Tea Party candidate for senate once criticized Hollywood cultural marxism



Mississippi GOP Senate Candidate Complained There Aren't Enough Muslim Movie Villains

Mississippi Republican state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R-Ellisville), who is challenging Sen. Thad Cochran (R), remarked in 2006 that Hollywood avoids portraying Muslims as villains.

McDaniel made the comment during a 2006 episode of "Right Side Radio," a syndicated show he hosted before being elected to the Mississippi state Senate in 2007. The remarks were first reported by Dark Horse Mississippi, a local politics blog.

"It's funny how the movies have portrayed themselves lately and how the video games have portrayed themselves lately," McDaniel said in the segment. "There's one person that cannot be a villain in Hollywood, ever. One group that cannot be villains. Who is that? [Cohost: The Muslims.] Yeah, isn't that neat? They'll go out of their way to find some Russian white guy that's just nuts, and he's the terrorist, which I've never seen that. But the Muslims, they've just disappeared from Hollywood's radar."

McDaniel is being backed by the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Club for Growth and the Madison Project. The groups endorsed McDaniel after Cochran voted in October for a bipartisan budget deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.
In other segments, McDaniel also called the Democratic party "a party of sex on demand" and warned of a plan by Democrats to make "homosexual marriage and polygamy completely legal in all 50 states."

McDaniel also criticized President Barack Obama.
"Osama, I mean Obama, might be somebody who follows God in some respects," McDaniel said.

Mother Jones also reported on a promotional clip from the radio show in which McDaniel blamed gun violence on hip-hop.

"The reason Canada is breaking out with brand new gun violence has nothing to do with the United States and guns," McDaniel said. "It has everything to do with a culture that is morally bankrupt. What kind of culture is that? It's called hip-hop

What a brave man. Unfortunately the librul media is going to crucify him for daring to speak out against Islam. That's the one group you're just not allowed to offend

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The White man has always been a handy villain for the corporate/cultural communist media, but Arabs and Muslims have always been also, especially since 9/11 in order to build the desired paranoia in the U.S. that the country is teeming with Arab terrorists just waiting to strike but are continually thwarted by the heroic FBI and other law enforcement agencies. The reality is that the Christian Zionists and many Tea Partiers have been whipped up into such an anti-Arab frenzy by the media and their pastors that many if not most would support an all-out genocide campaign by Washington against them.

Now if McDaniel had complained about a lack of Jewish villains, that would have taken real courage rather than "Judeo-Christian pseudo-courage".


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The White man has always been a handy villain for the corporate/cultural communist media, but Arabs and Muslims have always been also, especially since 9/11 in order to build the desired paranoia in the U.S. that the country is teeming with Arab terrorists just waiting to strike but are continually thwarted by the heroic FBI and other law enforcement agencies. The reality is that the Christian Zionists and many Tea Partiers have been whipped up into such an anti-Arab frenzy by the media and their pastors that many if not most would support an all-out genocide campaign by Washington against them.

Now if McDaniel had complained about a lack of Jewish villains, that would have taken real courage rather than "Judeo-Christian pseudo-courage".

There's a bit of a dual personality on this issue amongst the elite. They need the a-rabs to be the villains in their global morality play so as to fuel the fire for their endless wars but on the other hand them a-rabs is also generally dark skinned non Christians, which puts them on the right side of the anti-White agenda. Thus you got neo-cons and various jews and zio-Christians wanting to bomb them back to the stone age (about where some of them still are) and on the other hand you have the whole of the elite propagandists praising them despite their anti-womyn, anti-***, philosophy.

What happens when the fast breeding Islamati start to take over the reins of power in the white surrender countries of Britian, Sweden, France, Germany, etc? Then they got the a-bombs that the jews kvetch about keeping away from them. As bad as the future looks for whitey, it's not going to be anywhere as bad as it will be for the jews. The jew elite has set in motion a process where the mooslims will eventually replace the honkey's that the jews hate so much. Whenever people tell me how smart jews are I just shake my head and laugh.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's a bit of a dual personality on this issue amongst the elite. They need the a-rabs to be the villains in their global morality play so as to fuel the fire for their endless wars but on the other hand them a-rabs is also generally dark skinned non Christians, which puts them on the right side of the anti-White agenda. Thus you got neo-cons and various jews and zio-Christians wanting to bomb them back to the stone age (about where some of them still are) and on the other hand you have the whole of the elite propagandists praising them despite their anti-womyn, anti-***, philosophy.

