The Awakening of Joe Six-Pack


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Let's hope this is a growing occurance amongst the American sheeple (currently mesmerized by the Globalist Elite's "Entertainment" industry fluff)...


By David J. Stoddard
July 25, 2007

I have been talking about Joe Six-pack for years. Joe is the average American. Joe lives in a three-bedroom tract home in the suburbs. He is married with three kids. Joe commutes 50 miles everyday to work. His wife also works, she has to help pay the mortgage and make the car payments.

When Joe gets home from work, he opens a beer, sits in his easy chair in front of the T.V. and watches Jeopardy until the evening news. For the evening news he watches NBC, ABC or CBS, as his wife prepares dinner. After dinner, Joe falls asleep in his recliner.

Every day is the same. Joe and his wife rarely go out. Every day they go to work. They sleep in on Saturday. Joe does his yard work and putters around his garage on weekends.

A few years ago, when Joe was one of the first buyers in the tract home subdivision, Joe noticed that the construction workers across the street and down the block spoke only Spanish. He was mildly irritated at the loud Mexican music that could be heard from the construction workers all around the area. When the subdivision sold out, he ignored the place a few doors down which had several families living in it. Before that there were 15 or more adult Spanish speaking males who parked cars on what used to be the lawn, had loud drunken parties on Friday and Saturday nights and converted the two car garage into what appeared to be an apartment.

Joe and his wife were very busy trying to raise their kids and pay the bills on time. Joe was uncaring who or what got elected to office. He usually made up his mind who to vote for on Election Day, if he voted at all. He figured all politicians are liars and if they take office as honest men, lobbyists and "special" interests soon changed all that.

Joe led a "typical" life and he was contemptuous of politics and politicians.

Joe's oldest son had a bicycle accident and had to take him to the emergency room with a cut lip. Joe waited for 6 hours behind a line of Spanish speakers with fevers, running noses and tummy aches.

Then Joe's wife escaped serious injury at a red light after being rear ended by a speeding, drunken, uninsured illegal alien with no driver license.

Joe received a notice from the Country Assessor informing his that his property tax would be raised by $400 a year to support the County Hospital District.

Then, while watching the news last year, Joe saw aerial footage from a news helicopter showing what appeared to be hundreds of thousands of people waiving foreign flags and showing contempt for the American flag, by spitting upon it, burning it and flying it upside down. These people were demanding instant legalization with all the benefits of American citizenship after having sneaked into this country.

Joe sat up and took notice. He connected the dots. Joe had been putting off buying a computer intending to eventually get one to keep better track of the family finances, so Joe bought a computer and went on the internet. He enjoyed it more than he thought he would and soon discovered internet sites with information and news that wasn't on what he found out is called "the drive-by media". Joe lost interest in Jeopardy and started spending his evenings sending and receiving emails and visiting conservative news sites. Joe found out that there is a world of news that he didn't know about that the main stream media ignored. And, while driving to work, he accidentally tuned to a talk radio show and liked it. Joe discovered the "New Media".

(If you want to know more about the new media, go to and read about it).

Joe was becoming socially conscious and aware that the United States is in economic, social and cultural trouble.

Joe awakened to the realization that the future of his children looked bleak. He realized that neither Republicans nor Democrats have his interests at heart.

Joe tuned in and paid attention. He discovered that the details of the Bush/Kennedy/Kyl give-away were not available in the mainstream media. Instead of the facts, mainstream media played stories of poor victims of our "broken immigration laws" who had to walk across a desert and about Jose who opened a business selling tacos because he didn't have a social security card.

Joe called his Representatives and his Senators. He sent faxes, made telephone calls and sent letters.

Joe woke from his social slumber and demanded representation.

Joe registered as an Independent. He realized that both Republicans and Democrats are loyal to the party, and not to the people. He realized that the American political machines are puppets of the ethnic whores, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Mexican Government and the corporate masters who don't give a rat's patootie about national sovereignty, patriotism or anything except profits.

The days of America's opinion and politics being shaped by mainstream media, liberal spin doctors, and deceitful greedy politicians are over. The typical American has awakened and taken action. We will pay attention to what our "leaders' are doing and saying.

The internet and talk radio shows give us a perspective we have never had before.

Politicians are scared. They will be held accountable. There will not be a revived "Fairness Doctrine". There will be no mass amnesty. The people demand representation. They demand action, not just promises. We demand results.

We are taking our country back. The Constitution works. We will vote in 2008. We will vote with a patriotic disregard for party affiliation. If traitors like Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Jon Kyl have no opponents, we will write in a suitable candidate. If there are no acceptable candidates, write in Mickey Mouse. Show our corrupt politicians that we have had enough.

Joe Six-pack has awakened. There are millions of Joe Six-packs. We will take back America. It may take 2 or 3 more election cycles, but we are taking back our democratic republic. We'll make it once again, a government by the people, for the people.

***Reference article...
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Damn, that brings tears to my eyes. Wake up America! It's time to take back this country from the corporate whores and leftist wackos that have taken this country from we the people.


Dec 15, 2005
Optimistic. If someone wants to be an American and assimilate and learn English, then they have my sympathy, although maybe not my support. If an illegal alien wants us to assimilate to him, then he has my scorn. I would be willing to except an immigrant who wants to have our values as well as our money, but not one who just wants our money. You ever see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly-- I just saw it on TV. I think were now getting lots of Tucos coming over the border.

I suggest using Yahoo answers forum(in English). Edited by: Freedom


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
That's a great article Dixie!

I'm going to post that on my myspace page.


Nov 2, 2004
The article "Joe Sixpack" is optimistic. I am dramatically less optimistic about the awakening of Joe than the author of the article. But I have seen the slightest -- just the very slightest -- movement of ordinary Middle Class types that I live and work with.

A single encouraging sign: One of my more clueless Bosses, a fellow who can't stop spending money, confided in me about a year ago that ... the future for his kids doesn't look so bright! And that they might be living with him for quite a while, or maybe forever.

He'll probably never identify the New World Order, the Rothschildefellers, the International Banking industry, rich New York Jewry, the CFR, Bilderbergers, Skull-and-Bones, rabid Christian Zionazis, and all the rest of them, as the cause of his problems. But at least he can sniff that there's a problem.Edited by: Realgeorge


Aug 8, 2006
There was a front page article in teh Richmond Times Dispatch on Sunday about how Minorities are now the majority in the school system.

It was very gleeful, of course. But I imagine there were quite a few Joe SixPacks, or even corporate stooges such as myself, who were thinking, "wait a minute, I never signed onto this?!?" And they're pissed. They voted Democrat, and it didn't matter, they voted Republican and it still didn't matter. The politicians and their corporate and union bosses, love the cheap labor and potential additions to the membership rolls.
We are being overrun and it simply can't be denied anymore. Everyone sees it, FINALLY! It's not just in Miami, they way we used to write it off a decade ago. It's everywhere.
In a way, it's best that it's happening so quickly, that's what causes the backlash. Hopefully, enough Joe Sixpacks will wake up.