The NFL is the best at ruining careers.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We are only a few weeks into the season and the situation for our running backs is pathetic. Just like every other year for decades now, the league finds a way to put a halt to any white running backs chance to run on Sundays. From Brian Leonard, who didn't run the ball even once today. He is the 2nd running back but you would never know it. It's half time and Peyton Hillis hasn't run the ball or been thrown to even once. He only gets to catch an occasional kickoff. Danny Woodhead is back on the practice squad. Jacob Hester has been forced to be nothing more than a human battering ram.

It doesn't matter how talented our guys are. They hate them and will not give them the opportunity to run the ball. Know your place. You are here to ride the bench or block for the rest of your career. Everytime we get our hopes up, the NFL and it's teams put a stop to it. Even after Peyton Hillis lead the team in rushing last season. He can't even get to touch the ball.

I personally rarely can watch the games anymore. From Mike Hass to Danny Woodhead. They ruin these guys careers. It has taken all the fun out of watching football on Sundays. I just had to vent. Thank God for college football where at least some of our guys get to be the stars. The nfl is not for whites period. Just my opinion.

Edited by: white lightning


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Guys the Enemy is within. Its going to take someone of Brian, Hillis or Hester's statue to protest and bring it to the forefront for things to start to change. And pray a afrolete gets injuried and the white running back steps and excels. This is the only time a white will be running the ball. Like I have said before the true enemies are the white GMs, Owners and Head coaches. Most are white. I truely don't understand how we continue to ruin our fellow brothern careers. All they have to do is say, I am the Head coach and based on pre season or season performance the best man with carry the football.
Jul 14, 2007
WL, I hate to be so optimistic all the time, but let us refrain from claiming certain guys careers are "ruined" when they are still on teams. That is a disservice to these young men who have worked so hard to get where they are. The odds are so highly against making the NFL, black or white (but unfortunately even worse for whites), it is an accomplishment for ANYONE to make the NFL. If you somehow got the opportunity to see Peyton Hillis tomorrow, right as he was in the training facility rehabbing bumps and bruises, would you tell him his career is "ruined?" What would you think if a stranger came to your job, and told you your career was ruined?

Look, I'm just trying to make the point that you never know when the right things will happen. At some point, the stars will align and the right chips will fall into place and one of these guys, or maybe some other guys five years down the line (but hopefully much, much sooner). And you know what, it will happen when we least expect it. An unexpected injuries, trade, coaching change, new owner, new GM, just dumb luck or some combination of those might happen. One of our RBs will have a probowl season, rush for 300 yards and 5 TDs in a single game, win Superbowl MVP.

Now I know some might think what we say doesn't matter. But everything we ever say that someone might here echoes in eternity. If we say "no other white running back will ever start a game," someone who doesn't have our best interest in mind will here that, and think "Man, even the guys who are cheering for the white running backs know there's not ever gonna be another one." Whearas, if we arm ourselves with facts, hype up our white players, cheer for them in public, and spend time writing them up on websites like Youtube, Twitter, and, purchase their jersey, pick them for our fantasy teams, play them on NCAA and Madden (even if we adjust their ratings), all of this will influence society in some small way. We don't give enough credit to the announcers who do on occasion give our guys credit. The announcers in yesterday's Texas-Texas Tech game who said Jordan Shipley was a "dangerous return man" right before he took it to the house, and even said "shows his speed," as little as that may seem, that changed things just a little bit.

Remember, the zeitgeist is just an accumulation of billions of tiny thoughts, statements, lack of statements, actions and a lack of actions. A comment like that announcer made tilts the collective attitude of society ever so slightly. By saying our athletes are "screwed," and have "no chance," we ironically are ever so slightly reinforcing the caste system. It's called the The Law of Unintended Consequences

I'm not asking anyone to be Pollyanna or to ignore real factors that are in existence. I'm just saying lets not predict the future in such a negative light. Those in the caste system do that enough as it is, we don't have to add fuel to their fire. Just saying!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Electric Slide said:
Look, I'm just trying to make the point that you never know when the right things will happen. At some point, the stars will align and the right chips will fall into place and one of these guys, or maybe some other guys five years down the line (but hopefully much, much sooner). And you know what, it will happen when we least expect it. An unexpected injuries, trade, coaching change, new owner, new GM, just dumb luck or some combination of those might happen. One of our RBs will have a probowl season, rush for 300 yards and 5 TDs in a single game, win Superbowl MVP.

The "stars did align" for Hillis, Brian Leonard, Brock Forsey, Brad Hoover, Travis Jervey, and Heath Evans. All were "forced" into a starting role because of injuries, all did very well, and all were summarily dispatched back to their previous racially mandated role as soon as a healthy black running back could be found.

