

Mar 25, 2008
So out of the blue today, I remembered an incident in high school and wanted to know if anyone's seen anything similar.

I was sitting in math class and a black student walked in wearing a big white T-shirt with a picture of Nat Turner on it and some quote at the bottom. I seemed to be the only person in the room that was alarmed and offended by this.

For those of you who don't know who Nat Turner was:

Immediately after class I went to the main office to voice my opinion. The administrator I spoke with neither knew who Nat Turner was nor seemed to care after I explained it to him. He acted concerned, but dismissed me with some ambiguous dogmatic lecture about "free speech."

It boggles my mind that white people would not be wildly offended by this. He wore a shirt that, in essence, glorified Turner's senseless murder of helpless white civilians.

I often see people wearing T-shirts with various people on them, but this was infuriating to me that my opinion was met with dismissive lethargy from the school administration. Sure he's protected by "free speech", but not when it infringes on my general feeling of wellbeing.

Any thoughts? Sorry for the rant.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
When and where did this occur, Philly?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Cause a lot of factors could come in to play depending on where the school is located, the political climate at the time, etc.

What was the schools dress code? I'm really surprised they let this guy wear that shirt, but then again.. I'm not really surprised. The old double standard at work.


Sep 9, 2005
Nat Turner's rebellion was suppressed within 48 hours, but Nat eluded capture until October 30 when he was discovered hiding in a cave and then taken to court. On November 5, 1831, Nat was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. He was hanged on November 11 in Jerusalem, Virginia, now known as Courtland, Virginia. His body was then flayed, beheaded and quartered.

Good riddance.


Mar 25, 2008
Truth be told, I was not fully aware of what the dress code was.

...but I don't think I would have gotten the same treatment if I wore a shirt with Timothy McVeigh on it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
PhillyBirds said:
Truth be told, I was not fully aware of what the dress code was.

...but I don't think I would have gotten the same treatment if I wore a shirt with Timothy McVeigh on it.

Exactly! There in lies the biggest problem...the ever-present double standard against Whites. Had you worn a T-shirt depicting McVeigh, Joseph Mengele, Byron Beckwith Delay,'d have been expelled and prosecuted for "hate crimes"! However, this "brutha" gets away with donning his Nat Turner t-shirt scott-free. It's the double standard that p--ses me off the most!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
That is exactly the problem. Blacks are fiercely loyal to their race. Anytime the race subject comes up they all ban together. Whites seem to not care if their race is offended.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
whiteathlete33 said:
That is exactly the problem. Blacks are fiercely loyal to their race. Anytime the race subject comes up they all ban together. Whites seem to not care if their race is offended.

You'd think whites would notice this and realize that it is to our advantage to do the same. Race matters to every other racial group, but the liberal-Marxists try to tell us as whites that it is otherwise, or at least should be for us palefaces. It should be glaringly obvious to anyone with a brain that such a notion is wrong, but we are stillstuck with the drunk white masses.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
whiteathlete33 said:
That is exactly the problem. Blacks are fiercely loyal to their race. Anytime the race subject comes up they all ban together. Whites seem to not care if their race is offended.

Whites used to care about race. But the decades of cultural Marxist education and media entertainment coupled with government coercion in the form of affirmative action and discrimination laws have, for all intents and purposes,deracinated them as a group. Any other race subject to the same ideological agenda would suffer the samefate, but here in America thewhite man, with his blanket past and mixing of various ethnic groups, is more susceptible. White nations like Italy, Spain, and the Eastern bloc cannot be attacked so openly from the racial angle; instead, their religions are susceptible. In those countries, the state either dismisses religion entirely, or even worse, makes it subject to its cultural and political agenda, turning man away from his inward experience of life- the very function of religion -and out into the extraversion of labor and consumption. Edited by: Alpha Male


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Alpha Male said:
whiteathlete33 said:
That is exactly the problem. Blacks are fiercely loyal to their race. Anytime the race subject comes up they all ban together. Whites seem to not care if their race is offended.

<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: EN-US; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA">Whites used to care about race. But the decades of cultural Marxist education and media entertainment coupled with government coercion in the form of affirmative action and discrimination laws have, for all intents and purposes, deracinated them as a group. Any other race subject to the same ideological agenda would suffer the same fate, but here in America the white man, with his blanket past and mixing of various ethnic groups, is more susceptible. White nations like Italy, Spain, and the Eastern bloc cannot be attacked so openly from the racial angle; instead, their religions are susceptible.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN>In those countries, the state either dismisses religion entirely, or even worse, makes it subject to the its cultural and political agenda, turning man away from his inward experience of life- the very function of religion - and out into the extraversion of labor and consumption. </SPAN>

