The Time to Prepare is NOW!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
For any who still question the impending collapse of the U.S. economy (stock market, total dollar crash, nationwide $5+ per gallon gas, etc.)...I thought it might be prudent to keep a daily log of headlines clearly showing the coming disaster.

Monday 03/13/08

Fed's "Rescue" Has Failed

Globalist Elitist Buffett Admits US in Recession

Oil Hits All Time High

Rove : Iraq Redeployment Will Cause Oil to Skyrocket to $200+ Per Barrel

US Dollar Falls to 3 Year Low

***As I've previously stated, I'd strongly suggest everyone get out of ALL debt asap (especially credit cards), move investements to precious metal which you take physical receipt of (coins, etc.), prepare yourself a "bugout bag", stock up on a 3-12 month supply of non-perishable food & water, gas, 1-2 good generators (with a 3-12 month supply of gas for vehicles and generators), a few dependable firearms (+ a large quantity of ammo), a remote "bugout" location for your family to re-convene at (in the event of Martial Law false-flag attack).While this will sound "extreme" to the average American sheeple (zombified by MTV, TMZ, iPods & video games), to those who've studied the agenda and methods of the Elite....the writing is ever so clearly on the wall. As American, we must prepare for the worst.


Aug 9, 2005
If you have the means, set up a lifeboat bank account in Switzerland. $10,000 and under, you don't have to pay taxes and you have a place to quickly transfer your money when it gets to that. Be happy that the average sheep hasn't even tuned in yet to the destruction of the dollar and our economy. And of course when you do make a move, change out of dollars. Go into precious metals, Swiss Francs, or Euros. Energy, Ag, precious metals will all be safe. Go into real things as much as possible. When the US tanks, the rest of the world will be hurt, but temporarily. They'll come quickly back because they'll figure out they don't need our paper.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I agree with the assesment that the US economy is in for bad times but I think the solutions offered are unrealistic. Not trying to insult anyone but I've been through this before, some of the suggestions are OK but others are not practical.

How do you "get out of debt ASAP?" What magic wand can you wave to pay off credit cards, loans, etc? The biggest debt most people have is in their house, kinda hard to quickly liquidate a 30 year mortgage.

What kind of collapse do you think will occur that will enable someone to "bug out"? When you bug out does that mean you leave your job, your kids school? How long can you go like that? So you save up 3 months of food, how do you haul all of that to your bug out location? And how do you get this bug out property? More debt?

3 1/2 months worth of gas? Sure I'll just fill up some empty milk containers and store them in the garage.

Gold? Swiss francs? Why will someone take those as payment, how can you be sure they will be a negotiable instument. If there is a collapse of financial institutions how are you going to change your swiss francs, how is the price of gold going to be honored? What good are foreign investments or a swiss bank account, you have to deal with a US bank to transfer funds, unless you are going to jet off to Switzerland to make a withdrawal.

And any procaution can be wiped away by government fiat, or seizure. A robbery or well armed mob can take away your stash or anything else you've stored away.

I agree there are some people in remote locations who have carefully prepared for years that could weather the storm mentioned above. But everyone else is stuck with whatever happpens. How many of us have the extra resources to prepare in any meaningful way.


Apr 6, 2007
I would have posted the same thought but I didn't want to be accused of trolling.
Edited by: Menelik
Jan 5, 2005
United States
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Everyone may have a different way of surviving the eventual fall of the U.S. (and it will, if you don't believe me name one political entity that has not), I just hope that nobody is going into this thing blind. I figure at the current rate the United States will be a non-White nation in less then 100 years, and there are no non-White nations with the exception of Japan that have sustained a successfull economy for very long. My hope is to keep my family aware of the necessity of "group" survival tactics and how nobody has stood the test of time without them. Our people have lasted 80,000 some odd years, I have to think we will find a place in this world to regroup and start again with the knowledge that multicultralism (or whatever you want to call it) ALWAYS leads to the downfall of the host culture.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What makes this era unprecedented in the threat it presents to racially aware whites is the weaponry that exists, along with the developing technology to literally genetically modify groups of people out of existence. Bio-chip implanting in humans gains more momentum by the day, and of course there has never been anything like the modern media to propagandize and program so many whites into despising their own kind. There may be nowhere to go to regroup if we lose this time around. Look at the lengths the fedgov went to go after the isolated Weaver family and to annihilate the obscure Branch Davidian sect.


