Stupid NFL Fans


Apr 14, 2005
I'm sorry but fans of the NFL have to be some of the biggest idiots ever. Especially all of these athletic chalenged white fans who love to suck Mike Vick's you know what, just becuase they're unathletic they think every white guy is some fat overweight slob like them. So then they get these jobs like Dan Patrick and the "Scwab" and just to get inside of McNabb's jock strap. So anyways I've been to some Cleveland Clowns(Browns)games and these guys are just idiots. Some of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life are from wtaching Clowns games with other people. They know absolutly nothing about the game, cause they never played most likely and then make the stupidest comments ever. They couldn't tell you what a cover 2 man D is or what a drag, skinny post, or flag route is. Though they are smart enough to know white guys just aren't good at football. Idiots I tell you.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Being possibly the only football fan in this area who doesn't live and die with the "Stillers" my every waking moment, I find the sports call-in shows around here entertaining because of their fanatical fixation on the local NFL squad. Year round, 98 percent of the calls are about the Steelers. Are they playing The Bus too much? Not enough? Is Chris Hope ready to become an All Pro at safety? Is this the year Ike Taylor steps up? Willie Parker will be the next great NFL running back. Is Duce Staley really injured or just faking it? Shouldn't Cowher be playing James Harrison more? Charlie Batch is better than Tommy Maddox. Do you think the Stillers would ever re-sign Kordell Stewart? And on and on, non-stop, 12 months of the year, and alwaysusingthe words "we" and "us" as if they were on the roster too.

If these people hadshown1/100th the same amount of interest and intensity when their industrial jobs disappeared, they would still have them instead of relying on the Steelers as the mainsource of sustenance in their lives.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Speaking of stupid football fans, here is a thread from a Detroit Lions fan forum. With the Lions reciever corps decimated by injury the team needs to add somebody. One poor fellow mentioned David Kircus who played well for them in limited playing time but was cut anyway. What was the response? Guess.

-With KJ2 out for the year, we need to sign a WR. You have to think that this far in the year and our questions at WR, Kircus is the logical choice

-Kircus will never be a logical choice.

-Well, we need a guy that can come in and play right away, and that means a knowledge of the system. So it's kircus, one of the other camp guys (savoy perhaps) or a reject from SF that's floating around.

-To bad we couldn't bring Swinton back.

-Whats up with Streets these days?

-yea i would not be suprised to see streets, or too upset, especially he's familiar wiht the way garcia plays, i think they might work well together....streets was not bad, he just didnt have the best talent, but he would be good adn the most logical choice i would think

-streets is much better than kircus. We wont bring that joke back.

Considering the accomplishments Kircus made in college, and since both of these players where from small colleges, isn't it surprising that next week we may see Martinez start and not Kircus?

Suggestions for Tai Streets and Reggie Swinton!!!
To white fans the worst, most washed up, black reciever is better then any white receiver in the game!


i have also noticed this. lots of white fans are brainwashed or something.
Oct 10, 2005
"And on and on, non-stop, 12 months of the year, and always using the words "we" and "us" as if they were on the roster too."

I find the usage of "we" and "us" to be bothersome too. Unless someone is like an actual athlete then for the most part Sports is just a game to enjoy watching. Some of these people just blow things up way out of proportion. (Sometimes I do however refer to teams I like with "my" as in "my Seahawks" or "my Ducks", that is more expressing a personal affection for an entire team I like then using "we" or "us" and sort of thinking I am in some way shape or form an actual part of the team!)


Apr 14, 2005
White people just assume because they're not athletically gifted or fast that every white person is a bad athlete like them. The biggest pro caste people I have met had not been good atheletes for the most part themselves.


Apr 16, 2005
This is pretty pathetic- I thought I would post it here-

Talk about a heart-stopping game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Indianapolis Colts.

<TABLE id=inlinetable cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width=220 align=right>
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<TR style=": #ececec" vAlign=top>
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Terry O'Neill, 50, of Pittsburgh, was watching the game at a bar and had a heart attack seconds after Jerome Bettis fumbled trying to score from the 2-yard line late in the fourth quarter. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger prevented the Colts' Nick Harper from returning the recovered ball for a touchdown and the Steelers hung on for a 21-18 win.

