Tyler Kolek PG Marquette


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
It’s about time this guy gets his own thread. Shaka Smart’s PG these past few years has been awesome. He doesn’t pass “the eye test” but all he does is ball. And sports is the only meritocracy left in the world ;)

Tyler Kolek is also one of the best floor generals in the college game. At 6-foot-3 with a sturdy frame, Kolek boasts terrific shooting percentages and shows an excellent feel for the game. He is among the best of the best when it comes to keeping his pace.

Kolek thinks through the game at high level and he's a player who strictly plays to win. Kolek is another example of a player who may not pass the eye test from an athletic perspective, but he finds ways to get to where he needs to on the floor with a tremendous amount of craft.

He knows how to play and he has a true passion for winning.

Caste Speak 101 when discussing a White Man playing a sport.