Tancredo criticises Pope’s comments


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
<H2 align=center>Tancredo Criticizes Pope's Comments on Immigration</H2>

<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">( </PLACE><CITY w:st="on"></CITY>WASHINGTON, <STATE w:st="on"></STATE>D.C. )[/B] - Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) today criticized the Pope's comments regarding U.S. immigration policy. According to reports, Pope Benedict XVI said the United States must do "everything possible to fight ... all forms of violence so that immigrants may lead dignified lives."

"I would like to know what part of our lax immigration policy is considered violent," Tancredo said. "I fail to see how accepting more refugees than any other nation -and providing free health care, education, housing and social service benefits to millions of illegal aliens is in any way 'violent' or 'degrading.'"
Pope Benedict XVI has made amnesty a key issue in his papacy. He met with President Bush, reportedly adding his voice to the open-border lobby by encouraging Bush to provide blanket amnesty to all illegal immigrants in the United States.

At the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the Pope said, "I want to encourage you and your communities to continue to welcome the immigrants who join your ranks today, to share their joys and hopes, to support them in their sorrows and trials and to help them flourish in their new home."
"I am not taking issue with the Pope's moral authority and respect his views on the threat of radical Islam," Tancredo said. "However, it is not in his job description to engage in American politics."

Tancredo also cited a recent report indicating that the "Catholic Church...has been losing members rapidly -- as much as a third of the native-born Catholic population. Meanwhile, it has gained members among foreign-born (mostly Hispanic) residents."

"I suspect the Pope's immigration comments may have less to do with spreading the gospel than they do about recruiting new members of the church," said Tancredo. "This isn't preaching it is 'faith-based' marketing."


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
The Pope should maybe do one of the following:

1. pony over a few zillion dollars from the Vatican's coffers and give it to Mexico if he's so concerned about their human rights or whatever.

2. mind his own business
Oct 24, 2005
I may write in Tancredos name for president in November. He deserves the job more that the other three.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
While embracing the Neocon mindset on the war on "terror", Tancredo is right on the money regarding the illegal invasion. I pay NO mind to any man of the cloth (whether false prophet like Rick "CFR" Warren or a Papal Dictator) who demands we American taxpayer embrace the illegal invaders (& the tab that come with them).


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Well, IMO it depends on the Pope's motive for these comments. As a religious authority of Gods church, he has the right to speak out so that all human beings are treated fairly and given the same access to necessities essential to living.

There is a dark history to the founding of America of discrimination against the American Indian and black slave. Add to that the fact that land was taken from Mexico in the Mexican Wars in the 1850s. Texas used to belong to Mexico. Then when Texas separated from Mexico, Texans illegally changed the path of the Rio Grande using dams to increase the territory of Texas. The Pope wants an equal opportunity for all people regardless of history and politics.

Having said that, I'm not one to believe in taxable economic reparations for humans rights violations long in the past. As a Catholic, I'd also like to believe that the Pope is speaking out completely as a humanitarian. However, although I'd like to believe he is speaking out completely as a Moral authority, I think it may have something to do w/ his will to increase the devoutly Catholic Hispanic population in America.

The Catholic Church is hurting in America, so more Mexican immigrants could ease the monetary problem.


May 20, 2005

Oh, God, here we go again.

They got to you Riggins. I'm really sorry. You are a nice guy, but those in charge of distorting our view of history and what life is really like general have hacked into your brain and messed around with files...

Was this country founded partly by stealing from Indians and then murdering the poor SOBs? You betcha! But the Indians took it from someone else, who probably in turn took it from somene else, who probably displaced some animals or something...indeed, all life on this f'ng planet was made up of undifferentiated POND SCUM basically, just sitting there and photosynthesizing, until one day, one microbe learned to eat the other. Predatory behavior is the major driving factor behind evolution, ESPECIALLY human evolution.

You should thank the diety of choice that your ancestors had the iniative to come to this country instead of remaining a piss-ant peasants in some divine-right-of-kings craphole, the courage to face unimaginable drudgery, and bordeom, when they weren't facing sheer terror and horrible death fighting Indians...you should also thank your lucky stars that your ancestors were brutal enough that we don't really have an Indian problem, on a scale with the ******* problem. (Except for half-Indians from south of the border.) Finally, be thankful your ancestors had the good sense to not feel even the slightest bit guilty about what had to be done and slept well at night and died thinking they were going to be let through the pearly gates.

And yeah, I've read the "Song of Hiawantha" and "Black Elk Speaks" and "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" and felt and emphathized with that lost way of life more than 99% of you I'd bet money, and I cringe at the thought of a U.S. Cavalryman picking up an Indian baby and cracking its head on a tree and bayoneting women and all that...but at the end of the day, when, I really, really, really think about it, I'm glad he did it, so I don't have to.

Our new Pope is a douche. I hoped at first he'd have an almost Martin Luther attitude on various issues, that he would be the Darth Vader of Popes...I don't agree with much the Catholics are go about teaching outside of some basic sense of responsible behavior, but after 2,000 years, no sense bending on anything. Stay evil baby, and I can respect you. But no, he turns out to be some lame race-traitor jerkoff who rolls over and adds crap about human rights and enviromental responsibility onto the 7 traditional, enjoyable, and cool sins I love so much. I've enjoyed the hell out of my lust, gluttony, sloth, wrath, vanity, pride, wrath (You said wrath twice! I LIKE wrath!). But now I'm sinning by not recycling a bottle or not sending money to feed niglets in bloody Africa? Jeez, where is the fun in confessing THAT?

ToughJ.Riggins said:
Well, IMO it depends on the Pope's motive for these comments. As a religious authority of Gods church, he has the right to speak out so that all human beings are treated fairly and given the same access to necessities essential to living.

There is a dark history to the founding of America of discrimination against the American Indian and black slave. Add to that the fact that land was taken from Mexico in the Mexican Wars in the 1850s. Texas used to belong to Mexico. Then when Texas separated from Mexico, Texans illegally changed the path of the Rio Grande using dams to increase the territory of Texas. The Pope wants an equal opportunity for all people regardless of history and politics.

Having said that, I'm not one to believe in taxable economic reparations for humans rights violations long in the past. As a Catholic, I'd also like to believe that the Pope is speaking out completely as a humanitarian. However, although I'd like to believe he is speaking out completely as a Moral authority, I think it may have something to do w/ his will to increase the devoutly Catholic Hispanic population in America.

The Catholic Church is hurting in America, so more Mexican immigrants could ease the monetary problem.