The Cleveland Caucasians


Jan 27, 2016
I like it!

ESPN “Highly Questionable” co-host Bomani Jones wore a shirt guest co-hosting ESPN Radio’s “Mike & Mike” Thursday that he said he hopes may spark some “introspection.”

The shirt features the Cleveland Indians Chief Wahoo logo, but instead of saying “Indians,” it says “Caucasians.”

“To have a problem with the logo of this would be to have a problem with the Indians. But if you’re quiet about the Indians, and now you have something to say about my shirt, I think it’s time for introspection,” Jones explained to Molly Qerim.

He then went on to say that it is time for teams with a Native American mascot to change to something not about ethnicity or skin color.

Politically correct sports names are coming. Expect a full make over, edit, redaction, and removal of any word that applies to man. Maybe they'll just use blunt names of objects like the physical elements like Chicago Carbon, Minnesota Manganese, Los Angeles Lead, or Indiana Indium (oh, no, not that one again!!).:D
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My opinion,.. a completely shallow stunt on Bomani Jones' part. There are a number of ethnocentric mascots already based on obviously Caucasian characters/tribes. From Fighting Irish thru Vikings, etc. Vikings are represented on all levels of sports.. the NFL, number of high school teams, & there's a minor league hockey squad (Adirondack Thunder), who utilize a Caucasian Viking logo wielding a hockey stick. Jones really doesn't need to rock a stupid t-shirt to try and illustrate that Whites should also be conscripted as mascots. Truth is, these ethnic-specific mascots were chosen out of respect for the different cultures' fighting spirit, not something demeaning. A 'Brave' is not something bad, he's a courageous warrior.
I remember back in the 9os, friends thought I was paranoid when New England dropped Pat the Patriot for their new silver faced Patriot, and I said it was about the subtle creation of colorless mascots.. now the transformation is no longer subtle. Now it's openly hostile toward Caucasians and selectively ignorant (courtesy of B. Jones).
. Truth is, these ethnic-specific mascots were chosen out of respect for the different cultures' fighting spirit, not something demeaning. A 'Brave' is not something bad, he's a courageous warrior.

In this context of respect, I'm "honestly" surprised o_O there were never any teams with appellations like "New Orleans House Nigrahs", "Alabama Cotton Pickers", "Charleston Chain Gang", "Montgomery Watermelon Munchers", "Baton Rouge Bitch Slappers", or "Peoria Pimp".

Hangaw' aminnit, hangaw'! Dat rayciss! Yeah, dat is! Dey doan ev'n mensh'n da black man an' all 'is cawn'triboosh'ns ta da Uni'Stays. Dem mascots is rayciss aginst da black folks dat bilt dis cuntry!

Blacks who protest Indian mascots are simply jealous that their own race has never been so honored.

Lot of truth to this, but remember, some Blacks are a special creatures, and praise to some of them is perceived as insulting too.
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