Television Reviews


Nov 23, 2006
Get Smart ran from 1965 to 1970, a time of change in the USA and changes can be seen in way the show is presented. The show had a pro-Zionist bias which is not surprising with all the Jews and half-Jews connected with the show. Blacks started popping up in the later part of the show's run. But the most interesting part was how the lead female character Agent 99 (played by Barbara Feldon) role change especially from the first to the second season.

The show itself was a parody of spy and too some degree law enforcement shows since the show centered on an organization called "Control" that was both a spy and law enforcement organization and their chief nemesis was a Delaware corporation called "Khaos." Basically, the show poke fun at government and corporations.

But back to the telling of how the leader female character portrayal changed.Agent 99 went from a character just as stupid and incompetent as the male agents, though at time intelligent and competent when it played best for comic effect in the first season, to an almost always intelligent and competent agent with most of the times, she was not were blamed on a male.

An incident in the first season the lead male Agent Smart falls into the Ocean Agent 99 sees him but is lock in her cabin, (she doesn't think to shot lock of until a male tells her too) she has an inflatable raft that will, probably, go though the porthole not inflated but she inflates it and then tries to push it through.

Very abruptly when the second season starts Agent 99 turns into a very competent and intelligent agent while the men take the best role for comic effect still. In some shows, Agent 99 was present as a put upon female who used as a pack mule to carry luggage and supplies while the males carry very little if anything. When Agent 99 did do something stupid like in an episode where the Chief said he was worried that she was taking on bad habits of her husband, it was usually blamed on a male.

Agent 99 retained some very feminine traits like an obsession with getting married, which she eventually married agent Smart and was often after called "Mrs. Maxwell Smart." She cooked, cleaned and shopped! Clearly, they didn't push too much change too fast but the changes that they made were very sudden and clear between the first and second season as if by command.

These changes left the show with one less character to use for comic effect and often Agent 99 was left standing around with a smug look on her face. It makes one wander, if a character like Lucille Ball's would be allowed today.

Today, most female character's in comedy's have been reduced to straight characters who are eye candy standing around with smuggle looks on their face while male actors act stupid and incompetent. Clearly feminist propaganda that has left males with all the work in comedy and females as little more than eye candy spouting propaganda.In reality, it reduces by half or more the amount of comedy that can be put into a show by reducing the females role to eye candy.