the Obama/Joker poster

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
oho! the left is pissed off about this!



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
InfoWars explains Obuma as the Joker for the Marxist pantywafers...

Obama as Joker Explained

Kurt Nimmo
August 5, 2009

Michael Shaw, over at Huffington Post, does not seem to understand the Obama-as-Joker poster. "Regarding the image specifically, I'm interested in your read, particularly Obama in chalky white face. Besides the allusion to the President as a psychopath and more insidiously, a man behind a mask, does the chalk exploit race by suggesting the man is playing at being white? What I'm also concerned about, aside from the psycho-Joker reference, is the association to violence (emphasized by the gang tags in the background), Obama with the bloody mouth and, particularly, a couple of black eyes,"Â muses Shaw.

Liberals far and wide are like Chatty Cathy dolls when it comes to either criticizing or parodying Obama â€" they uniformly assert racism is at work. Of course, one of the reasons our rulers selected Obama is because they want to disarm all criticism by playing the race card. In our politically correct and brainwashed society, any allusion to racism immediately destroys an argument â€" no matter how reasoned or logical.

The white face â€" and clowns usually hide their faces under white makeup (it is called "clown white"Â) â€" has nothing to do with an attempt to portray Obama as a white person. It's about Obama as the Joker, and not necessarily the Joker played by the late Heath Ledger.

Bob Kane's original comic book Joker is a master criminal and a bizarre psychopath. Obama is not necessarily a psychopath â€" that is to say a ruthless hands-on serial killer â€" but by the standard of his office he is a master criminal, or rather a front man for a cartel of master criminals.

In 2009, the office of the president is nothing if not a wholly owned subsidiary of the international bankers. In fact the whole of Congress is owned by the banksters and their corporate minions, a fact the liberals consistently miss or are incapable of understanding mostly because many of them are beholden to foundations established by the same bankster elite.

Shaw is also perturbed by the reference to violence in the Joker poster. It is of course incomprehensible for most liberals to believe Obama represents the most violent and sadistic force in the world â€" the United States government long ago taken over by the aforementioned bankster cartel or mafia. Three million dead Vietnamese, one million plus dead Iraqis, an undetermined number of Afghans and assorted others either directly slaughtered by the U.S. war machine or its numerous proxies should be evidence enough. So should the penchant for torture and economic warfare, the latter waged against literally billions of people, including the kool-aid drinking liberals. Obama is the current and transitional face of this high-tech murder and economic violence machine.

Liberals never learn. Back in the day when the supposed liberal Bill Clinton held office they looked the other way when he attacked the former Yugoslavia and butchered thousands of Serbs under the sickly guise of humanitarianism. Liberals even devised arguments in favor of Clinton's slow motion war against the people of Iraq and the engineered murder of 500,000 or more Iraqi children under the brutal sanctions regime imposed by the United Nations, a globalist organization liberals generally support.

Of course, so-called conservatives are no better. They supported the same murderous behavior on the part of Bush and crew. It is sour grapes at work now that the obverse side of the New World Order is in the saddle. It is a parlor trick and the conservatives buy into it with the same mindless zeal as the liberals.

The basic problem with the Obama as Joker poster is that its message is lost on those who believe the government is basically good and all it takes to turn things around (things accomplished by that monster Bush) is that we elect the right man to the office of president. It is intellectual laziness that prevents most people from reading the true message.

Finally, the word "socialism" dilutes the message. Obama is not a socialist. He does not believe in worker ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a more egalitarian method of compensation, that is to say the textbook definition of socialism. Obama is a front man for a cartel of fascists and monopoly men â€" and determined eugenicists.

"If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs,"Â explained the late Gary Allen. "Communism or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite."Â

***Reference article.... Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 2, 2004
A most interesting poster is plastered over every wall of the Union Station train depot in Washington DC. It takes Obama directly to task, invoking the privileged status of his family:

The poster and its political origin are preposterous (let's milk Whitey even more to provide free lunches to indigent Negro children), but the message about Obama is unmistakable: The ******** in the Hood are irritated by his elitist behavior.

