The CF Troll Agenda

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude, repetitive or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy or antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion, including the personal attack of calling others trolls. Often, trolls assume multiple aliases, or sock puppets.

Caste football has had more than its share of the common type of troll, as we all know. But I've noticed a trend in recent months among our troll population. They have shifted to a more subtle tactic than typical board disruption: undermining support of whites and white athletes by re-defining who is white.

When the Russians and Ukrainians took over the ranks of heavyweight boxing, we began to see posts claiming that Slavs are not white.

When the Italians won the World Cup, we began to see posts claiming that Italians are not white.

When the Greeks defeated Team USA in the semi-finals of the world basketball championships, we see posts inferring that Greeks are not white.

When the Spaniards won the world basketball championship, we see posts claiming that Spaniards are not white.

It's a good thing for the trolls that the Germans or English did not win the world cup, or they'd have been stuck trying to support the ridiculous notion that Anglo-Saxons are not white, either.

Slavs and Spaniards and Mediterreans are white. The trolls who post here and say otherwise are trying to undermine whatever remaining racial solidarity whites possess, and rob us of our rightful heroes.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Interesting point WS. Initially the trolls were open pro-black supporters, mostly black, that flamed us as racists from the get go. Now we have "stealth" trolls that are either trying to spur some type of racist discussion or are nazi types that only think Germans (and maybe Brits) are white.

So first we fend off the blacks and now the extremist whites
Geez, what's next!!!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
So first we fend off the blacks and now the extremist whites
Geez, what's next!!!

I'm not inclined to believe that most trolls are white. And if some are, they are more likely to espouse the views of a Richard Lapchick or Ignatiev than so-called Nordicists.The -- Divide and Conquer--tactic is usually employed byother groups opposing us.


White Shogun said:
..... and rob us of our rightful heroes.

I heard a very similar argument on a black site saying that we 'robbed' the ancient Egyptians, who were black, of all of their knowledge.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Its still pretty easy to spot the trolls these days, even though some of them are taking the "subtle" approach, as White Shogun stated. Some trolls start off by trying "too hard" to be accepted. This tactic is what made me aware of a particular new troll over the past few days. This troll was basically playing the "I'm so proud to be White" routine, that I just wasn't buying it. I don't let these people bother me, we have a close-knit group here, and we know whos who.

And in reference to the above statement about how some trolls claim that Ukrainians are not White...bullsh*t. The same was also said about the Italians. I'm half of each, so I guess in some people's eyes I'm not White at

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The rule against"attacks on white nationalities" is right in the guidelines. I've found that tactic (that some European group or other isn't completely white) to be one of the oldest ones in the troll handbook.

I'm not worried about trolls. Sooner or later they give themselves away, usually sooner. And I can assure you that in the past two years I've banned hundreds of trolls before they even got started or after they had made one or two posts. I've developed some pretty effective ways to detect them even before they have a single post, which I'm sure infuriates the hell out of them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Menelik said:
White Shogun said:
..... and rob us of our rightful heroes.

I heard a very similar argument on a black site saying that we 'robbed' the ancient Egyptians, who were black, of all of their knowledge.

I don't think the arguments are similar at all. According to your statement above, no one in that particular argument is debating that Egyptians weren't Africans (though some have) which is the point of the argument we're discussing here: whether certain ethnic Europeans are white, not whether someone stole something from them.

In addition, even if you find an argument similar to this one on some black site somewhere on the net, it has no bearing on whether the argument presented here is true or not.

And finally, your post could be considered another type of troll post, a classic baiting tactic meant to sidetrack a debate and generate arguments about something other than the question at hand, i.e. whether Europeans stole 'knowledge' from the Egyptians, which is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether people are posting on this board for the purposes of creating dissension and division among the white people who post here.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White Shogun said:
And finally, your post could be considered another type of troll post, a classic baiting tactic meant to sidetrack a debate and generate arguments about something other than the question at hand, i.e. whether Europeans stole 'knowledge' from the Egyptians, which is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether people are posting on this board for the purposes of creating dissension and division among the white people who post here.

Weren't we supposed to be merely a quickpit stop on Menelik's alleged "research project"? Seems as though he likes it here though he doesn't post about sports and disagrees with us on most political questions. Hmm.


Not a baiting tactic at all. Just an observation that I have observed on too many sites that cover the whole race/political spectrum. Everyone or group can't be right but you would be amazed at how (or maybe not) each groups argument is.


Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
And finally, your post could be considered another type of troll post, a classic baiting tactic meant to sidetrack a debate and generate arguments about something other than the question at hand, i.e. whether Europeans stole 'knowledge' from the Egyptians, which is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether people are posting on this board for the purposes of creating dissension and division among the white people who post here.

Weren't we supposed to be merely a quick pit stop on Menelik's alleged "research project"?  Seems as though he likes it here though he doesn't post about sports and disagrees with us on most political questions.  Hmm.

This is a good site and I enjoy the talk here. As for sports.... my highschool glory days are in the past.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Menelik said:
Not a baiting tactic at all. Just an observation that I have observed on too many sites that cover the whole race/political spectrum. Everyone or group can't be right but you would be amazed at how (or maybe not) each groups argument is.

Sounds like a great topic for another thread in Happy Hour.

I have a certain comparison in mind myself, I'd be happy to join you in a new thread to discuss this topic if we can keep it academic and without insult. I promise not to call you a race traitor if you promise not to call me a white supremacist.


White Shogun said:
Menelik said:
Not a baiting tactic at all. Just an observation that I have observed on too many sites that cover the whole race/political spectrum. Everyone or group can't be right but you would be amazed at how (or maybe not) each groups argument is.

Sounds like a great topic for another thread in Happy Hour.

I have a certain comparison in mind myself, I'd be happy to join you in a new thread to discuss this topic if we can keep it academic and without insult. I promise not to call you a race traitor if you promise not to call me a white supremacist.

Interested in hearing it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
And after several more posts, the sole intent of them being to insult as many different European peoples as he could, Mr. Volek joins the banned list.