was impressed with the boxer's attempts to complete his GED and how he voluntarily sought treatment for drug addiction.

"Sobriety is a lifetime job," Abrams told Tyson.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Yet one of America's most notorious criminal "celebrities" is treated by the judge (a woman) as follows: Judge Helene Abrams said she was impressed with the boxer's attempts to complete his GED and how he voluntarily sought treatment for drug addiction.

Yes a 40 year old guy finally getting his GED, and voluntarialy seeking treatment for his addiction (after being caught with "bags of cocaine".) Is it just me or is the world insane?

The name of the judge is Helene Abrams. Nuff said?Our institutions are loaded to the gills with her type. We are screwed beyond belief.


Aug 16, 2006
Heard this on talk radio this morning in my car. Pretty frickin' pathetic. "Bags of cocaine" = 1 day in jail.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
There were 2.16 grams of cocaine in all the bags combined. He could have faced up to four year and three months in prison, but the prosecutor himself only recommended one year (go figure.)

He also has to serve 360 hours of community service. I'm sure he'll be a big hit at the Boys and Girls Club or wherever they make him serve it. Signing autographs a few hours a day is what they consider community service. In my opinion, the best service Tyson could offer the community is to off himself.

Apparently the judge also took into consideration that two of his ex-wives wrote letters requesting leniency on Tyson's behalf. Why is that such a surprise? If Daddy Tyson is in jail, he ain't earning any alimony money, baby!

Being impressed that a 40 year old guy is trying to get his GED tells you everything you need to know about Tyson and the justice system in this country.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I think Tyson got 1 day because he wasn't out on bail when his sentence was given to him. So it amounted to time served. What was the point for the extra day then? I think hobos that beg for change spend more time in the drunk tank then that....

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
white is right,

Just want to make a small point here. Your use of the word "hobo" isn't correct. The origin of the word in this country described a man who went from place to place in this country riding freight cars looking for work during the depression.

The better word is bum. That describes most of the people we've got today.

As far as Tyson goes, It's only a matter of time before he does something to get himself sent up for a long time. I'm not in such a hurry to supply him with three squres a day and a roof over his head.

Tom Iron...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Anyone see this story? Mike Tyson accused in court testimony of bankrolling a planned murder.

I found it buried on the sports page, below two long worshipful articles on the Williams sisters.Tyson may or may not be guilty but it's certainly illustrative of the ever falling standards of accepted black behavior that one of the most prominent athletes of the past generation can be linked to murder and no one bats an eye.

May 8, 2006
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
I'm not a big drug warrior but whats with Mike Tyson getting 1 day in jail for one count of felony cocaine possession and one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence?

Here's a guy with a long prison record, including rape, they find him driving erratically, a danger to the public, and he has "bags of cocaine" on his person. If this was you or me we'd be breaking big rocks into little ones for a couple of decades.

Thats so true, Jax. For example, I had a friend that got caught with a measly ounce of pot a few years ago, and the kid did like two or three months in county lock-up. He was 20 years old at the time and said it was a crappy experience. He never got raped or anything, but he was getting into fights all the time with the "bruvahs" who kept trying to take his stuff. For a while, I was telling him to "make an example" out of one of them, but then if he did that he would still be in there doing "extra time.

The best advice I can give you guys is to stay away from that stuff altogether. Don't buy it, don't sell it, don't use it and don't surround yourself with people who do.

web toughguy

Jun 29, 2008
Thats true drink and drugs are a pathway to hell i personally have a friend who is a friendly descent fella but is chronicly addicted to alcohol. In the prison system you have to fight for your basic fundermental rights as a human being from the hordes of the crimanly obeses warped desires. I have unfortunatly done time in one of londons toughest jails and fully understand the need to be prepared for violence. And the need to understand the codes of conduct that will save yourself from the barbaric tendices of some of the inmates. The depraved epidemic of male on male rape in my country is rare compared to the level of this sick trend in the usa. I fell the brothers would engadge in this behavoir in londons prisons if they could. But white criminals in england tend to be connected. So the homeys would more than likely pay severly for attempting such a sickinig crime. Tyson was one of the best heavyweights ever in his prime but his disgusting behavoir personifies everything that is bad about the enlightend culture of todays mtv generation. Moral keep out of trouble otherwise one day you could be sharing a cell with a tyson clone i have and i learnt my lesson.