Super morbid obesity

Jul 14, 2007
I wanted to get some other members thoughts on this epidemic. Now myself I am not overweight, nor does obesity affect my close family. I don't really know why I'm interested in this topic, but for some reason I find it truly intriguing. Obviously you see many overweight and obese people on a regular basis. On a couple occasions, I have even personally witnessed super morbidly obese (SMO) people. At a restaurant I worked at once, they had to put two chairs together for a gigantic man.

I have seen shows about this problem on TLC such as 1,000 LB Dad,and World's Heaviest Teen. The only possible way for many of these people to get this large was for others to enable them by bringing them large quantities of food. There are even SMO rehabilitation centers. They say the average weight has gone much higher in just the past 20 years. I was astounded that these places allow restaurants to deliver food there if the residents so choose.

Also, the world's heaviest teen the camera crew even showed the mother shopping for the boy who rarely left the house. She was purchasing large bags of doritos that the boy would eat in one sitting, large amounts of meat and bread, as well as other snack foods and 2-liters of cola that the boy would again drink in one sitting. Too me I feel that the mother could possibly be charged with child abuse.

I want to hear the comments from members of the community on this subject. Are you related to or do you know anyone with this affliction? Also, what do you think about the people who are like this, and also what do you think about their enablers?

Here is a video about a SMO woman who claims that she has to "force" herself to eat:

And here is a clip of the worlds heaviest teenager I previously mentioned: by: Electric Slide

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The junk food that Americans love is the main cause, along with the increase in the size of portions served. The salty and sugary foods have little nutrition but are addictive.

I go on periodic diets to keep my weight close to where I want it. Just finishing one up now in fact. What I notice when I'm famished at night and watching TV are all the commercials for food, most of them for junk food and fast food restaurants. Americans are being constantly bombarded with ads urging them to eat, eat, eat, and to eat the wrong kinds of food. Combine that with the sedentary lifestyle so many lead compared to the past when most had physical jobs or lived off the land, and plenty of stress, which drives a lot of folks to the frig for relief, and you end up with a lot of obese people and some that are morbidly obese. Genetics and thyroid problems are also factors.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The only thing that supersedes DWFs worship of antisocial/criminal affelets is the stuffing of their faces. Electric side I'm glad you brought up this subject. That mother in your opening thread should have that obese child taken away from her and sent to a fat farm/boot camp.

Its amazing how white America along with its minorities eat huge quanities of bad food and drink. I know this one guy, nice enough fellow and about 180 lbs overweight. He has to sleep with some device that allows proper breathing. He also has high blood pressure as well as diabetes.

This guy is my girlfriends father. Every now and then she catches him devouring half gallon of ice cream at midnight. His guy has no self control. Sadly, there are alot of whites just like him.
Jul 14, 2007
Don, I totally agree that food and snack commercials are certainly compelling, and make people want to eat when they weren't even hungry in the first place. What I don't understand is that these unhealthy snacks and fast food have existed for decades, but just even since 1990 the amount of SMO people has shot up. What I'm saying is that in the 1960s, there was McDonald's, Coca-Cola, all sorts of Lays brand chips, candy bars such as snickers, etc. And they were just as cheap and readily available then. I know at movies theaters they pushed these products rather heavily, maybe not as much on TV. Obviously there were overweight people then, but the numbers have shot up extensively just in the past few years.

I think one cause is that we have such an enabling society that thinks that everything is somebody elses fault. I personally think the 18% soda tax they just passed in New York is completely stupid. Why should I have to pay that tax when I am in good shape, but still like to drink soda? I am not causing the state to pay more in health problems.

Westside you are completely right that people do like to stuff their face. Unfortunately I like to enjoy unhealthy foods too, but I remain in good shape due to a good metabalism and regular exercise, and the fact that once I eat so much food I don't feel like eating anymore.

