Stockholm Syndrome ?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
We may have touched on the phenomenon known as the Stockholm Syndrome,which is what some psychologists claim was the cause of the strange behavior of Patty Hearst.Do you remember her? She was the heir of the Hearst newspaper fortune. She was abducted by a radical group of blacks and brainwashed into taking their side and turning against her own people. She was photographedin a bank robbery and seen sporting an assault rifle or machine gun of sorts. Why do I bring this up? Once in a while I will send an e-mail to a writer, columnist, talk show host or site administrator and toss in my two cents regarding racial issues. Some of the responses I get are incredible. I don't use profanity, but will refer to them as cowards or lemmings for not standing up for white interests. Often, my comments are very cordial, but just for showing stats of minority crime in relation to whites I will be condemned more than the perpetrators of the deeds.

I listened to a talk show host who had a White Nationalist on as a guest. When the WN gave the staggering statistics of white on black crime, the host actually defended the black behavior and asked, " What did the white people do to PROVOKE the blacks ? He had absolutely NO compassion for the white victims. I sent him a note. Here is a sample of the comments I have received from various people.

The cowards are you people who are too afraid to live with the fact that slavery is over.

It's unfortunate that inbreeding for so long has caused you to gain the mentality of a goddamned doberman.

See, douchebag, I'm fine with the fact that blacks and whites
co-exist. And it is because of this, that I can enjoy life. You and
your friends should try suicide.

I hope some day that you'll understand that you need to make sure whites are perfect before you start trashing other races.

I hope you end up in jail with the brothers and they make you their bitch.

F****n die you racist POS.

Redneck hillbilly trailer trash retard.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005

I don't know what to say, Bart. Everyone will realize the truth of things one of these days.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I suppose it would be wise to provide a link explaining what the Srockholm Syndrome is and how it can explain (perhaps)the behavior of whites violently opposed to us.

Bonding to one's captor (abuser) is a survival strategy for victims that has been observed in a variety of hostage-taking situations. This strategy was labeled Stockholm Syndrome after a hostage situation in a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973. Three (3) women and one (1) man were held hostage for six days by two (2) men. During this period, the four hostages and their captors bonded bi-directionally. The hostages even came to see their captors as protecting them from the police! Following the release of the hostages, one of the women became engaged to one of the captors, another of the hostage started a 'defense fund'. All this was done in the face of the fact that the hostages were bound with dynamite and generally mistreated!

....The victim begins to work to see the world from the abuser's perspective so that they may know what keeps the abuser happy, thus helping to insure the victim's survival. As a result the victim becomes hypervigilant to the abuser's needs and unaware of their own. The victim comes to see the world from the perspective of the abuser, losing touch with their own perspective, which is unimportant or even counter-productive to their survival. With the denial of the violent side of the abuser, comes denial of the danger.