Sudden White European Resurgence - Again!


Nov 2, 2004
Please carefully read the below passage from the classic treatise on White European history, "The Might of the West," by Dr. Lawrence R. Brown (1963 Binns Publishing, pp. 328-29). The excerpt describes a most sublime and significant event in the history of the West, the sudden Tenth-century conversion of the White Race in Europe from a squabbling, quarreling, barbaric mob of tribes into a cohesive Western White nation. My comments after the passage are, admittedly, a bit over-emotional; I apologize. Here is the excerpt:

"After Charlemagne's death for more than a century in the darkness that lay over northwestern Europe, almost nothing occurred that gives any sign of the tremendous events that the few succeeding centuries were to produce. Almost nothing was written. Almost nothing was built. Of stone work, the immediate post-Carolingian period produced as little as the dark centuries before him. This little was of poor technical competence, massive half rubble, built with little or no style, decorated, when it was decorated at all, with direct copies of Byzantine designs.

"And then with an extraordinary suddenness, without any event to signal the occurrence, literally without the least warning, a civilization, a compact way of life with a distinct historical personality, suddenly appeared in northwestern Europe.

"Inexplicable as it may be, that is what happened. The line-of-progress history with its theories of influences, borrowings, slow development, here can do nothing but falsify the time scale. For five hundred years these lands had lain a social and cultural wilderness. There were many of the old basilicas left from the fourth a fifth centuries, built during the brief sway of Levantine Latin Christianity in Gaul, mosque-like with their innumerable lamps and columns, but this style did not survive and with the development of Romanesque architecture in the tenth century the few of these venerable buildings still standing were pulled down. In Carolingian times some buildings were built, of course, but the assemblage cannot be called a style of architecture and fewer were built than were destroyed. Some men wrote, crabbed annals or obscure, crude verse filled with awkward and childish imagery. There had been Frankish dominions as the personal possession of their kings and the phantom kingdoms of the heptarchy of Britain. But with any meaning that these words could have in later centuries, it would be correct so say that for half a millennium in northwestern Europe, there had been no architecture, no art, no letters, no intellectual life, no states; and then almost within the life span of a single man during the tenth century, there were all of them. Nor did they spread gradually from place to place. They appeared almost simultaneously from Lombardy and the Pyrenees to England and eastward into Germany."

"It is probably not true that a man could compose alone from his own thoughts a book that would so impress his fellows that their way of life would be changed. Some books are said to have done so, but more probably they set down in precise form what was vaguely, from a thousand unknown sources, already in men's minds. Nevertheless although this is not probable, it is still imaginable. But it is not possible even to imagine one man creating a whole style of architecture. He might design a building, compose a new series of decorative motifs. The same man might even be imagined as capable of calculating all the needed engineering to handle the stresses, loads and thrusts that resulted from his design. But even if he would do all this he still could have no building. What would he do for carpenters, masons, the stone cutters? Who are his quarry men? Who has the knowledge and equipment to calcine lime for his mortar? Who knows the right and wrong kind of stone to use and where it lies? Who has the wagons and tackle to move it? Who can build the sheers and blocks to lift it tin place? Who has the forges, the knowledge of ore deposits and metallurgy to make the saws, drills, trawls, chisels, chains and bolts which he will need? Furthermore, who will pay for it? In an almost wholly agricultural society, who can afford the cost of diverting thousands of young men from the soil to train and employ them in the innumerable crafts that are required for a great building?

"It is with reflection upon these questions that the sudden appearance of what we call Romanesque architecture must be considered. In the closing years of the tenth century it appeared in Lombardy. A few decades later, it was in the Rhineland, a little later in Normandy, the Ile de France, England and finally Provence. There was no longer the crude tasted and construction of the Carolingian builders. There was no more copying or pilfering of ancient stone. The design and the detail were the work of men who had envisaged for themselves the complete object they wished to create and who had devised the means to bring it into tangible existence. Not alone was there suddenly style in place of crudity and poor copy work. Instead of the trifling handful of buildings erected across five centuries, churches were suddenly erected everywhere. Throughout all western Europe there are hardly more than one hundred and twenty-five monuments, churches, baptisteries, towers, which still stand or of which we can find any trace or record between 500 and 1000. Yet in Normandy and the region about Paris alone we know of over six hundred and seventy-five edifices erected in the next two centuries and the number throughout western Europe is in the thousands.

"Consider this immense enterprise spread throughout all northwestern Europe and northern Italy. Each area had its own sharp peculiarities of taste but all were unmistakably of this same style. Consider the financing of such a vast undertaking by a crude agricultural economy, not alone the great cathedrals, but the far more numerous parish churches and small abbeys. Consider the immense complexity of the development of all the subsidiary crafts required. It is evident that a vast community enterprise was in action, as a program unpreached and unplanned but irresistible and universal. Western civilization had begun."

Magnificent writing from one of Europe's finest and most caring historians!

So: In the course of a single century, White Men went from a mutually massacring tribal chaos to a coordinated white civilization, becoming the Colossus of the world and dominating all of its races and activity! This is the historical precedent. White men MUST repeat this event. At all costs the event MUST be repeated! Otherwise the entire white race becomes permanently enslaved and eventually extinct. Much of Dr. Brown's writings are manifestly instructive, and deliver a superb scholasticism, the single accurate comprehensive history of the White Race and those aspects that really count. Underlying these writings is a faint but tangible despair, haunting and gnawing, much like the writings of Oswald Spengler.

I invite you, Nationalist reader, to ponder the significance and the cause for the sudden, glorious transformation of the disorganized mob of White tribesmen into the infant but magnificent white Nation of Europeans that has blossomed during the subsequent thousand years. What caused this event to happen?

Was it genes? Blood honor? Yggdrasil? Jesus Christ? Freemasonry (which did not formally exist yet ...)? Mutual military protection? Extraterrestrial visitation? Dumb Luck? Was it a natural evolution of a civilization from chaos and barbarism into organization and mutual care? In another part of Dr. Brown's book he describes a unique behavior of the White race (he calls it "Arian"). He says that White people were the first and only peoples on Earth to care about other men. How interesting.

Whatever caused this excellent, significant, glorious real-Renaissance of the European tribes into a single coordinated unit needs to be found and duplicated. With all due speed! Post haste! The time is now, while we still have an America and a Europe to unite and improve! The most successful Race in the world, the Khazarian Jewish one, at the moment is completely victorious over our white Race, and is gloating over its twitching, writhing, tortured body. The various other Races likewise are enjoying our demise at the hands of the Rothschild dynasty. Will we, can we throw off the parasite? Will we expunge it from our innards and explode forth with a new vigor as the New Europeans and the New Americans? Men of courage, valor, and guts? Willing to fight and sacrifice and defeat enemies? We ought get started now because we're running out of time.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Great post!