Tucker Carlson Calls out Unbridled Capitalism


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
As ‘Grandpa Jones’ sang... “I’m no Communist”. However, I’m (also) no proponent of unchecked, global/anti-sovereignty respecting capitalism. I believe in the free market, but not an unfettered ‘monster’ that feeds on (true) Americans while it fattens itself on filthy lucre via outsourcing, (H-1B) “insourcing”, ‘automation’ & perpetual layoffs. Tucker Carlson calls out these globalist, arch-capitalists in the following article....

As ‘Grandpa Jones’ sang... “I’m no Communist”. However, I’m (also) no proponent of unchecked, global/anti-sovereignty respecting capitalism. I believe in the free market, but not an unfettered ‘monster’ that feeds on (true) Americans while it fattens itself on filthy lucre via outsourcing, (H-1B) “insourcing”, ‘automation’ & perpetual layoffs. Tucker Carlson calls out these globalist, arch-capitalists in the following article....

Tucker Carlson is the most influential man in America right now. More than Trump even. He's redpilling normies and showing that there is a 3rd position, not just the neo-liberal communism of party D or the unchecked global "capitalism" of party R. His show and latest book are phenomenal material for blue collar Whites and typical Republican voters to be consuming.
Tucker Carlson responds to the Communist's latest attempt to ban him from the air waves. Good retort. I like how he mentioned that only the "opinion" shows on Fox offer something different than the rest of the Fake News channels, including Fox New's own non-opinion anchors.

I also like that at about the 5 minute mark he takes it to the Republicucks in the Swamp.

Tucker Carlson responds to the Communist's latest attempt to ban him from the air waves. Good retort. I like how he mentioned that only the "opinion" shows on Fox offer something different than the rest of the Fake News channels, including Fox New's own non-opinion anchors.

I also like that at about the 5 minute mark he takes it to the Republicucks in the Swamp.

Of course, I agree with Mr. Carlson on this, but things have gone too far now. There is only one way left for decent people - REVOLUTION!!!
Tucker Carlson responds to the Communist's latest attempt to ban him from the air waves. Good retort. I like how he mentioned that only the "opinion" shows on Fox offer something different than the rest of the Fake News channels, including Fox New's own non-opinion anchors.

I also like that at about the 5 minute mark he takes it to the Republicucks in the Swamp.

Topnotch reply by Tucker. He's the only person other than Trump not to cringe and beg forgiveness from what he refers to as "the mob." He and Ann Coulter are the only two people with mainstream media access that truly believe in what Trump claimed to stand for but doesn't. If they started a third party a large chunk of Trump's "deplorables" would support it from the get-go.
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Topnotch reply by Tucker. He's the only person other than Trump not to cringe and beg forgiveness from what he refers to as "the mob." He and Ann Coulter are the only two people with mainstream media access that truly believe in what Trump claimed to stand for but doesn't. If they started a third party a large chunk of Trump's "deplorables" would support it from the get-go.
The only problem to this is that a fourth party would also need to be started by disenfranchised Democrats. Otherwise this third party would simply siphon off Republican votes ensuring Democrat victory. And unlike say even a dozen years ago, the "Democrats" are no longer "democratic" but socialist/communists who will do what Bolshevik communists do.

As it is, it looks like we are quickly steaming down those tracks anyway. I have seen nothing from the Republicans to remedy rampant Democrat vote fraud which overturned dozens of races just in our last general election. It's only going to get worse as the methods are accepted. It will ultimately be off to the gulags, or FEMA camps for the dissenters.
Due to ongoing demographic change and the relentless brainwashing of the younger generation (which may already be majority non-White in composition), the U.S. is going to be a one-party state soon. Since the Republicans have never opposed the subversion of the republic other than pretending to and in fact have been just as much in favor of the non-White changeover via legal and illegal immigration as the Dems, if a genuine populist third party speeds up the GOP's demise I'm all for it. It might actually cause conservatives to do some serious thinking and soul searching for once.

And the Dems could easily splinter to the point of a spinoff party starting, behind the radical left, openly anti-White, young non-White leaders that are emerging. People talk all the time about a possible upcoming civil war (recklessly so most of the time in my opinion), but in 1860 right before the War of Northern Aggression began there were four major parties contending the presidential election. The Republicans were the new upstart that ended up winning.

I've been involved in populist/nationalist third parties for a long time and pushing for them when there were none, but the reality is that the way the U.S. political system is now, any new party needs big bucks and big names behind it to overcome the draconian ballot access laws and other roadblocks that face smaller grassroots parties. Carlson and Coulter have the clout to get one started and off the ground in a big way, should they be so inclined. And I hope they come to realize that such a move is the only way politically to have an effect nationally on what otherwise will be an inevitable Democrat monopoly of power, perhaps as soon as next year.
Another good one from Tucker:

Another good one from Tucker:

Checkist 1992 - Russian Film - eng sub (full) - BitChute

  1. Cached
Feb 22, 2019 - Movie re-enacting Vladimir Lenin's Cheka program that executed anyone who was suspected of being an enemy of the communist regime.
This is where we're going. Pick it up at 22:17 and you'll get the full idea if you don't want to watch much of this.
Due to ongoing demographic change and the relentless brainwashing of the younger generation (which may already be majority non-White in composition), the U.S. is going to be a one-party state soon. Since the Republicans have never opposed the subversion of the republic other than pretending to and in fact have been just as much in favor of the non-White changeover via legal and illegal immigration as the Dems, if a genuine populist third party speeds up the GOP's demise I'm all for it. It might actually cause conservatives to do some serious thinking and soul searching for once.

And the Dems could easily splinter to the point of a spinoff party starting, behind the radical left, openly anti-White, young non-White leaders that are emerging. People talk all the time about a possible upcoming civil war (recklessly so most of the time in my opinion), but in 1860 right before the War of Northern Aggression began there were four major parties contending the presidential election. The Republicans were the new upstart that ended up winning.

I've been involved in populist/nationalist third parties for a long time and pushing for them when there were none, but the reality is that the way the U.S. political system is now, any new party needs big bucks and big names behind it to overcome the draconian ballot access laws and other roadblocks that face smaller grassroots parties. Carlson and Coulter have the clout to get one started and off the ground in a big way, should they be so inclined. And I hope they come to realize that such a move is the only way politically to have an effect nationally on what otherwise will be an inevitable Democrat monopoly of power, perhaps as soon as next year.
The split right wing vote allowed a weak candidate like Clinton to win in 92'. I think you would get a Democratic romp if you truly split the right wing vote. You need to form a new right wing party to emerge from the ashes of the old Republican Party, but I suspect aside from rhetoric you would have the same backroom king makers in the party by another name.
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