Tarim Mummy Special

Jan 5, 2005
United States
I finally got a chance to watch the new National Geographic special on the Tarim Mummy People tonight, and boy was I disappointed. Anyone who has any knowledge of how the Chinese government has handled these specimens over the years, knows that allowing them to hand pick the mummies used for DNA samples, and then analyzed by a team of Chinese-only "scientists" probably should have seen the result coming, but I still had hope that they would be honest.

I did find it somewhat humorous that they tried to claim a multicultural origin for these people, when clearly the fact that they no longer exist should tell us where we are going if we continue down this path. The Tocharian people were clearly decendant from the same P.I.E. (Proto-Indo European) peoples that gave us what we would now consider the "White" races. The fact that they began to racially-mix before their demise as a people should not be confused with this farce of a special trying to claim that they originated from different cultures. If the F'n Chinese Government wouldn't destroy these priceless pieces of human history and allow non-biased scientists to examine them, and they came up with these same conclusions, then I could begin to accept their absurd hypothesis.


May 3, 2006
I saw the program, and it seemed they were bending over backwards for a PC outcome. The Chinese head scientist's reaction to the DNA test was curious, to say the least. It was obvious the last thing he wanted was a caucasian outcome. But so what if these mummies had some traces of Asian in them? They were still obviously White folks, just with a taste for the Asian ladies.

Much like we have today.