Also I think many of the SMO people are very much into excuse making and irrational beliefs. Like the woman who said she has to force herself to eat. It is simply impossible for that to be the case. I once knew an extremely fat young man. He fancied himself as intelligent, and would sometimes act like he knew more about diet and exercise than I did. I told him matter-of-factly that that's impossible, just compare myself to himself. Either way, I think people feel like they're not empowered that there is nothing they can do. Even if you are 350 lbs, there are still things you do. Once you break the 500 threshold it starts to become much more complicated, due to excessive skin stretching and the like. Either even if someone did let themselves go that far, I think they should do everything in their power to get back down. Even in a bed there are things you can do to lose weight and eventually be able to stand up, start walking, etc.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
For either of these two losers just cut back the calories slowly on them and they have to lose weight. The best thing that could be done is to take their daily/weekly caloric intake and shave some calories that they don't notice. Replace these calories with fruit and snacks such as popcorn and they would have to shed 100 lbs. Then get them into a moderate exercise program and 100 more would go. I get chided for my weight and I don't even break 200 lbs.......
Watching these two and I want to become a manual labourer again or to hit the stair master machine....

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I went in the Marine Corps many years ago and they had a fat man's platoon even then. A friend of mine went through it. The difference was that then, what was considered fat then in no way would be considered fat today. Also what was considered in condition then in no way resembles what is considered in condition today. They treated those guys real hard. They were billeted out near the rifle range and I remember when I was out there, how they treated those guys. Quite unsympathetically. Every word the DI's said to them was some sort of putdown about their weight. They used to have to go to the messhall like cattle on all fours, mooing all the way in full sweat suits in July in South Carolina (everything they did was in full sweat suits - they weren't issued uniforms until they were down to normal proportions). One thing they did was fill up a bucket full of sand and haul it up a giant hill of sand and dump it over the other side of the hill and then go back down and repeat the process, all day long. You could almost see the fat melting off those guys. The DIs of course were the cowboys herding them.

Near the end of my bootcamp, we picked up one of those guys who graduated the fat man's platoon and he showed me a picture of himself the year before at the beach. He had been a big fat slob. But he was a normal size person when he showed me that picture. At graduation of our platoon, his parents didn't know who he was at first. His sister kept screaming with joy.
Of course, there's no way to do that today. What was considered fat then in no way resembles what we have today. These guys today would actually fall over dead if they were treated the same way, physically and verbally. That guy told me that for the rest of his life, every day he got up, the first thing he would do would ask God to bless the USMC.

Tom Iron...
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
The ingedients in foods has changed drastically throughout the decades, thus making people crave more and boosting the sales of said products. It's all about money.

New York's proposed tax on soda is retarded, but that's not surprising. Why not ban soda altogether? If they succeeded in making smoking the second-greatest sin (behind calling someone a nihggah), then why not arrest someone for possessing a soda can and put them on death row for endangering the welfared waistlines of innocent people?

One of the biggest ironies I experienced on a personal note was the demise of the Old Country Buffet, which had a few locations in central and southern New Jersey. When I went to OCB a few times, I saw nothing but obese people. And the food they served wasn't the kind that they would most want to stuff down their throats. All of the locations closed within a few weeks of each other.

On a related food note, take notice of what's going on in the candy bar industry. They're shortening the size of bars but jacking up the prices. As for king-size bars, they've not only shrunk them but broke them into two pieces. The only thing "king-size" about them is the elongatedness of the package.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Being from the area that caused researchers to create three new levels of obesity, I can say that it is definitely a growing problem, pun intended. In that area and many others, high levels of poverty combined with widespread use of welfare/food stamps, and the aforementioned ads and availability of high calorie, low nutrition foods, leads to more junk food intake. Nationally, a lot of people are too lazy to cook nutritious foods as well, so fast food becomes a daily routine for many families. A lack of self control is also part of the problem, as they won't stop themselves from gorging themselves on junk. You also have to blame part of the problem on a lack of discipline on the part of adults and children. Children these days aren't disciplined through corporal punishment and they grow up doing and eating whatever they want, no matter if it is killing them. Of course, this leads into many other discussions as well, but the prevalence and growth of obesity is dangerous on many levels.


Apr 14, 2005
Don Wassall said:
The junk food that Americans love is the main cause, along with the increase in the size of portions served.  The salty and sugary foods have little nutrition but are addictive. 

