The Sick Man of North America

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
sad but true

The Sick Man of North America

by Eric Margolis

An empire built on debt, is an empire built on sand.

The US government now owes a staggering $10 trillion. American consumers owe $14 trillion. Welcome to the United States of debt. Twenty-four trillion dollars is a gargantuan sum, even for the mighty US economy. It is now clear that America's once lauded "prosperity" was built on runaway debt rather than productivity or innovation.

At the end of the 19<SUP>th</SUP> Century, the dying, debt-ridden Ottoman Empire became known as "the sick man of Europe." Under the Bush administration, the United States has become the Sick Man of North America.

Like the British Empire after 1945, the United States has gone bankrupt thanks to a national orgy of borrowing, the replacement of manufacturing by financial manipulation, two ruinous foreign wars, and a government whose stunning incompetence and ignorance was exceeded only by its reckless imperial arrogance.

The financial panic that has gripped the globe, and the ignominious collapse of once mighty Wall Street, proved the American colossus had feet of clay. Washington's furious printing of untold billions of new dollars to prop up its sinking economy, finance this year's staggering $1 trillion deficit, and pay gargantuan foreign debts looks very likely in the long term to unleash a storm of dangerous inflation that will infect the world's financial system.

Short-term the current financial crisis will have a deflationary effect, but in years to come the full effects of devalued US currency must bring serious inflation.

Recall the great economist John Maynard Keynes warned that the quickest way to destroy a nation was by wrecking its currency through inflation.

The world balance of power is already shifting. For example, Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, just went cap in hand to China, seeking $4-6 billion in emergency loans. Pakistan is on the verge of bankruptcy and may shortly default on its debt, risking social chaos.

But Pakistan's patron, the United States, which has been paying that nation's politicians and army $1.2 billion per annum to support the occupation of Afghanistan, has no cash to spare for Pakistan. So Pakistan is turning to China, which has $19 trillion in foreign exchange reserves - the world's largest. Beijing cautiously responded it would help old ally Islamabad "within our capabilities."

The US-led occupation of Afghanistan is likely to be adversely affected by Washington's new pauper status just at a time when the war is going very badly for the American-led occupation.

Bankrupt people, companies, and nations have to sell assets to meet their debt obligations. China and Japan alone hold over $1.5 trillion of US government securities in the form of US Treasury notes and bonds (which are really IOU's).

Nervous Chinese and Japanese central bankers now want real assets rather than more paper. So there is talk of America's Asian creditors demanding their IOU's be converted into shares in US corporations and property.

Sovereign wealth funds from the Arab oil states and Singapore may soon demand chunks of premier US corporations and property. This is ironical, given all the previous hue and cry in the US about "Arabs" having too much influence due to oil sales.

In the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century, European imperial powers used to force loans on China, Egypt, the Gulf, Iran, and Latin America. When the locals could not pay off these debts, parts of their territory was seized. Russia was forced to sell Alaska to the US for next to nothing when it could not repay its debts.

China's coast was carved up by the British, French, Germans, Russians, Americans and Japanese. These imperial foreclosures created the trading "concessions" of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tsingtao, Tianjin, and Port Arthur.

Now, it's payback time for China. How ironic that the Chinese Communists have ended up with a so-far sound financial system while the Wall Street bandit capitalists have gone bust and are groveling for foreign loans.

To help pay its monster debts, I suggest Washington consider selling Louisiana back to France. Canada, whose banking system remains solid, ought to pick up Florida for a song. Switzerland would do well to spend some if its gold and buy Vermont and New Hampshire.

Mexico will want to buy Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. Russia, of course, will buy back Alaska and Washington State. China will purchase California. San Francisco will become "New Shanghai" and Los Angeles, "New Beijing."

Japan will buy up Oregon, Montana, and Hawaii. Holland will repossess New York State, and Germany will buy Pennsylvania and Minnesota.

Just kidding, of course, but this joshing shows how bad things have become for poor old Uncle Sam.

Pakistan's move into China's financial embrace is a harbinger of things to come. Unless the US quickly repairs its economy, its world power could slip away as quickly as postwar Britain's, leaving China, Japan, Russia, the EU, the Arab oil states, and India as the world's new superpowers.

This may not be so awful. All power, as Briton's Lord Acton famously said, corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely. As the world's sole superpower, the US under the Bush administration became totally corrupted by imperial hubris, financial fraud, lust for resources, and greed.

A world with more balanced, diffused power may be preferable. But such profound historical change is always dangerous and unpredictable. Right now, China looks like top dog. Mao must be smiling.

Who would have ever imagined the "godless Red Chinese hordes" would end up propping up America's sleazy economy?
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October 22, 2008
Eric Margolis [send him mail], contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada. He is the author of War at the Top of the World and the new book, American Raj: Liberation or Domination?: Resolving the Conflict Between the West and the Muslim World. See his website.


