The Pinky Show - Communist


Nov 23, 2008

The following videos that I found from YOUTUBE (very long, and boring), are just a few samples from a disturbing US communist group called PINKY. A friend of mine passed this message to me, though I'm sure some of you will NOT AGREE with him. These videos are very dangerous. They can alter one's perception of the USA and the WEST in a very negative way.

"Let me explain, The pinky show, PINK is a code name for a communist movement in America. Many of the donors of the pinky show are communist, but they no longer list their names on their WEB site, to hide their identity. Another thing they are doing is trying to weaken American WAR efforts in the Middle East, By dividing us, Just like in Vietnam. Another thing they are doing is undermine the relationships between US allies like the Philippines, ISREAL ETC..."

The American War - The US in Vietnam

How to Solve Illegal Immigration

The Iraq War: Legal or Illegal?

Fear, Agression, & Empire

What is a Crime Against Humanity?

27,000 HolocaustsEdited by: j41181


Nov 23, 2008
After looking at some of these videos (they are very long, and boring), This is my opinion on them:

They want to bring total negative perception on the United States, and it's people, especially among white people.

These people are all about steering new hate on the USA and the WEST, as usual. Whether you believe this stuff or not, its nothing more than an Alternative look at history. Just a leftist propaganda. Even the official US version on the Vietnam War is just as despicable. So what's to gain out of this? Is Vietnam all there is to it? The average Viet today would rather focus on what he can do for the day, rather than reflect on those dark and gloomy days.

These people are trying to start a new age of tyranny and hate, where only their opinion matters, while we are all wrong. They are the smart ones, we are the dumb ones. They want to stir new hate around the free world, especially towards the USA, and the WEST. As interesting their videos and talking points are, it's actually boring and pointless. These people are like zombies.

They keep glorifying Vietnam as if it's the greatest nation on Earth, when in fact, a nation born out of wars. It was shaped by the outside forces of the world, China, France, Japan, and the USA. Vietnam would not be Vietnam if not for these nations. These nations now are at peace, to stir new hate, means more wars. That's what these stupid people want, more wars, more bloodshed. Let go of the past, and focus on the bright, and peaceful future. Vietnam is actually just doing that, they are in good terms with the whole world, including the USA.

Their so-called solution on IMMIGRATION is Very illogical. When one looks at history, it was survival of the fittest. The USA would never exist without European immigration. It is illogical to compare then, to what is now. These two idiots I saw on the video wouldn't be around if their forefathers did not come to America. The USA has the right to defend it's present status, it's present identity, and it's present culture. These are typical left-wing videos that want to destroy the USA. The very illogical immigration solution sez it all.

Well Gentlemen, I don't expect all of you to agree with my opinion and findings. Your own opinion is what matters. Edited by: j41181


Nov 23, 2008
I also respect the fact that, the Vietnamese won their freedom, their independence. The war was a complete mistake, a complete tragedy. The sole blame should go to the US gov't and the US military. But never blame the American people. The American people are very sorry such a mistake and tragedy. It's just that some people use this excuse to hate the entire USA.

And While we should of course learn from the harsh lessons of the war, At the same time, let bygones, be BYGONES.

The problem is, remembering too much can stir NEW HATE.


Apr 6, 2007
j41181 said:
... The sole blame should go to the US gov't and the US military. But never blame the American people.

Don't the American people vote for people in the government and fill the ranks of the armed forces?
Oct 24, 2005
I only watched a few minutes of 27,000 holocausts. I just find this so funny. An expert on international law is being interviewed by a cartoon cat!