Thomas Ball's self immolation


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
In another thread Don brought up a story I had wanted to mention before but had forgotten.

"There was a White man recently in New Hampshire who set himself on fire outside the courthouse where his life had been destroyed because of this gynocracy's brutally anti-men laws when it comes to marriage and divorce. He left a long parting diatribe describing how his life had been ruined by having his children taken away from him and subsequently his home, assets, and everything else he had worked for in life, all because he slapped his daughter, and how unfair said laws are for American men wherever they live. His death by immolation was completely ignored by the corporate media -- the same corporate media which still likes to show that famous photo of the monk self-immolating from 45 years ago. His suicide changed nothing."

This is a startling story. What is so over the top unbelievably amazing is how it was actively HIDDEN by the media. As Don mentions the MSM will still use the photo from 45 years ago of the monk burning himself but has no use for one of the most spectacular public suicides in the modern age. Amazing isn't it? The power that the feminazis and their jewish sympathisers in the media hold. I pray every day that these people are somehow made to suffer for the injustices they inflict upon us. I would like nothing more then to see justice done to them.

Here is a link (with uncomfortable picture) of that incident. (note that it is hard to find information on this as the jewsmedia and the ****ocracy has a pretty good lock down on the major news outlets, you can only get this information from a few sources. Soon I imagine it will all be locked out so enjoy this freedom while you can.

better opinion article at Lew Rockwell


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This is the first I've heard of this sad and angering story. Men really don't have rights anymore, as several here have previously mentioned.