Apr 6, 2007
Good analogy comparing America to the Ottoman Empire. I'm a big fan of historical fiction and I've always wondered what the eventual breakup of the United States would look like.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
No doubt about it, we are in sad shape, but cheer up--what replaces the current USA might be something much better and more in tune with the original vision of the founders. We might restore the articles of confederation, or start a secessionist movement. Scotland has, Quebec has,'s very plausible. I want to see what happens when some courageous legislature and governor simply 'opts' out of the American Empire. What will the national govt do? If theyallow the stateto go...many others will too. It will be a definite repudiation of Empire. If they suppress the secessionists by spilling blood--how will that look? They (the national govt) will be exposed as the fratricidalvillains that they are.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I think secession from the monstrosity in the District of Criminals is the only way out. The alliances that canbring aboutindividual, local, state and regional secession are still in the early stages of forming. The joint press conference held last month by Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney at which they agreed on several core issues is a harbinger of what's taking place. Even Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily came out today and urged the red and blue states to secede from each other.

However, none of them are ready yet to touch unavoidable issues head-on that concern race and Jewish nationalism (Zionism). Any genuine secession movement has to respect freedom of association and voluntary separation.
Oct 24, 2005
Kick out the illegal immigrants, reduce the H1bs, build the wall on the mexican border, reduce the number of foreigners in our country and we wouldn't be talking about succession.
Oct 24, 2005
Are you sure you want seccession? The mayor of my city has declared it a "santuary city." That is he will not enforce any immigration laws. I consider this an act of rebellion equal to firing on Fort Sumter. If the feds hauled him off, I will cheer loudly.
Until GWB imported all the mestizos, nobody taked about succession. Now people wonder if they have to do it to survive.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
screamingeagle said:
Are you sure you want seccession?

I don't want it. But it's being forced to the forefront, mainly because legitimate political opposition is so effectively and thoroughly marginalized by the permanent two-party monopoly and the media and judiciary which back up that monopoly.Edited by: Don Wassall
Oct 24, 2005
Amen.This is a fight I do not want to see. There is still a lot of goodness in the USA. Illegal immigration is causing so much fear (not that legal immigrantion is any better now a days.) Our leaders don't understand this or don't want to understand this. It is the overwhelming immigration that is dividing the nation.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
speaking of illegal immigration, has anyone else seen what Tom Tancredo is trying to draw attention to in Arizona?

some excerpts:

The opponents of immigration enforcement have stooped to a new low in Arizona with their latest attempt to undermine the state's workplace verification laws. After exhausting their usual tactics, they are resorting to outright and intentional deception of the voters. This November, Arizonans will vote on Proposition 202, {snip} "Stop Illegal Hiring."

If this were all I knew about Prop 202, I'd wholeheartedly support it; and the initiative backers are hoping that voters won't learn anything about the initiative beyond the title.

Arizona {snip} already has the toughest workplace enforcement law in the country. The Legal Arizona Workers Act ("LAWA"), which was enforced in the beginning 2008, is the first state law to require all employers to use the E-Verify worker identification system. E-Verify is a nearly fool proof electronic data-base system that makes sure an job applicant is here legally.


The Stop Illegal Hiring Act effectively overturns Arizona' current employer sanction laws. It completely removes the E-Verify requirement that was central to the success of LAWA. It forbids Arizona from acting against employers until the federal government does so first, but it's the federal government's failure to act that makes the law necessary in the first place. On top of all this, it gives amnesty to employers of illegal aliens, and bans whistleblowers from alerting the authorities to illegal hiring.


Usually the pro-immigration groups try to overturn the will of the people in the courts. With both the Arizona and Greater Phoenix Chambers of Commerce as well as heavily funded left wing legal outfits like the ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense Fund as plaintiffs, and government executives who are often just as eager to have the laws overturned charged with defending them; any state law against illegal immigration immediately faces an uphill legal battle.

The business lobby tried this tactic with both Proposition 200 and then with LAWA, but after the most left wing Federal Appeals Court in the country upheld the law, their last resort is outright deception of the voter. With little fanfare, a business group called Wake Up Arizonaâ€â€￾who were one of the primary plaintiffs against the current employer sanction lawsâ€â€￾have managed to sneak the misleading initiative on the ballot.


If there was ever a case of a wolf in sheep's clothing, this is it. Even citizens who oppose LAWA should be outraged by how dishonest and undemocratic the tactics used by Wake Up Arizona.

i mean, damn. that is just outright deception by the political left and elected "leaders" of the country. apparently, illegal aliens are more important than US citizens. fortunately, Tancredo is drawing attention to this misleading attempt by the Far Left to screw us yet again.

as a John F. Kennedy once said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Jimmy, your intro to the article is misleading. The article you linked to was written BY Tom Tancredo in an effort to WARN people in Arizona about that bill, he didn't sponsor it. Tancredo is the #1 anti-immigration advocate in the U.S. Congress. He is a Republican Representative out of Colorado.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Tancredo is head and shoulders above anyone else in Congress on immigration. Unfortunately he's a "Judeo-Christian" who pretty much supports the neo-cons on everything else.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Shogun, thanks for catching that. posting at 2:30 in the morning can lead to some mistakes.

i'll edit the post.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
screamingeagle said:
Kick out the illegal immigrants, reduce the H1bs, build the wall on the mexican border, reduce the number of foreigners in our country and we wouldn't be talking about succession.

