Thomas Friedman’s Excellent Adventure

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thomas L. Friedman, the New York Times columnist who may well be the most influential of all Permanent Regime media mouthpieces, is a Zionist and a neo-con, though he comes across as slightly more sensible (or less insane, take your pick) than other neo-cons. He supports American militarism in the Middle East for the purpose of "democratizing" the Arab world, but acknowledges mistakes have been made in the occupation of Iraq, etc. He's basically a kinder, gentler version of Perle and Wolfowitz.

At any rate, I usually ignore his column but for some reason it caught my eye yesterday. Maybe it was because of the name of the Navy warship he is currently on and writing from -- the USS Chosin.
Yes, that the name of it.

The sub-heading of this particular column is: "The diversity in the U.S. military challenges Iraqis. But does our example inspire or just baffle?"

"Repulse" would be a better description. It certainly does me after reading this: "The other thing that hits you on the Chosin is that many officers are women -- so you hear women's voices all day long giving orders over the ship's loudspeaker and radio. And because the local Arab fishermen also hear this chatter, many of them probably think the Chosin is an all-female ship! The 110-foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter Monomoy, alongside the Chosin, has a female executive officer, who often leads the landing parties that inspect boats in the gulf; one of the Navy's fast patrol boats, also alongside the Chosin, had a female captain. . ."

American "diversity" of course means the replacement of whites by non-whites, and the replacement of men by women -- even in the military!!! The Cultural Marxism is relentless and will not slow, even in the military where it is getting tougher and tougher to sign up recruits. What kind of "man" wants to join a female-dominated military? Does Friedman seriously think any culture anywhere in the world will voluntarily accept a female supremacist order without it being imposed either through manipulation of a culture's media and educational systems, or through war?

This is all part and parcel of Washington's world revolutionary campaign of implementing "democracy" by guns and bombs. How does such sickness exist in nature, much less have control of the most powerful government in the world?
Well said Don! The downgrading of males in prominant positions
is promoted on colleges across this country. I remember a
female intern (in our child welfare agency) from Oregon
State. This young lady was reading a copy of " Stupid white
men" and lamenting the plight of " Native Americans", due to the
westward expansion of whites. Her stance (which was surely fed to
her on campus) was that most white males throughout history were stupid
and that only the collective determination between woman and people of
" Color" could save the world from white scourge. I reminded her that " Stupid"
white men were responsible for: the Jarvix heart, electron microscopes,
radio telescopes,powered flight,reciprocating engines,penicilian,space
flight,kidney dialysis, hearing aids,anastesia, etc. She appeared
to short circut and ended the conversation without remarking on
my short list of invention and ingenuity by white males which are
Edited by: Spooge
hat only the collective determination between woman and people of " Color" could save the world from white scourge.

Gee, thats funny... from my point of view, its only white men can save the world from the scourge of women and peoples of color.
We cannot possibly reason with people who will author or read books with titles like "Stupid White Men". Such insane bigotry is worse than anything Whites have been responsible for in history...I think Muslim zealotry is the only comparable philosophy.

We must TRY to reason with our fellow White men instead, who, if they continue to accept this sort of thing, quite possibly really ARE stupid.
Words and phrases like "diversity", " tolerance" and
"multi-culturalism" are used by minorities to justify there presence in
white countries/societies where they are unwanted.

The idea that the world needs to be saved from white men is ridiculous
on its face as we are the only people who have made the world worth
living in. It is disheartening to hear a white female talk
that nonsense though. I expect it from the you-know-whos but when
it comes from one of our own women it stings a little more.
One day those white ladies who have been led astray will realize
that the only thing standing between them and hell on earth
is/are white men.
Friedman is a rabid Zionist first, and a lousy writer second.

Our "diverse" military is a pathetic disgrace. Affirmative action -- i.e the artificial promotion of non-Whites and women into positions for which they are unqualified -- is devastating in any sector, but it is positively deadly in the military arena. As a former-Marine buddy of mine once said (crudely) --- "Today's military couldn't find its a** with both hands."

As with any jew, Friedman is positively giddy that the USA is now totally under Israeli control, and he is more than willing to support our "diverse" American military as it fights Israel's enemies wherever they may be found. And if the incompetence of our "blended" troops causes excessive White male fatalities, then that is just icing on the cake!
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