I go on periodic diets to keep my weight close to where I want it.  Just finishing one up now in fact. What I notice when I'm famished at night and watching TV are all the commercials for food, most of them for junk food and fast food restaurants.  Americans are being constantly bombarded with ads urging them to eat, eat, eat, and to eat the wrong kinds of food.  Combine that with the sedentary lifestyle so many lead compared to the past when most had physical jobs or lived off the land, and plenty of stress, which drives a lot of folks to the frig for relief, and you end up with a lot of obese people and some that are morbidly obese.  Genetics and thyroid problems are also factors.<!-- Message ''"" -->

Good points. I'd also like to add that portion sizes have practically doubled in the past 30-40 years. For example not too long ago at Fast Food Chain X a large pop was 24oz. Now that large pop is 42oz! Just little subtle things like this contribute vastly to the problem. I'm sure you guys can agree with me that its getting tough to even finish a whole meal at a place like TGI Fridays or a Hard Rock Cafe just because the portion size of the meal is astronomical! Yet, to prove our manhood in front of whoever, or just to get our money's worth, we push ourselves to finish the meal. Even though we were stuffed after the appetizer and half way through the main course. At least for me personally lol. However, now I just skip out on appetizers not only to save money but because I hate the bloated feeling after eating some appetizers and a whole meal after a night out.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I started lifting weights last year to keep myself in shape. Weightlifting keeps your metabolism higher for 30 hours after a workout. I also changed my diet to lots of high protein, low fat meats and lots of fish. I was an absolute junk food feind before.
Jul 14, 2007
Tom Iron said:
I went in the Marine Corps many years ago and they had a fat man's platoon even then. A friend of mine went through it. The difference was that then, what was considered fat then in no way would be considered fat today. Also what was considered in condition then in no way resembles what is considered in condition today. They treated those guys real hard. They were billeted out near the rifle range and I remember when I was out there, how they treated those guys. Quite unsympathetically. Every word the DI's said to them was some sort of putdown about their weight. They used to have to go to the messhall like cattle on all fours, mooing all the way in full sweat suits in July in South Carolina (everything they did was in full sweat suits - they weren't issued uniforms until they were down to normal proportions). One thing they did was fill up a bucket full of sand and haul it up a giant hill of sand and dump it over the other side of the hill and then go back down and repeat the process, all day long. You could almost see the fat melting off those guys. The DIs of course were the cowboys herding them.

Near the end of my bootcamp, we picked up one of those guys who graduated the fat man's platoon and he showed me a picture of himself the year before at the beach. He had been a big fat slob. But he was a normal size person when he showed me that picture. At graduation of our platoon, his parents didn't know who he was at first. His sister kept screaming with joy.
Of course, there's no way to do that today. What was considered fat then in no way resembles what we have today. These guys today would actually fall over dead if they were treated the same way, physically and verbally. That guy told me that for the rest of his life, every day he got up, the first thing he would do would ask God to bless the USMC.

Tom Iron...

Tom, it's funny how things work because at the exact moment I was reading your post I saw a story on TV about a somewhat new policy allowing overweight people into the US Army once they are able to do 13 pushups in a minute and run a mile in 8:30. In principle I am not against allowing overweight people to join the military under a weight loss plan. Although I think the standards of 13 pushups in a minute and an 8:30 mile might be to low and high.

As far as your experience in the USMC, I do like the sand-hill exercise. The crawling on all fours and mooing like a cow though seems to me to be counterproductive. It just seems like it would make them feel like crap and even more discouraged. I am in favor a balanced approach that does not condone their fatness like weight-watchers does, but doesn't make them feel like their's nothing that can be done.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Electric Slide,

The point is that the Corps was/is trying to make Marines, not soldiers. If you want a soldier, then mooing isn't called for. but if you want to create a Marine, a certain tearing down is neccessary before you build your Marine. That guy I met all those years ago said he'd bless the Corps every day for the rest of his life. He didn't say that because he was angry with them. He said that because he was so happy he wasn't a fat slob anymore. His sister wasn't screaming with delight because she was angry with the Corps either. She was screaming because she was so happy to see her brother looking like all the other young recruits in his uniform. I don't think she'd cared much how they had got him to look like he did either. It was the results that counted.

To bad we couldn' do what was done then, today. But it's a whole new game today. The young men we're talking about today would actually fall over dead if they were subjected to the same treatment.

I don't know what the answer is to this problem. I wish I did. It breaks my heart to see our people like this.

Tom Iron...


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
When political correctness kicked in it brought with it an intolerance for making fun of anyone, not just blacks. Every minority under the sun was made to feel special and any criticism of them was not allowed.