Absolutely! The IT industry is chalk-full of H-1B visa workers taking jobs from Americans! The IT shop I work for employs a slew of rubyknoggins. Many are somewhat arrogant with a mild sense of entitlement. I take serious issue with Globalist Elite vermin like Bill Gates constantly pushing for more H-1Bs. Outsourcing and insourcing are destroying the middle class (by design)!


Nov 2, 2004
I'm glad that this excellent E. Margolis article, about the senile, failing U.S. Government and it citizens, would spur discussion of secession.

Of the many forms of revolt possible against America, its Federal Reserve, and the New World Order, the two that the powers-that-be find the most terrifying are these:

1) General loss of confidence
2) Secession movements here and about

The two can go hand-in-hand. Secession is on the mind of lots of Americans, and a single successful secession would bring on a cascade. The desperation level will soon approach that which confronted the Southern States in the late 1850s, leading to the mass secessions in 1860 and 1861. It didn't take long for the vile Rothschild-backed Northern Money Government to seek total war against those who wished to escape.

A new secession would definitely put the question to the failing Federal Reserve dictatorship


Nov 23, 2006
Interesting thinking about the Ottoman empire fall as the same method as the U.S. Empire fall. The Ottoman Empire fall was slowly cut apart but final blow was quick in World War I. The fall of the Ottoman Empire was marked by ethic cleansing of Whites from Asia Minor including the Armenian Holocaust.

A similar scenario would have U.S. forces being sent to combat zones to the point that the U.S.A. is empty of troops which such a scenario would likely be an all out last ditch defense of the Zionist to kept them from being pushed into the sea by the Arabs.

Win or lose the USA is likely watching the inter cities burn as welfare checks are cutoff. The Federal government without a hammer (military forces) or money since the economic is gone and no one will lend them any money has little power other then the loyalty of the state and local "ethics" who likely will prove unable or unwilling to deal with the crisis and be replaced by more independent leaders, who would have to use state and local police along with militia units to restore order.

The Federal government likely will try to stop the suppressing of the nonwhite rebellion (Race War) possibly trying to use security forces (FBI, ATF, etc.) to control the States, (not wise since secret police don't usually do well in combat against combat veterans who had been fighting a Race War) who would secede and forced the Feds out. The South, New England, the West , Alaska, Hawaii and all commonwealths and territories likely being lost and the Federal government forced to relocate to New York City what happens with the rust belt would they remain as Asia Minor to the Ottoman Empire or do they leave especially since the Federal government is stuck with the National debt which would level only New York City as the USA.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
I'm sorry, but I just can't buy it. The USA is very, very rich, ten trillion dollars is not much.
It's really smoke and mirrors. As I recall the US. is estimated to hold 8100 Metric Tons of gold, or 20,000,000 pounds. Only estimated because the central bank generally dont allow independent audits of their reserves. Now, if gold is $16000 per pound, and the US. has 20,000,000lb, thats 3 trillion dollars if Im not wrong. And thats just one element! What about Silver, Nickel, Platinum and all the other holdings this country has?

It's all a lie IMO. If people knew just how rich we were they would demand more from the government..
And our government knows it. This country crying that we owe ten trillion is like a millionaire crying over oweing $10,000...All governments are at heart just "Vampires" that feed on its people. They take and give back very little.

How long has it been that old people have not even got a raise in their social security? two years maybe?
Last edited:


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
I'm sorry, but I just can't buy it. The USA is very, very rich, ten trillion dollars is not much.
It's really smoke and mirrors. As I recall the US. is estimated to hold 8100 Metric Tons of gold, or 20,000,000 pounds. Only estimated because the central bank generally dont allow independent audits of their reserves. Now, if gold is $16000 per pound, and the US. has 20,000,000lb, thats 3 trillion dollars if Im not wrong. And thats just one element! What about Silver, Nickel, Platinum and all the other holdings this country has?

It's all a lie IMO. If people knew just how rich we were they would demand more from the government..
And our government knows it. This country crying that we owe ten trillion is like a millionaire crying over oweing $10,000...All governments are at heart just "Vampires" that feed on its people. They take and give back very little.

How long has it been that old people have not even got a raise in their social security? two years maybe?

What you are suggesting is just a one-time fix. Suppose we had enough gold to pay off our current debt. At best that delays the inevitable by about a decade or so given our current spending. Except that time around we won't have any gold reserves.