Tony Snow and Tim Russert


Nov 25, 2004
Ok, these guys died but why does the national media have to spend weeks on their deaths/lives as if they were American royalty of the finest. They were talking head commentators/journalist (and I use that term loosely) nothing more and probably a bit something less. Trained puppets to the first degree. We're being trained to worship the faces that sell us our daily propaganda. Presidents die and get less attention. Just my rant that I had to get off my chest.


Jul 30, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
Ok, these guys died but why does the national media have to spend weeks on their deaths/lives as if they were American royalty of the finest. They were talking head commentators/journalist (and I use that term loosely) nothing more and probably a bit something less. Trained puppets to the first degree. We're being trained to worship the faces that sell us our daily propaganda. Presidents die and get less attention. Just my rant that I had to get off my chest.

I agree 100%. Journalists have become the most self-important bunch of boobs in the USA if not the world.

The dirty little secret of journalism is that anyone with an average IQ can do it. Personally I don't think you even need a degree just a decent command of English and a healthy sense of scepticism. You need to be outside the mainstream to be a good journalist. Today's reporters are all decidedly mainstream. They won't ask the truly difficult questions that demand answers.

So RIP Mr. Snow but you're no hero. Just another reporter.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Poacher said:
Personally I don't think you even need a degree just a decent command of English and a healthy sense of scepticism.

I agree with you for the most Poacher, but these days it seems even a grasp of the English language and a sense of skepticism is rare among journalists.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I agree with you for the most part but I do like Tony Snow. He was a class act and I personally will miss him. He guest hosted Rush's show on multiple occasions and did a good job and he was a real family man.


Nov 25, 2004
Is there any real journalism going on these days? So many stories of real interest and importance are completely hidden and only found on obscure sites on the internet. Just a case in point: At caste football we knew several months in advance about Obama's radically racist churh. The mainstream media never picked up on it until he had the nomination virtually in hand. Where were the reporters on the WMD lie BEFORE we went to war? Where are they now on Iran? Same place. How about the 5 Israeli mossad agents captured filming and cheering 911? Seems like a pretty big story. How bout all the vicious black on white killings like the Knoxville murders? How bout the falling dollar and economic collapse that Ron Paul and many other predicted? I could go on. No journalism - just a steady diet of propaganda. It seems the only place to find real news and the truth are selective sites on the internet. At least we have that now.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
No journalism - just a steady diet of propaganda. It seems the only place to find real news and the truth are selective sites on the internet. At least we have that now.

That's right. The mainstream media serves the same purpose for us as did Pravda in the old Soviet Union.They make a lot of noise and throw a darts at the board but never get close to the bullseye.
Oct 24, 2005
first Russett then Snow. It seems that being near George W. Bush is deadly. Maybe, GWB is radioactive.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
RIP to both of them, but enough already...I (sort of)liked the early Tony Snow...but he very quickly became a typical Washington Times neocon.

Russert was a gentleman...but come on..

neither of these guys is a hero.

And being a press secretary for a president is one of the all time lackey jobs. Your whole ethos and actions are not centered around truth and justice, but on being *a propagandist for the President.* My respect for Snow would have risen if he had rejected the offer to be press secretary.


Nov 26, 2004
DeBakey died the same day as Snow.

Snow: He read the news.

De Bakey: Performed 50,000+ heart operations, pioneered surgery techniques now common including invention of the roller pump which allowed open heart surgery.

Estimated media coverage of Snow's death vs. DeBakey's death: 10 to 1

Why? Like Russert, Snow was a good family man. News if they were black, but not otherwise. Snow was nice. DeBakey you couldn't say was 'nice', just highly effective during up to 9 surgeries a day and highly intolerant of incompetence.

DeBakey was Lebanese Christian. Two problems there. The best doctors tend to enter the field because of commitment to being a healer and a fascination with the science (which was the case with DeBakey, the first time he saw a heart he was completely enthralled). Not because there's many shekels to be had.

There's a strong rivalry between Levantine Christians and Jews. Maybe rivalry isn't the right term. Goes back to the Ottoman Empire when Jewish tax farmers were especially ardent when going after Christian merchants.

The New York Times obituary implied that DeBakey wasn't as important as imagined, that his advances perhaps were better credited to others. Also that he employed animal testing.

But Snow received better treatment in his NYT obit. He was the right kind of conservative, among other things he opposed a border wall, 'an affront to Lady Liberty'. Clearly Snow was profoundly intellectual as well as a nice dresser. And good hair, did I mention his hair?