Surprising Problem with some Racialist


Nov 23, 2006
Been reading a discussion about a very surprising problem with a few "racially" aware (?) men. These men are chasing and mating with nonwhite Asian Women! I have seen some signs of this at American Renaissance but just thought it was them but now complaints of it happening with hard core groups is very distributing. Likely very few in number but like other perverts they will tend to drive decent people away.

Any White male or female that race mixes is a race traitor and is not truly part of the Racial nationalist movement. Some people that get into racialism based on emotion in other words bad experience with certain races, but they have no problem with races that haven't mistreated them. These people are NOT true White Racial Nationalist, because White Racial Nationalist is about protecting the whole White race against All nonwhite races, it requires a certain amount of intellect to comprehend and clearly anyone who has an Asian fetish clearly is not a White Racial Nationalist! One can not be a race traitor and a White Racial Nationalist at the same time.

This heresy should have been nipped in the bud but now it has festered and before the movement can advance it must be dealt with. Most likely this fetish was allow to grow because leaders either didn't know about it or didn't think it was worth wasting time straightening out idiots. Now it sounds like a clear message will have to be sent that any White who practice the Asian Fetish will be shunned and expelled from the White Racial Nationalist movement. It would cost members but what remains would be far healthier for the movement.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Hmm, I saw this on the ANU board the other day and I still don't know how to take it. I wonder how long it will be before someone tells me that because I am from the state with the highest black population, I cannot be a true white racialist?