Aug 9, 2005
Gold is incredibly liquid. I bought it at $300. Later on when I needed some money, I brought it to a dealer and sold 2 ounces for $500 a piece. He quickly pealed off 10, 100 dollar bills for me. If I would have held that money in federal reserve notes, I would have lost out on $400.

With today's FOREX market, it's easy to hold a foreign currency. Start up an account with Everbank. It's all quite doable, not far fetched at all.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jaxvid, these tips are for the worst case scenario & would need to be applied in various manners from individual to individual. Getting out of debt takes time & discipline, start with credit card debt, then student loans, etc., car note & (eventually) mortgage. It certainly doesn't happen overnight & takes an aggressive & disciplined approach & planning. ***Here's some good tips on alleviating debt...

Getting Out of Debt ASAP

Bugging out is worst-case-scenario. While having remote property is optimal, it's not necessary. I was suggesting a remote (but not too distant) meeting place to convene when/if martial law is declared & they start taking folks to FEMA camps. You can purchase a towing package/hitch & used trailer (for essentials) for minimal expense. Also, gas can be stored in the 5 gallon containers sold at hardware stores & kept in a storage shed, etc. While 3 months is optimal, even a few weeks is better than nothing. This fuel can be used for a generator & if/when gas prices go supernova.

In regards to gold/precious metals, it's always good to have a tangible asset/commidity on hand for use in bartering. As Don alluded to, the Elite are getting closer to mandatory bio-chip implantation (just look at RFID tags in clothing, chips being pushed for pets, etc.). When that time comes, no one will be able to legally buy without said chip (as the Bible predicted), and one will need precious metal coins (of varying values) for (underground batering). No doubt the "Amero" will become digitalized via the bio-chip.

Bottom line, we simply cannot bury our (collective) heads in the sand & fall into "whoa is me" mode. We must be proactive in preparing for the worst & educating others on what's happening to our once sovereign Constitutional Republic. While all my suggestions might not be totally applicable for everyone, they just some 101 advise to prepare for the quickly coming storm on the horizon.

***BTW, here are some further (daily) signs of the coming collapse...

Dollar hits record low

Oil hits $106 as Dollar plummets

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
I think you make some good basic points, Dixie Destroyer, but, asjaxvid said, some ofthe ideas are just not realistic. Considering the fact that it has become fashionable to call most Americans "financially illiterate" these days-coming on the heels of the subprime fiasco and looking at the average citizen`s mountain of credit card debt, for example-I don`t think most people could figure their way out of less than a $1000 debt, let alone 10 or 100 times that with car payments and mortagages etc. included in the equation. In fact, I suspect not a few people are simply waiting for their next Uncle Sam bailoutto give them a temporary reprieve on the credit cards and other out-of-control bills.

I do like the idea of diversifying your savings, though,as in investing in precious metals. I`ve been doing this for a number of years myself, and I also believe it is a good idea to have access to a back-up fund as some others mention.

Yourmain idea that the economy is in big trouble is one I agree with, Dixie Destroyer. And Ifurther believethere will be a post-Bush hangover of great magnitude-not just economically-that will make whoever is the next president wish they weren`t occupying the White House a lot of days.However,livingoverseas, I don`t think it`s just the U.S. that is in for some lean times.Quite a number ofother countries will be included in a major economic downturn, in my opinion. Whether we are going to have any sort of worldwide economic depression is highly debatable in my mind, but things do look pretty negative all around atpresent.

Also,it might be a good idea for people to search their garages, attics and other storage places before running out to stock up on some of the necessities you call for, Dixie Destroyer. This is because theyprobably have a lot of non-perishable items left over from the Y2K end-of-the-worldprophecies of 8 years ago.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's the thing about debt as discussed above, if you are contemplating a scenario where the fedgov is sending people to "FEMA camps" and you have to "bug-out" to somewhere to avoid the looting mobs and foreign military presence in the streets then why are you worrying about debt?

In fact if you see a large scale economic and social collapse coming what you should do is run your debt up to the moon and buy everything you need or want. Who's going to collect when the streets are a madhouse and everyone has defaulted on all of their debt because they can't work or are locked up in "camps"?

