The real 800-lbs. “immigration†guerrilla


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "They Keep Coming (the Illegal Irish, That Is)"

It's no secret worldwide that the United States is suffering a terrible recession illustrated by the worst level of joblessness since the 1930s. Fifteen million is the official unemployment number, but many additional American citizens are working part-time or have given up looking.

Nevertheless, illegal aliens from Ireland continue to arrive to steal American jobs, like they were entitled to do so because of the history of Irish immigration (legal) to this country.

Interestingly, Irish complained loud and long about the immigration to their own country during its brief boom. The Irish expressed anger about the quarter million Poles who had flocked to the tiny island for job opportunities, as well as diverse thousands of others. It's not surprising then that a 2009 Ireland survey discovered a preference for limits: Seven out of 10 favour immigration restrictions.

Yet the illegal Irish think it is totally swell to impose themselves on the American job market and steal employment that by law belongs to US citizens. Arrogant Paddy-pests do it largely because there is no jail time for job theft; the worst punishment is a free ride home

From time to time, articles are written about "illegal" or legal White immigrants these pieces pop-up as ways of demonstrating that the writer is not just against nonwhites but White immigrants too. Of course, the left could care less and still calls them "racist." The "immigration" debate is NOT about legal/illegal in reality it is about White/nonwhite. To pretend otherwise is a losing battle for the politicians will merrily merely declare the illegal nonwhites legal.

In Western Europe, the East Europeans are attacked, especially the Polish, though some migrants from Eastern Europe are nonwhites (Jews, Gypsies, etc) the thrust of the attack is clearly aimed at the White Eastern Europeans. In the USA, the White group most targeted now days is the Irish. Though, many American writes talk a lot of the Mexican and other nonwhite invaders from time to time they must mention some White group of a few thousand in order not to feel "racist."Why not mention the illegal Jews, they do far more damage then the Irish, because they be called "anti-Semitic" even though most Jews are Huns (Khazars).

If the real debt was not about race, the Irish numbers would be so small that they won't make the cut to be talked about. The only reason to mention the Irish, in the "illegal" alien debate, other then in a list or as a footnote, is because they are White.