the latest border security mess

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Border security is so lax that you can bring an elephant across with a Mariachi band playing away. Literally.

as posted on man, i hope this isn't real...
Making a security point with elephants </font>
Web Posted: 10/12/2006 12:05 AM CDT
Jesse Bogan
Rio Grande Valley Bureau

McALLEN â€â€￾ After his first trip to South Texas, a Pennsylvania congressional candidate was back home Wednesday sharing quite a tale, having chased an undocumented immigrant on foot one day and strolled the bank of the Rio Grande with three elephants and a blaring mariachi band the next.
All, of course, documented for a campaign commercial.

"Border security is a major issue in my district and I wanted to see firsthand the situation and I came away utterly shocked at the state of insecurity that our border is in," said Raj Peter Bhakta, 30, a Philadelphia Republican whose previous claim to fame was being fired from the reality TV show "The Apprentice."

Bhakta, a first-generation American citizen, said he was in Brownsville on Monday and Tuesday with the idea of demonstrating a porous border by videoing himself with elephants near a desolate area of the Rio Grande. But he said he upped the ante with a six-member mariachi band after witnessing an undocumented immigrant swim across the river under an international bridge.

Bhakta said he chased the immigrant with a camera in tow. Even though authorities apprehended the immigrant, he said he was "utterly shocked" that someone could cross so easily.

"I thought to myself, 'Well, if this guy can come right across under the nose of the immigration post, I bet I can get an elephant across, I bet I could get an elephant across with a mariachi band strutting away, welcoming my arrival to America,'" he said.

"The elephants went into the water, and the band played and we made as much of a racket and scene that I could have imagined â€â€￾ nobody showed up," he said, adding, "people may think I am making a joke of border security and the political system that we have, and the truth is that it is a joke."

Border Patrol authorities discredited Bhakta's endeavors since he, the elephants and the musicians didn't actually cross the border illegally. Protocol was followed because the elephants ultimately were quarantined at a checkpoint and dipped for fever ticks, said Edinburg-based spokesman Roy Cervantes.

"To our knowledge there is no problem with bringing three elephants and a mariachi band to a private ranch along the border," Cervantes said. "This is probably his first time in the Rio Grande Valley and it's apparent that he has no idea what work the Border Patrol does on the southern border."

He said the sector apprehended 110,512 undocumented immigrants from more than 50 countries in fiscal year 2006.

"Our numbers speak for themselves," Cervantes said. "We are doing a good job of protecting the border and we believe the citizens of the United States know it and support the mission that we do."

The elephants, contracted from a circus company, have reportedly been returned to their owners.

Pat Buchanan - not amused


James Buchanan - unavailable for comment


Lou Dobbs - laughing his ass off


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Border security is so lax that you can bring an elephant across with a Mariachi band playing away. Literally.

The article states that more than 110, 000 people from 50 countries were apprehended at the border. Makes you wonder how many actually made it acrossand are living here now. I guess Chertoff isn't too concernedaboutMuslim terrorists, or we would have had aditch, moat, fence or wall in place by nowwith an ample amount of agents patrolling the area.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Bart said:
I guess Chertoff isn't too concerned about Muslim terrorists, or we would have had a ditch, moat, fence or wall in place by now with an ample amount of agents patrolling the area.

Exactly. This whole 'war on terrists' is an utter farce, and it will be until we take border security seriously. I can't take a damn bottle of water on a plane but I can cross the river with elephants, musicians, guns, drugs, and bombs any day of the week.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
some more political satire... a constituent's letter to Senator Paul Sarbanes (D. Maryland).

A letter sent to a Senator:

The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510

Dear Senator Sarbanes:
As a native Marylander and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Immigration and Naturalization Service in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.

My reasons for wishing to change my status from U.S. citizen to illegal alien stem from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, what I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years.

I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year, so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of the last five years taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively?
This would yield an excellent return for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005 and I estimated a gross savings approximating $72,000. After the fine this would yield me a net savings of $70,000.

In addition, I would reap the other benefits of being an illegal alien such as free health care, avoidance of paying Social Security taxes, buying automobile insurance, serving on jury panels, etc. If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent

Submitted by Glenn O.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Funny letter, except for the fact that there isn't an INS anymore. Under the new Department of Homeland Security, INS was disbanded and divided into three separate agencies, merging with U.S. Customs in the latter two: Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

CIS handles non-immigrant and immigrant visa applications. This is where aliens go to get their 'green cards.'

ICE handles immigration (and Customs) related investigations, and the detention and deportation of illegal aliens.