With all the acceptance fat people get, they have no motivation to slim down. Everybody just goes with it. Here are a couple of examples. When Yankee Stadium was rebuilt in 1976, the new seats were two inches wider than the old ones. Today, a doctor's blood pressure chart has been adjusted to accommodate the increase in the average Americans blood pressure. A chart from 1910 would show normal blood pressure at 110 over 70. Today it is about 125 over 85. Hey, doctors aren't going to say anything, an America full of stupid overweight people is job security.

These types of adjustments all encourage Americans to live a more degenerate lifestyle. And these adjustments get made because if they didn't, PC correctness would put a company out of business.

And as we continue in the direction of excess, what is normal keeps changing until what was normal only 50 years ago sounds unbelievable to kids today.

I would love to tell some of the kids I see today just how pathetic they look. From multi colored hair to bizarre piercings to boys buying and wearing girls clothes and of course fat bodies in too tight jeans. Instead, I just take care of my own kids and teach them what mainstream America never will.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Tom Iron, good story about the USMC. The old school DI's were bad@$$es indeed. My Dad was Army (82nd AB), and went the Basic Training in the early 60s. He said the DI would put the brim of his hat right into your forehead, stand on the (soldier's) boots/toes & turn the air blue. I almost went to OCS (Quantico-Bulldog) out of college, but my Dad said the military wasn't as it'd been in his day (too co'opt'ed by Globalist interests).

No doubt obesity has reached epidemic levels. I think it's the mass marketing of junk food, "extra sized" portions combined with general lack of discipline. I've been guilty of being slack on the diet at times, but continue to stay in the gym (& training BJJ). While I'm not obese or "fat", I am a good 30-40 lbs overweight, but I have a very large frame/bone structure (at 6'8). I aim to get under 300lbs in February & push towards 265 thereafter. Anything under 265 makes me look like an Auschwitz "victim".

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Good morning, Yeah, about turnig the air blue, I remember being shocked at such language in paragraph length haranges. Who ever heard of the "You look like the Aftermath of a Mogolian G*ng B*ng?" That and thousands of other sayings the DI's had.

You're quite a big man. I'd like to suggest, as I always do to stay away from weight training. You can get to where you want to be by running/walking and calisthenics. This way of working out doesn't overtax your muscularture and brings you down to a leaner, more flexible body mass. Try looking at the pictures of grunts in Vietnam. Although they were what would be considered skinny today, they were in the best physical condition a man can be in. Able to walk miles in a 120 degrees with a full pack and ammo. A doctor told me that the good thing about operating on such people is that the patients were in such good overall physical condition that they had the best chance of survival froma medical standpoint. For the most part, what you see today is not good conditioning.

Quantico - That was my last duty station before I got out of the Corps. The final "Exam" of the OCS was a 50 mile forced march with full gear. Those guys were in condition. I'm sure they don't do that anymore.

Tom Iron...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Tom Iron said:
Try looking at the pictures of grunts in Vietnam. Although they were what would be considered skinny today, they were in the best physical condition a man can be in.

That was how typical American men looked throughout our country's history until the last generation -- lean and fit. That was true also for most athletes. Now there are many more men who are bulked up through weight training, or who are chubby, overweight or obese.

Women have also changed, from looking natural and healthy to two predominant types -- "hard bodies" and overweight, often very overweight. Neither type is as feminine as her predecessors, though the loss of femininity is also due to so-called feminism and other forms of ideological indocrination.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I think one reason people look bigger then a generation ago (I'm not talking about obese people) is the amount of water people drink now. When I was kid we never had water around. If you wanted a drink you went to the faucet for a glass. At meals you had a glass of milk.

But now you walk into a store and the freezers are filled with drinks. Dozens of different bottled waters, hundereds of different drinks. Someone is drinking all that fluid, and it's us. Water must have something to do with weight gain, I know they say to drink water to lose weight but they also say fat cells are 90% water. has to have some effect.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thanks Tom. Yeh, when I go to cut weight, I up the cardio & lighten the weight (with higher reps). Hitting the gym isn't too's keeping the diet clean (consistently) that gets me. I don't eat junk every day, but it's the bad meal (3-4x per week) that get my metabolism isn't what it was in my twenties thru early 30s. I have alotta natural & functional strength, so weight training's always came easier. Cardio wise, I usually mix treadmill, lifecycle & stair-stepper. In the spring/summer I'll jog/hike hills & the North GA mountains occasionally. It's all about consistency for me.