At any rate, I appreciate your optimism and agree with it a fair amount of the time, but you have to also consider different tactics of writing. Writing that whites never will get a fair shake in the NFL is often done with the purpose of awakening people to the problem. If I truly believed whites will be screwed in perpetuity, i wouldn't waste any time here. Making people aware of just how bad it is, even if donesometimes with dramatic effect or seemingly excessive pessimism,makes it more likely that whites won't be screwed in perpetuity.Constant complaining and negativism can indeed sound like whining; it depends on the writer and the view being expressed, butboth optimism and pessimism can help the cause.

And sometimes it's just plain old healthy to vent, because being aware of how grossly unfair and obvious the Caste System is and also knowing how few are aware of it is not the easiest thing to deal with at times. Edited by: Don Wassall
Jul 14, 2007
Don, you make some very good points and they are well noted. Obviously you have a longer history of writing/conveying viewpoints, and have interacted with the feedback from it. I still have a long ways to go and much more experience to gain when it comes to that.

I see what you say about venting, sometimes it needs to take place. I certainly "vented" (if you want to call it that, lol) when BYU was getting spanked, but I finally cooled off and just looked at the big picture.

I guess my point is, I have no problem with people pointing out the insane ways whites have been dealt with in the past, like Forsey and Mike Furrey. I guess I just have always been defensive whenever someone said something "couldn't be done." People have told me that before I have accomplished various things in my life, so that's why I take it a bit personally. I should just realize that the writer doesn't literally mean that, and it's just their way of expressing desire for change ASAP. I am a big believer though in that you "speak into existence," and the influence you impart lasts forever in some small way, from the Gettysburg Address to a short comment on this site.

Lastly, you are correct that the stars did align for those players. It was and highly unlikely moment when Hillis shined, and it all unfolded the way you predicted in the pre-season when most even on this site did not have him in mind. What I mean though is that lightning can strike the same spot twice. You never know who may end up being an ally and they end up coaching a team with one of our RBs. But the point is, if someone like Hillis, or someone in HS we don't even know yet, got another chance to play and blew everyone away, that's another example in our favor to point out and say "see, why aren't there more like him?" That's my hope and I will continue to positively speak them up to others whenever I can. Thanks though for clarifying a little more why others may convey their thoughts the way they do. I certainly understand where it's coming from though!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have my good days and bad days. I'm a huge track fan. The sprints are what I really enjoy. You want to talk about a sport that can be frustrating to watch from a white perspective. I do my best to root for the few white sprinters competing. It's very hard as they probably are only about 10% of the sprinters in the world. They have an almost impossible task as no white man has gone sub 10 seconds in the 100! The one thing that keeps me going however is that they at least get the opportunity to compete. Not in some countries like the US but in alot of European countries. So that keeps me going. Knowing that I will see some get a chance. They race against the competitors and the clock.

Our football players only get a chance if it is a miracle. That may be a little bit of an exageration but not by much. How many white cornerbacks are there? How many white running backs? They don't get a fair shot and we know this. It makes me very angry. I try my best to stay the eternal optomist. It's not easy but we must keep up the fight. We fight for the future. Some of the kids in Pop Warner at the moment could be the next Luke Staley. We fight so that kid can get a legitimate chance to run the ball. This has to end. It makes me sick to see this happen year after year.

That being said, I'm very proud of all of our football players. Even if they only block or occasionally run the ball, I will continue to root for them. Just to make it to this level is incredible. Especially when they are set up for failure since day one because of the caste system.

Congrats to Peyton on his t.d. today. At least he got one carry!Edited by: white lightning


Nov 25, 2004
This is probably the most frustrating year for castefootballers because of the ridiculous Matt Jones situation and now the even more ridiculous demotion of Peyton Hillis. As pessimistic as I am, I wouldn't have even seriously thought that Matt Jones would be completely jobless at this point, or that Peyton Hillis isn't even an option at tailback. After that its hard to have an optimism. We seem to have survived that NFLs attempt to blacken the QB position and we still have a handful of white recievers that are playing despite some obvious cases of black-balling some great recievers. The Jones and Hillis situation are just so incredibly absurd it's hard to optimistic at this point. Even the DWF's can see how absurd the situation is in Denver. That's how bad it has gotten.

One of these guys has to stand-up and say the obvious. Hillis is in that position. He is too popular in Denver to get completely dealt like Matt Jones did. The guy lead the team last year in rushing only playing starting 3-4 games and he averaged 5 yards per carry. He should be able to call his shots - he flat out earned it and even the DWFs know it. When the Broncos play anybody of caliber and are getting kicked, the obvious will be put out there and pressure may rise on the coaching staff to start Hillis. Heck, the Denver fans are saying it in their blogs. He should show that he wants the job. What would a black player do? He sure as heck wouldn't shut-up and block. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I agree that the the Hillis and Matt Jones situations are probably more obvious proof of the caste system to any fan willing to think for a few minutes, than anything in recent memory. Hillis hurt himself by playing a little too reckless reaching in an awkward position for a circus catch. His pound of the turf was his frustration knowing that he may never again get to be Denver's starting tailback.