I know a couple of people that have run up their debt then declared bankruptcy--twice! I feel like a sap, struggling to make my monthly payments and those clowns are living better then me because they have essentially defaulted on their obligtions with no consequences. Now you tell me to pay off my debt when it looks like everyone in the country is going to default and probably get it excused. That's bad advice.

Also in the worst cast scenarios as mentioned you can forget gold and "diversified portfolio's" all that has to go through a govt bank to be processed, I'm sure that will work out to you favor. You should instead stock up on whiskey and cigarettes, the real currency of social break down.

I'm going out now to buy a fifth of Jack Daniels and a carton of Camels.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
jaxvid said:
Here's the thing about debt as discussed above, if you are contemplating a scenario where the fedgov is sending people to "FEMA camps" and you have to "bug-out" to somewhere to avoid the looting mobs and foreign military presence in the streets then why are you worrying about debt?

In fact if you see a large scale economic and social collapse coming what you should do is run your debt up to the moon and buy everything you need or want. Who's going to collect when the streets are a madhouse and everyone has defaulted on all of their debt because they can't work or are locked up in "camps"?

I know a couple of people that have run up their debt then declared bankruptcy--twice! I feel like a sap, struggling to make my monthly payments and those clowns are living better then me because they have essentially defaulted on their obligtions with no consequences. Now you tell me to pay off my debt when it looks like everyone in the country is going to default and probably get it excused. That's bad advice.

Also in the worst cast scenarios as mentioned you can forget gold and "diversified portfolio's" all that has to go through a govt bank to be processed, I'm sure that will work out to you favor. You .

I'm alluding to taking steps in the process of becoming prepared. For the time being, take the basic steps (begin the overall process). First thing is YES, get out of usury to the lecherous banks because there's no exact time-table on when the economy might (totally) collapse (whether in 6 months or 5 years, etc.). Financial discipline (like all facets of discipline) is always advantageous.As you mentioned, there are loads of deadbeats out there that abuse bankruptcy (due to out of control spending), but I certainly don't advise it (from an ethical & financial standpoint). Bottom line...getting out of debt is never "bad advice".

In the way of gold, I'm referring to using it to barter when the worst-case scenario unfolds. Purchase precious metals now/asap, and have it "in hand" for down the road (when things really hit the fan). When buying/selling becomes only allowed via biometric chips, then having something for bartering (in the black-market/"underground") is the only way you'll be able to obtain items unless you steal them.

BTW, you seem to scoff at the idea of planned/forthcoming FEMA camps for Americans (once martial law is declared), so let me provide some further information on this subject...

FEMA Camps in America

American Concentration CampsEdited by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 9, 2005
This issue is no joke.

Debt is one more claim they have on you.

You stay out of their system as much as possible.

Whiskey and cigarettes are good for barter, gold and silver for bigger transactions. There are many possibilities. The weakness in one will be a strength in another.

The Asians will soon figure out they don't need our paper and that they can keep the televisions and automobiles for themselves. Whole middle classes are getting ready to come on line. Gold, silver, real commodities haven't even begun their rise.

You prepare so you can be a resource for your family and friends. The camps are real. Kellog Brown and Root have built them. The cruelty and baseness of the younger generation is real. I sure in f'ck don't want to end up in one of those camps.

What's really sad is that in most cases, they won't have to go out and get people. People will go to the camps voluntarily as it'll be the only place they can get food.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
VIDEO: CNN Warns Americans A New Great Depression Is Coming.

The American economy is propped up on faith and credit, and Wall Street is now in a short supply of both of these essentials. The video below from CNN Money contains the sort of talk that can start runs on banks to withdraw savings and shatter stock markets. That doesn't mean, however, these commentators are not telling the truth.

History will likely record that the "$3-8 Trillion" Iraq War was a key reason why the American economy shuddered to a stop and a new Great Depression began, if the financial genocide continues :
The spending on Iraq was a hidden cause of the current credit crunch because the US central bank responded to the massive financial drain of the war by flooding the American economy with cheap credit.

"The regulators were looking the other way and money was being lent to anybody this side of a life-support system..."

That led to a housing bubble and a consumption boom, and the fallout was plunging the US economy into recession...

video link here