What happens when the fast breeding Islamati start to take over the reins of power in the white surrender countries of Britian, Sweden, France, Germany, etc? Then they got the a-bombs that the jews kvetch about keeping away from them. As bad as the future looks for whitey, it's not going to be anywhere as bad as it will be for the jews. The jew elite has set in motion a process where the mooslims will eventually replace the honkey's that the jews hate so much. Whenever people tell me how smart jews are I just shake my head and laugh.

Colin Liddell wrote a great article on just this paradox, called "The Failure of the Cultural Death Camps." His main subject was Britain, where the cultural communists used the Arabs and other minorities as their wedge to destroy White culture and solidarity, but their fatal defect was in believing that the minorities they let swamp the country would assimilate and become DWFs Lite but instead of course they have tenaciously clung to their native culture and religion and its ways.

Liddell's article appeared on the alternativeright website, but unfortunately the owner of that site, Richard Spencer, pulled the plug on it with no warning about a month ago after he was attacked by Sir Rachel Maddow for some of the site's content. (I think internecine feuding with some of the site's writers was also involved; I don't know all the details and don't really care what they are.) At any rate I can't find the article on the net anymore.

I did run it in the January 2014 issue of The Nationalist Times. Anyone who wants to read it can contact me with their name and address and I'll mail it to you.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
The White man has always been a handy villain for the corporate/cultural communist media, but Arabs and Muslims have always been also, especially since 9/11 in order to build the desired paranoia in the U.S. that the country is teeming with Arab terrorists just waiting to strike but are continually thwarted by the heroic FBI and other law enforcement agencies. The reality is that the Christian Zionists and many Tea Partiers have been whipped up into such an anti-Arab frenzy by the media and their pastors that many if not most would support an all-out genocide campaign by Washington against them.
Now if McDaniel had complained about a [TOTAL]lack of Jewish villains, that would have taken real courage rather than "Judeo-Christian pseudo-courage".

All the points in the post by Don need to be repeated, preached,and proclaimed from the rooftops by any and all people with a spine among their friends, family, co-workers, and anybody who will listen or is worth not totally wasting your breath on. These points are among THE issues of what Amerrika needs to hear even if they are brain-numb. I have tried telling my Christian brothers this type of thing for years...Hopefully some are getting it.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
There's actually plenty of anti-Muslim/anti-Arab movies like Rules of Engagement, which is by the same Jewish director William Friedkin who made The Exorcist back in the 1970s.

There's one in the theatres right now, called Lone Survivor, by another Jewish director Peter Berg.

I've yet to see anything anti-Jewish come out of Hollywood though.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
White Christians and Arab Muslims are both often used by the usually Jewish-operated media and popular culture as "villains" or undesireables. These two groups are probably the most attacked groups in the media and popular culture.

Black, African-Americans are generally the most protected, and because of a fear of being labelled "racist", many within the media or popular culture are hesitant to publish anything that can remotely be perceived as reflecting negatively on blacks.

As Don mentioned, there is a paranoia in much of North America where people associate Arabs with terrorism, backwardsness, and wanting to attack "freedom" in the USA.

The statistical truth is that, contrary to what the media and Hollywood tells you, the biggest terrorists are in fact the USA itself, and Israel. What is truly ironic is that Jews constantly demonize and guilt-trip Whites over slavery, and the apartheid that took place in South Africa, but what is happening in Palestine today is essentially the same thing, where Jews have occupied a country and its native population, and introduced and organized a Zionist apartheid.

In terms of innocent civilians killed, the USA and Israel also rank well above anything that Arab Muslims have done.

As a final point, contrary to the depiction of Arab Muslims as "backwards" and "tribal", many Arabs in places like UAE, Lebanon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia enjoy a quality of life that is higher than USA, Canada, and is on par with European countries like Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden. Saudi Arabia and UAE are known as having the wealthiest lifestyle in the entire world.
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