Here's what I believe: If Hillis doesn't get hurt that game last year, he would have finished the season with an even better YPC with the way he was getting better each game (probably mid 5's per carry- that's a better YPC for a career than any HOF RB to ever play). Denver would have made the playoffs and probably gone to at least the second round of the playoffs and Shanahan would still be coach. The Broncos may have still drafted Moreno as insurance because of all the injuries last season, but Hillis would have started the season as starter with Shanahan still the coach. As the season progressed this year Knowshon would have started to get close to half the carries, but I think Hillis would have finished with 1,200 yards on about 5.4 YPC. That one freak injury prevented an extremely likely 1,000 yard season for Hillis based on one new arrival- idiot coach Josh McDaniels.

In the Mike Furrey situation he didn't get demoted overnight. They drafted Calvin Johnson and soon moved Furrey to the slot using his shorter YPC in his 98 catch season as the excuse.

Brian Leonard played solid as a ROOKIE, considering that 3 and then 4 starting o-lineman were out with injuries and Marc Bulger and Issac Bruce missed a game as well. However, his 3.5 YPC by the end of the season playing in those ridiculous circumstances got the wrath of the DWFs.

Heath Evans had one good game in his only opportunity, so it wasn't enough of an impression to convince the numb brained DWFs. Brock Forsey had one great game followed by a lousy game. Bear's fans are the biggest DWFs in the league and immediately turned against him, despite all the evidence from his college career that this was a rookie with potential.

All I'm saying is that the stars were aligned for us with the Hillis situation more than any other before. If Hillis doesn't get hurt, he's the starting Denver tailback right now with Shanahan coaching a dynamic offensive attack with Cutler still at the helm. But the idiot owner of Denver panicked after Denver missed the playoffs. The guy has almost destroyed his team with that disaster of a coach, Josh McDaniels, who pissed off his top QB, Cutler, who left. Josh McDitz has dismantled Denver's chances (to be a contender) since arriving. We were "THAT CLOSE" to having a chance for a pro bowl RB in the NFL, except for one injury.

BTW Hillis' 5 YPC last season would tie Barry Sanders for the second best YPC (for a career) for a HOF on the "all-time" list. Somehow, his brilliant performance may be it for Hillis' career as a tailback...It's beyond ridiculous.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I am so frustrated over the Matt Jones situation. He is supposedly in great shape and had a great workout with the Titans so what gives? Last year was obviously his breakout year and he showed tremendous improvement. If he didn't miss several games last year because of a suspension he would have gone over 1000 yards. He is like a more athletic Plaxico Burress and Burress is considered one of the best receivers in the league.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
We'll never know if Hillis would have been screwed if he hadn't gotten injured and Shanahan was still the coach. Certainly the team might have drafted differently. But remember that every team and every coach strictly adheres to the unwritten rules that have been in place for 30 years. Shanahan only played Hillis when an entire stable of black RBs went down and he was forced to. That's the only reason.
I agree that Hillis is in the best position to speak out, in an intelligent and restrained manner. He shouldn't mention race or anything that will bring the totalitarian media down on him in a nationally orchestrated manner. But I don't expect him to say anything, and I'll add that even if he does it won't change many minds or create much awareness. The American people are so thoroughly trained that it takes a long time, with a lot of repetition, to counter their ingrained programming, which is done through constant, uncontradicted repetition. For a few the light bulb goes off instantly, but that is the rare exception. And everyone who does well in the system knows that speaking out means instant and permanent ruination. No one wants to be the first, but just maybe this country is getting close to a situation like Concord where one spark somewhere will set off a mighty and continuing chain reaction.

I do think this site is making a difference, the kind that possibly mighteventually result in major changes. We do it through reasoning and repetition. We are vastly outgunned but truth is power and we need to persevere. That's what White men do.
Jul 14, 2007
Great points gentlemen. The Hillis situation is highly upsetting. We are in the same situation as a year ago, no white starters, one underused back up, and two starting white FBs who are really RBs. I hope every day that the situation will change, and I will continue to celebrate any small gleaming moment that breaks up tidal wave of pro-black glorification, such as Stokley's insane game winning TD run. That got broadcast hundreds of times that day on many different networks, and for that one little moment that was the only thing in the world people were looking at.

Don, I really liked your analogy to Concord. I am a believer that one small thing can set off a chain reaction, as history has shown us. As the song says war is just a shot away. Same thing goes with many other things. It took one game of USC beating Alabama to change the minds of many people who still supported segregation. Why one game is faulty reasoning, many people do not act rationally, they rationalize. Everything they happens, they try to rationalize in some way. The NFL has no white running backs, there has to be a rational reason. So if one year, three white RBs rush for over 1,000, many people might rationalize that "well, at least there's a few white RBs that are good." These are the same ones that think there must be none, simply because there aren't any out there.