Despite the dubious nature of the poster and its "organization," I'm happy to see some dissention in Magic Negro's ranks. Just as the ANU Director predicted, Obama means "a lot of things to a lot of people" all of whom will be disappointed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Viral Success Of Obama Joker Posters Panics Authorities

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 17, 2009

The Obama Joker posters are still spreading virally across the country and the world as the authorities panic at the power of the grass roots to reach the masses almost in an instant, flying in the face of an establishment media which is controlled by a handful of powerful corporations.

The success of the Obama Joker poster campaign, started anonymously in Los Angeles and amplified after it was incorporated into an Infowars contest, can be measured against the achievements of America's foremost contemporary street artist, Shepard Fairey, who was responsible for designing the Obama "HOPE"Â￾ flyers that were posted in public places before the 2008 presidential election, an image labeled "the most efficacious American political illustration since ‘Uncle Sam Wants You'"Â￾ by New Yorker art critic Peter Schjeldahl.

Fairey admitted that he was in contact with the Obama campaign team following the release of the early versions of his poster, and that they directed him in creating new posters. The original poster carried the word "PROGRESS,"Â￾ but this was later changed to "HOPE"Â￾ on the insistence of the Obama campaign, along with two other versions which read, "VOTE"Â￾ and "CHANGE"Â￾.

President Obama himself later wrote to Fairey expressing his gratitude to the designer for putting out the images and also lending support for people who were posting them in public, an action which attracted little attention from the authorities, who on the contrary reacted hysterically to the anti-Obama Joker posters and immediately sought arrests and denounced the flyers as "vandalism,"Â￾ characterizing them as some kind of assault on "victims"Â￾ of a dastardly crime.

Fairey was largely dismissive of the Obama Joker poster, rather pedantically arguing that it wasn't grammatically correct because the word should have been "socialist"Â￾ not "socialism,"Â￾ but he was forced to admit that the posters sent a powerful message.

"The artwork is great in that it gets a point across really quickly,"Â￾ Fairey told the L.A. Times. "The Joker is a sinister, evil character that can't be trusted. And if they want to make that parallel with Obama â€" bam."Â￾

It took the best part of a decade for Fairey's iconic "Andre the Giant Has a Posse"Â￾ street art to go viral, but in the Internet age, the Obama Joker image has already trumped it in a matter of weeks.

The flyers have already hit Wall Street, Tokyo Japan, Berlin Germany, and hundreds of towns and cities across America.

Attempts on behalf of authorities and the media to propagate the contrived hoax that the majority of people are "disgusted"Â￾ by the image have been proven fraudulent by polls showing that most people support the first amendment rights of people to post the flyers.

Likewise, efforts to chill free speech and intimidate people from exercising their first amendment have merely been met with an intensified effort to post more and more of the Obama Joker posters.

Early claims that the poster had racist overtones were shot down when images were unearthed of George W. Bush depicted as the Joker, as well as a blood-sucking vampire. Lazy attempts to play the race card in an attempt to dismiss the grass roots power of the Obama as Joker meme failed completely.

Indeed, caricatures of political figures have been part of the fabric of American society for hundreds of years. Satirical lampooning of authority figures by means of stylized cartoonish parodies is an American tradition, and has nothing whatsoever to do with racism.

The success of the Obama Joker poster campaign, concurrent with Obama's rapidly sinking popular approval figures, is proof that even in the face of a locked down corporate media owned by a handful of interests, the people can still communicate with the masses and obtain instant recognition by means of viral campaigns coordinated through the alternative media and the Internet.

***Reference article... Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I got to buy me one of those posters or maybe dozens of them.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
why buy them? the guy who created it isn't asking for money. it's all viral. the Alex Jones crowd is who started trying to make a buck off of the idea, even though it's not their creation.

save it to your computer then print a bunch of 'em off for free.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Good advice JimmyC. Maybe we should put them up on telephone poles, bridges, traffic signs and what not all around the country. Obama is a cult of personality anyway and so lets use that against him.