CBP handles immigration, customs, and agriculture border enforcement at ports of entry. This agency includes the Border Patrol as a separate, 'enforcement' arm, who's jurisidiction covers those same violations along the border, in between the ports.

Just in case anyone was wondering.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
check out what happened the other day at Columbia University when one of the Minutemen had been invited to speak there... video courtesy of YouTube.

it is amazing how stupid the majority of the populace is! and these kids are supposed to be among the best and brightest we have!
white kids are up there rallying against their own best interests! it's almost unbelievable.

how can we combat the problem when so few seem to even care that they are setting themselves up to have no future in America?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The college kids screamingfor diversity, multiculturalism and tolerance are liars and frauds.Only their voices and views are to be expressed. Those with opposing viewpoints are denied the right of free speech.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Greetings -This is my first post on Caste football although I've been monitoring the forum for quite some time.

I'd just like to say about those students at Columbia that I don't look at them as being our "best and brightest" in any way. That idea of a person attending college is somehow special is a bunch of baloney and always has been. Your best people are the ones out doing things and putting their hands on work and getting dirty, etc., not the ones sitting in a heated/air conditioned classrooms.

The interesting thing is that after all these years of brainwashing of children/students, there are still many who have somehow fallen through the cracks and don't buy into all the baloney that they're being fed. These are the best and brightest.

I'll give you an example. I'm a retired Ironworker. However, I can work five days a month and not affect my pension, which I do. The last job I had, we had an apprentice who loved the work. he would actually run to do what you told him and run back with what you'd told him to get. He was a college "dropout." I asked him what made him leave college and he told me he'd had enough of being told a bunch of obvious baloney and left and told his mom and dad that he was through with school and that he'd pay them back the money they'd spent for his college. How about that?

There's no way anybody is going to feed that kid a line of baloney. There's more like him too, don't worry. Those kids you describe at Columbia are the flotsum of their generation.

Take care.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
some reports on the issue from Lou Dobbs, video courtesy of YouTube.

Lou Dobbs talks with the leader of La Raza (the sound quality isn't very good but the interview is shocking): here

Border Betrayal: Lou looks at the case of the border patrol agents who were convicted and sentenced to prison for stopping an illegal border jumping drug dealer. includes an interview with a juror: here

Illegal Amnesty supporters try to silence Lou Dobbs: here

Lou Dobbs slams CFR & North American Union: here

Dobbs slams Columbia University: here

is Los Angeles part of Mexico? learn more here

Reconquista Movement plans to re-take Southwest: videoEdited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Aug 10, 2005
I'm reading the new book by Pat Buchanan, State of Emergency. I'm amazed at how outside of the mainstream this book is. He sounds like one of us. He sites the New Century Foundation's, The Color of Crime. He brings up Jimmy the Greek, John Rocker, and Rush Limbaugh's comments about Donovan McNabb. He even praises the white nationalist writer Sam Francis repeatedly throughout the book. It's a juicy read through the first 200 or so pages that I have read. I haven't finished it, but I strongly recommend this one.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005

And isn't it a best seller right now?

I'd like to recommend another book, The Marketing of Evil. The book is written from a Christian point of view, but I was absolutely shocked to see in this book the assertion that multiculturalism was, and is, a deliberate attack on white people, and specifically white men. The rest of the book investigates the gay agenda, the power and people behind NOW and the pro-choice movement, and so on.

Most of us here are already aware that none of this is happening by chance, but it is surprising to see a book like this point it out.


Apr 22, 2006
that scarborough (mispell) guy is pretty tough on liberals and immigrants too...saw him on that ****GOT Bill Maher's show and he shut Bill up quite a few times...and also made alot more sense than Bill...Scarborough is a BIG guy...Maher's scrawny, sniveling, I dont eat meat, only organic vegtables ass was looking pretty scared


Aug 10, 2005
jcolec02 said:
that scarborough (mispell) guy is pretty tough on liberals and immigrants too...saw him on that ****GOT Bill Maher's show and he shut Bill up quite a few times...and also made alot more sense than Bill...Scarborough is a BIG guy...Maher's scrawny, sniveling, I dont eat meat, only organic vegtables ass was looking pretty scared

I remember seeing the Jewish comedian Jon Lovitz on the Bill Maher show. Jon made a comment about Jews and Bill asked if he was speaking for all the Jews of the world. Jon replied, "Do you speak for all of the half Jews of the world?"
The look on Maher's face was priceless. It was like he had been outed.