I absolutely agree that whites used to care about race in the past. This is no longer the case. We are allowing to much and have no racial solidarity. This can have devastating effects for the white race in the near future.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i speak out about white pride in public all the time. and not just about athletics. there is no one i know, not even the blacks i play ball with/against that don't know my feelings on the matter. maybe that's why they never want things to escalate when they start their bitching and i step up.

i think, more than anything, whites in countries like the USA, England, France, and so on have grown too soft. our forefathers were so successful in subjugating/destroying our enemies, that we've not faced a legitimate threat to our people (white people) in generations. we've not had to fight in so long, that most have forgotten how, or even what those "old guys" were fighting for.

one can't be proud if one doesn't have something worth fighting for.

a person (or a people) can only be strong if one struggles against something. whether it's lifting weights, or fighting to preserve/create a nation. and white people of the West haven't had to struggle in so long, that for the large majority of them they've forgotten what it is. that's why the majority of the white folks who feel strongly about matters regarding race are the ones who have had to deal with other races and found out what reality is like (ie, they've had to struggle). whereas most of the whites who've lived in comfort and safety away from large numbers of blacks still cling to the "we're all the same on the inside" bit.

the whites who've had it easy, have forgotten what it means to have something to fight for/against. and as such, they have nothing to be proud of.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
That's good to hear Jimmy. I am extremely upset about the discrimination whites face on a day to day basis. I don't only mean in athletics. White kids getting attacked by gangs of blacks all over the country. The medias refusal to call this a hate crime. Affirmitive action also makes my blood boil. When I see these Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson clowns on tv it's terrible. They make a mockery of the whole white race. We need more people like David Duke.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
PhillyBirds said:
Truth be told, I was not fully aware of what the dress code was.

...but I don't think I would have gotten the same treatment if I wore a shirt with Timothy McVeigh on it.

Ironically enough, there is a t-shirt out there that reads:

"Timoth McVeigh vs. The Government...168 to 1."

I've seen it. If I can find a pic of it, I'll post it.

Edited by: Ground Fighter

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
PhillyBirds said:
Truth be told, I was not fully aware of what the dress code was.

...but I don't think I would have gotten the same treatment if I wore a shirt with Timothy McVeigh on it.

Ironically enough, there is a t-shirt out there that reads:

"Timoth McVeigh vs. The Government...168 to 1."

I've seen it. If I can find a pic of it, I'll post it.

He blew up little kids, man. You guys aren't saying you'd actually wear one of those, are you?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
Ground Fighter said:
PhillyBirds said:
Truth be told, I was not fully aware of what the dress code was.

...but I don't think I would have gotten the same treatment if I wore a shirt with Timothy McVeigh on it.

Ironically enough, there is a t-shirt out there that reads:

"Timoth McVeigh vs. The Government...168 to 1."

I've seen it. If I can find a pic of it, I'll post it.

He blew up little kids, man. You guys aren't saying you'd actually wear one of those, are you?

Of course not.
All I did was mention that such a shirt existed, which it does. I just can't remember what site its on. I'm pretty sure I saw it on
"", but they may have removed the item.

Geee Shogun, can I climb down off the cross now? (with your permission of course). j/k
Edited by: Ground Fighter

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Hey man, you never know. I didn't think you would wear a shirt like hat, but one never really knows someone else ya know? Especially on the Internet. There is a lot of anti-government sentiment on this board (and rightfully so, I might add) so it's not much of a stretch to think some might think of McVeigh as a hero or something.

And I didn't put you on the cross, m'man, feel free to come down any time you like.


Mar 25, 2008
Not what I meant at all. Admittedly it's a little weird that McVeigh was the first person to come to my mind, but I was just trying to make a point. I can't immediately think of a white "folk hero" similar in scope to Nat Turner. I'm sure someone here could, though.Edited by: PhillyBirds


Apr 13, 2005
As a student, I used to take pleasure in provoking blacks in my classes by making hamburger of their sacred cows. I started doing this in high school with a very sleepy clack of negro lads who had crowded into a back classroom corner where they hoped to be left alone. I liked to rouse them from their slumber with provocative comments about MLK, Rhodesia, slavery, etc. I once got to take a poke at Nat Turner in college. Turner was the hero of black Mau Maus before they rediscovered Malcolm X.

In the late 1960s, William Styron wrote a novel called The Confessions of Nat Turner wherein he cast the murderer as a homosexual. Now this was a novel and the liberal Styron probably thought he was humanizing Turner by painting him in pink, but I figured, what the hell, the black radicals who liked to loudly proclaim in my WTSU History class probably didn't know their own asses from a hole in the ground, much less Styron's novel from the truth, so I lobbed the frag that Nat was a Natalie and all hell broke loose.