O'Neill said Bettis is his hero.

"I wasn't upset that the Steelers might lose," he said. "I was upset because I didn't want to see him end his career like that. A guy like that deserves better. I guess it was a little too much for me to handle."

O'Neill, who was recovering at a hospital, credits two firefighters with saving him.

"The Steelers won the game and I'm still alive, so I guess I'm doing pretty good," he said.

He will have a pacemaker implanted to control an irregular heartbeat and he was prescribed medication to deal with the hypertension.

And while he would like to go to the bar to thank the guys who saved him, O'Neill said, "but for the most part I guess I should probably take it easy and watch the game at home."


Mar 8, 2005
United States
50 years olds and your hero is a football player.


Nov 7, 2004
Bear-Arms said:
50 years olds and your hero is a football player.

At least he didn't contemplate suicide. One time I attended a Phillies game against the Big Red Machine at Riverfront Stadium. (I grew up in the Philly area.) The Reds won on a Johnny Bench walk off dinger. I felt so shocked (because it was my birthday and it seemed the Phils always lost on my birthday) that I half jokingly contemplated jumping into the Interstate that ran behind Riverfront Stadium.
But fortunately I didn't, because I'm here posting on CF.

Moral of both stories: don't worship your sports teams.



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I get the message foreverfree. Back in the early 90's I actually cried after duke lost to unlv by over 30 points in the ncaa tournament. I so loved watching laettner, hurley, hill and the rest of the duke team that i lost it. I have matured since then...but you can get hooked to a sports team and miss out on the more important things of life.


Apr 14, 2005
I think its alright to cry if your a kid and your sports team loses the championship but when adults cry when their team loses an important game I find it pathetic.
I want the Browns or Indians to win a champioship just as much as any of their other fans but if the Browns lost the SB in overtime i wouldn't cry about it. Yes I would be upset and a little sad about it but its not like when a team loses that it will affect my life. When the Browns left town nothing changed I still had to pay my gas bill and electric bill and so on. The when they came back it was nice but still life is life and nothing really changes based upon a team winning or losing unless your actually a member of that respective team. So the moral of this story is enjoy sports as an oulet from the real world becuase sports is not the real world. At least to those of us with real jobs and bills to pay.


Oct 19, 2004
What a loser. You deserve it.

All white sports fans must kick their perverse addiction to black male athletes.


Sep 9, 2005
KJV1 said:
This is pretty pathetic- I thought I would post it here-

Talk about a heart-stopping game between the Pittsburgh Steelers</font> and Indianapolis Colts</font>.

</t><table id="inlinetable" align="right" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="220">
<th style="">
</tr><tr style="" valign="top">
<td width="204">


Terry O'Neill, 50, of Pittsburgh, was watching the game at a bar and had a heart attack seconds after Jerome Bettis</font> fumbled trying to score from the 2-yard line late in the fourth quarter. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger</font> prevented the Colts' Nick Harper</font> from returning the recovered ball for a touchdown and the Steelers hung on for a 21-18 win.

O'Neill said Bettis is his hero.

"I wasn't upset that the Steelers might lose," he said. "I was upset
because I didn't want to see him end his career like that. A guy like
that deserves better. I guess it was a little too much for me to

O'Neill, who was recovering at a hospital, credits two firefighters with saving him.

"The Steelers won the game and I'm still alive, so I guess I'm doing pretty good," he said.

He will have a pacemaker implanted to control an irregular heartbeat
and he was prescribed medication to deal with the hypertension.

And while he would like to go to the bar to thank the guys who saved
him, O'Neill said, "but for the most part I guess I should probably
take it easy and watch the game at home."

Oh, god, how absurd.

From the Indy Star..

"A T-shirt on sale in Pittsburgh says: "Touched by God: On the 7th Day, God Said, 'Let There Be Ben.' "
