The NFL’s Role In the Coming Martial Law

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is a long article with accompanying videos, so go to the link to read it. It doesn't deal with the league's racial policies but reinforces what we have been saying on CF, namely that the NFL as America's secular religion is a very important part of the ruling power structure, and the Caste System is not an isolated phenomenon but rather an integral part of the overall globalist/corporate/Zionist agenda to make the U.S. a non-White, non-Christian country.


Oct 12, 2008
I decided not to go to a Cowboys game this year due to the new NFL stadium TSA rules. I won't watch pregame, halftime or commercials of any NFL game because of the non-stop propaganda. Even the "patriotic" garbage is typically to glorify the military's Israeli adventures and telling people that our soldiers are preserving our freedoms at home. All the while, we're not free at home because they are ramping up the police state everywhere. What makes it all the more disgusting is the realization that there is no real terror threat here because the FBI engineers the terror threats and all the "active shooter" incidents are government drills portrayed by the media as live events. Psychopaths are running this country.


Aug 22, 2012
Honestly I watch gamecasts nowadays. NFL live broadcasts are so goddamn boring.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I decided not to go to a Cowboys game this year due to the new NFL stadium TSA rules. I won't watch pregame, halftime or commercials of any NFL game because of the non-stop propaganda. Even the "patriotic" garbage is typically to glorify the military's Israeli adventures and telling people that our soldiers are preserving our freedoms at home. All the while, we're not free at home because they are ramping up the police state everywhere. What makes it all the more disgusting is the realization that there is no real terror threat here because the FBI engineers the terror threats and all the "active shooter" incidents are government drills portrayed by the media as live events. Psychopaths are running this country.
Great post man! I fully concur with your assessment of this country and the cretins running it.

I haven't been to a Giants game in a few years now (only went to 2 in my entire life) and don't think I'll go again. I cannot in good conscience support this corrupt league with any of my hard earned cash, which by the way, it takes WAY too much of to go to one of these stinkin' games.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I agree with the tone of the article however I don't think that the NFL is the TSA, one is a government agency the other a private religion. If the Catholics wanted to search old ladies and prohibit extra large bibles in their churches then that is their business.

The NFL knows that one suicide bomber at a game could wreck their attendance league wide and possibly end the game. So some prudent searching is to be expected and in my experience (judging by the booze I am still able to smuggle in) they are not being too onerous.

Story from the good old days.....In the late 1970's I attended Michigan college football games because I had a friend that went there. They would let you bring ANYTHING in, we would load coolers up with beer and wine, yes you could bring in your own stuff in a cooler!!

Despite the heavy partying nothing happened that interfered with the game, of course this was the same culture where I was allowed (with the other guys) to bring my 22 rifle to school for ROTC parade drill. Yep, just put the rifle in my locker. Do you realize how far we have come? You will get expelled for a PICTURE of a rifle in your locker today! But back then I could bring a fully automatic assault weapon (not really it was a bolt action 22--but to the anti-gun crowd its the same thing) to school.

And now in college football stadiums alcohol is treated like ricin. Not only can you not bring your own, but they don't sell it anymore. I guess they don't want the binge drinking college crowd to get the wrong idea, like its okay to have some adult beverages while watching sports. This country sure was fun back when it was 90% White.


Oct 4, 2013
This country sure was fun back when it was 90% White.

Never seen a more succinct statement of the truth about how far our country has fallen.

Man oh man. It was fun, wasn't it? In a nation of kind, hardworking whites, you can have the most relaxed laws in the world with hardly any kind of safety checks or pat-downs or X-ray scanners or crazy rules about how big your bag can be and it just doesn't matter, because by and large people are going to trust each other and treat each other well. Oh! The world our children and grandchildren will grow up in will be nothing like the world some of us had.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
This is a long article with accompanying videos, so go to the link to read it. It doesn't deal with the league's racial policies but reinforces what we have been saying on CF, namely that the NFL as America's secular religion is a very important part of the ruling power structure, and the Caste System is not an isolated phenomenon but rather an integral part of the overall globalist/corporate/Zionist agenda to make the U.S. a non-White, non-Christian country.

Thanks for posting that Don.

As I posted a while back, I am trying to abstain from all news articles, literature, talk radio shows, and even blogs these final two months of the year. Some things are inevitable however, and I hear or come across things briefly or in passing on the radio and yet I have turned things off rather quickly for my own peace of mind.

Something this article did though, was remind me, (not surprise or shock me), of the multi-tentacled and pervasive overthrow of our Constitution and way of life that some us enjoyed years ago. I am not as old as some members on here, but I'm probably among "the elders" and I remember when I could live and breathe and not worry about this NWO ever-overreaching, Elitist/Zionist-led-scum rule and reign of terror. I am saddened those former days are gone in that respect. I now consider our predicament nationally like us being in the row boats, after of necessity leaving the Titanic, and watching it sinking there about 4/5 of the way down already. It's over. There is no electing our way out of this and I honestly, realistically, see no way of organizing grass roots mechanisms to overcome the damage done.

I want to thank you Don, for this site and the insight and "breath of fresh air" honesty you and others bring here and even the neglected resources available over at North American Bookstore. We should start availing ourselves of them and hunker down or get out of the pit before they throw the grenades in among us.

I am seriously thinking this is my last year watching NFL at all. I have loved football my whole life. I loved other sports too, but not like football. At all levels, it was a truly great American sport. It's roots are here. It was my last spectator sport that I have been subjecting my (valuable) remaining time on this Earth to. I think it's nigh time to give it the ultimate snub and ignore it.

Best regards to you Don, and the Moderators.



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Infowars is urging their viewers to boycott the NFL. They put out a pretty good video explaining how the NFL is crony capitalism on "steroids", plus they touch on the TSA molesting fans at the gate. Good to see people are starting to expose the crooked NFL owners and how they are fleecing tax payers and now violating their 4th amendment as well.



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I've quit (actively) watching NFL & college games (on a regular basis) since we scrapped the TalmudVision a few years ago. I've only watched 1 NFL game & 1 (full) college game this season (w/ bits of a few other college games a few times).

Ironically, my middle son has been wanting to go watch a live pro or college game (as he plays little league football & is a fan of the game). As a Christmas present, I'm taking him to the Falcons/Panthers game here this month. That'll likely be the last NFL game I watch for a long while. I'm just sick & tired of the caste system and the (pathetic) DWF/jock sniffer/afrolete worshipper 'culture'.