Also, remember there are new fans all the time. Young fans that see an explosive white RB on their team will have that etched into their minds for life. So yes, I think one thing can change everything. I don't know what it is or when it will happen, but I feel like it's coming soon.

This site is making a difference for sure. I know there are white athletes, high profile and otherwise, that look at this. Most may not post, and even some that do might not reveal who they are. And I'm not asking them to either, I just want more people to be exposed to this. Obviously this site receives a fair amount of hate, and becasue of that even if changes in sports where set off due to information from this site, it will never be credited as such. But what only matters is doing things to live by our own sense of what's right. Whether or not we get credit for it is irrelevant because we just want to see the change happen!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's a good example of how the deck is stacked in favor of blacks, thanks to the media that supports the league and its practices. Steelers RB Rashard Mendenhall was a first round draft pick last year. He played poorly until a Ray Lewis hit busted his shoulder and he went on IR.

This preseason he looked even worse. He got one touch in the Steelers first game and one yesterday. The Steelers running game has looked so bad that veteran journeyman Melwelde Moore has been seeing the field more than Willie Parker, and Mendenhall has hardly been used.

Mendenhall's one and only carry yesterday went for 39 yards. Instant star! Here's what Caste clown Michael Lombardi gushes about Mendenhall today:

Running back Rashard Mendenhall looks to me like he's going to be the main back in Pittsburgh now. Yesterday, he finally looked like a first-rounder, and this might be the last time we see Willie Parker.

I wonder if Lombardi ever enthused that way last season about Peyton Hillis when he showed he was a genuine talent running and receiving. Actually I don't wonder, because I know the answer.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I hate to say it but Tim Tebow is already gettin the treatment even before his college career is over. This guy has a chance to be the greatest college football player ever in what he helped acheive. He has 2 nat'l championship rings in 3 years of college ball. The Florida Gators are ranked number one with Tebow leading them to a possible additional national championship. He has already won the Heisman and could very well win it again this year. Yet the criticism is already there.

I have read articles recently comparing him to Matt Jones. They are saying he is not worth drafting. What a joke. A complete lack of respect to both Matt and Tim. The sports writers, scouts, owners, coaches and fans just make me so angry. Explain to me what J. Russel can be a qb but Tim Tebow can't. Worst case scenario would have Tim Tebow as a Pro Bowl Running Back. You know they won't allow that.

We need to keep up the fight. It's going to take years to try and change peoples perceptions.


Mar 23, 2009
Don Wassall said:
  No one wants to be the first, but just maybe this country is getting close to a situation like Concord where one spark somewhere will set off a mighty and continuing chain reaction.

The soldiers that fought at Concord Bridge were mainly from Acton, MA. Isaac Davis was one of these Actonians from around West Acton. Nobody knows who fired the shot heard round the world, though.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I think it's inevitable that the genetic issue is going to come out into the open.

You have tons of mixed players (and Polys) playing the taboo positions, but an obvious absence of White-skinned players. We already have the evidence that a person with "one drop" of black blood is "allowed" to play the "skill" positions. That's the Caste System in a nutshell; I can't emphasize that enough. A person speaking out can say, "Who is the racist? Who is looking into people's ancestries?" The race question is at the heart of the Caste System.

Craig Steltz is not allowed to play but Al Afalava (Poly) is? That's very interesting.

Since Whites aren't allowed to play safety, I felt good when I saw the sumo fall on Troy Polamalu's thigh and he hurt his knee! Polys don't face the Caste System, and I wouldn't be surprised if Harvey Unga became a feature back in the NFL.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
white lightning said:
I hate to say it but Tim Tebow is already gettin the treatment even before his college career is over. This guy has a chance to be the greatest college football player ever in what he helped acheive. He has 2 nat'l championship rings in 3 years of college ball. The Florida Gators are ranked number one with Tebow leading them to a possible additional national championship. He has already won the Heisman and could very well win it again this year. Yet the criticism is already there.

I have read articles recently comparing him to Matt Jones. They are saying he is not worth drafting. What a joke. A complete lack of respect to both Matt and Tim. The sports writers, scouts, owners, coaches and fans just make me so angry. Explain to me what J. Russel can be a qb but Tim Tebow can't. Worst case scenario would have Tim Tebow as a Pro Bowl Running Back. You know they won't allow that.

We need to keep up the fight. It's going to take years to try and change peoples perceptions.

Tim has more power than Matt (both are great athletes). I seriously doubt Tebow would make the (small) mistake Matt made. However, I too have heard the caste codsax talking about him playing RB or FB in the NFL. As if affletes like YOmarcus Russell are better.