The way our world ends


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
A very sad read. I have already printed out several copies to give to some of my white friends at church tommorrow. How can this be reversed other than white people having sex just as much for procreation as recreation.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
This situation will repair itself as soon as our economic crisis hits fever pitch. No more money here means no more foreign aid. No more foreign aid means starvation in these lands. Starvation means population stabilization.

Although i could be wrong - look at this madness in which a country in massive debt and looming economic crisis decides to give poor countries more taxpayer money. Are you sure these people can run a country with behaviour like this?
Edited by: InfamousOne


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I think most white parents are going for the whole quality versus quantity thing when dropping babies into the world, which of course won't be much help when minority kids with ignoramus SAT scores always get first chance at a seat in the university above white kids who are a billion times more productive and qualified.

As the power structure changes to accommodate minorities into positions for which -- on paper -- they are qualified (having been "courtesy-passed" through all levels of schooling), but for which they aren't really up to task on a brass tacks level, the country will gradually become so dumb it will resemble one of Aldous Huxley's or H.G. Wells' worst nightmares.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
"Hopefully, the peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as we pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world.

Otherwise, we all go out with a bang."

That last line is very telling. Whites have become the giving race, yet others resent us for our riches and success. Sure we did some really cruel things in the past, but now we are shepherds of the earth. We can only hope as other peoples populations expand and they flood the western world in immigration that they will have respect for our white Christian values.

We can only hope that diplomacy will work itself out with the ever growing Arab nations and China's rising population when the oil crisis hits (we are very close to hitting peak oil already). Somehow, I'm not so optimistic that 75 years from now the American Empire won't have collapsed from war.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
ToughJ.Riggins said:
"Hopefully, the peoples of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who are about to inherit the earth as we pass away, will treat us better than our ancestors treated them in the five centuries that Western Man ruled the world.

Otherwise, we all go out with a bang."

That last line is very telling. Whites have become the giving race, yet others resent us for our riches and success. Sure we did some really cruel things in the past, but now we are shepherds of the earth. We can only hope as other peoples populations expand and they flood the western world in immigration that they will have respect for our white Christian values.

We can only hope that diplomacy will work itself out with the ever growing Arab nations and China's rising population when the oil crisis hits (we are very close to hitting peak oil already). Somehow, I'm not so optimistic that 75 years from now the American Empire won't have collapsed from war.

That is SO true. I think one of the reasons why white AMERICAN men are so often depicted as being weak or effeminate is that White Americans are the only people (with the possible exception of some Western European nations) who give a flying f$%k what people think of us, and about helping other people -- until it reaches the point that we are expected to put the needs of others before our own needs, celebrate the achievements and milestones of others before we celebrate our own, gain advantages for other while simultaneously putting ourselves voluntarily into inferior positions -- and all the while, if we are ever to fail to do this, or even to question the wisdom or justification of this self-destruction, we get hit with the verbal equivalent of a positive AIDS test -- YOU'RE A RACIST.

You're a NAZI.

Oh man.

Illegal immigrants come pouring through our borders, and look how white men behave. Want a job? Want a house? Want to ruin my city with crime and dirt? Have at it, Pedro.

Can you imagine if minorities tried to pull this crap in Russia, or in China, or in Japan?

The cops would say something like, "Yeah, I've got a job for you, bro -- get the hell out of here, before I empty this revolver into your chest."
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
GiovaniMarcon said:
Can you imagine if minorities tried to pull this crap in Russia, or in China, or in Japan?

The cops would say something like, "Yeah, I've got a job for you, bro -- get the hell out of here, before I empty this revolver into your chest."

This is true because those three countries are "race-based" nations. They go out of their way to keep the race of their nation looking the same as a whole. They don't approve of race-mixing and they see outsiders and immigrants as a personal and national threat to their way of life. They also have a more serious sense of nationalistic pride than we do as a whole here in this country. And, yes, Russia too is a race-based nation, and they don't like outsiders. Russians are not "just White". They have a distinct look and way about them that separates them from other White people, and their culture is little "different" to say the least. I guarantee you, if we ever had a Caste Football night out and we all went to a bar or a club and there are Russian girls there, I'll be able to identify them before we even hear them speak. I don't know why, maybe its because I am half Ukranian that I am able to do this, but I seem to always be able to find other Russian or Ukranian people just by sight.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
I cannot see the African population continuing to expand for very long. With the white population in decline, and several white nations already feeling the economic strain of taking care of refugee Africans, I believe the time is near where white western nations will no longer be CAPABLE to provide for Africa. When the food and medicine stop being pumped into Africa by the likes of Sweden, England, Germany, Canada, and the ole U.S. of A. you will see a dramatic drop in the African population.


Feb 15, 2008
Can you imagine if minorities tried to pull this crap in Russia, or in China, or in Japan?

The cops would say something like, "Yeah, I've got a job for you, bro -- get the hell out of here, before I empty this revolver into your chest."

I've heard stories about military servicemen in Japan who were arrested for harassing and attacking the locals and let's just say they absolutely regretted it. The Japanese are efficiently brutal when they have to be.


May 20, 2005
The Nordic who fought the ice, the beasts, and each other, for 40,000 years, is not born to die. The people who used to fight to death with the iron bits from their horses mouths if no other tool was not available are not made from taffy. The people who have built the best of every kind of weapon, from atlatls to attack submarines, are not going to be defeated by any external source.

We don't die unless on some level we wish to do so.