Steve Clevenger

In fact they have been glorifying the hateful mulatto football player by putting his picture on the cover of their ziomagazines, Time magazine, GQ magazine....

Yeah -- (((Time))) talks about "privilege"?? How about "black privilege!" The privilege to bite the hand that feeds you, and have the hand apologize.
Most of the reaction among people I know, face book, etc. here in NC has been negative towards Colin K. When I discuss this with people I know they seem disgusted by his antics, then I say I no longer will support the NFL, they in turn shrug shoulders and are at the next Panther game on Sunday. The best way to stop this kind of garbage is to stop supporting organizations who let this kind of behavior go on. I do nothing in support of the NFL or NCAA. I get all my information about players I'm interested in from CF. Until white people stop supporting this trash, the beat will go on! I hope someday, and I can't wait, till the NFL and NCAA football stadiums are empty on Saturday and especially Sunday!

.....and yet Dusty Baker can say white people are slow and not get suspended!
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Most of the reaction among people I know, face book, etc. here in NC has been negative towards Colin K. When I discuss this with people I know they seem disgusted by his antics, then I say I no longer will support the NFL, they in turn shrug shoulders and are at the next Panther game on Sunday. The best way to stop this kind of garbage is to stop supporting organizations who let this kind of behavior go on. I do nothing in support of the NFL or NCAA. I get all my information about players I'm interested in from CF. Until white people stop supporting this trash, the beat will go on! I hope someday, and I can't wait, till the NFL and NCAA football stadiums are empty on Saturday and especially Sunday!

.....and yet Dusty Baker can say white people are slow and not get suspended!

I see a lot of negative posts on Toucan as well but why are his jersey sales skyrocketing? Is it blacks and Hispanics buying these jerseys or whites as well? If any whites are buying these jerseys then this is a new low for them. The NFL hasn't said a word to him or the other blacks because they are scared of the backlash,

I see a lot of negative posts on Toucan as well but why are his jersey sales skyrocketing? Is it blacks and Hispanics buying these jerseys or whites as well? If any whites are buying these jerseys then this is a new low for them. The NFL hasn't said a word to him or the other blacks because they are scared of the backlash,

It's probably a lot like rap music. It's not the blacks that drive the sales, it's young white kids that buy that crap! There's not enough of the black population that have the money to buy all his jerseys. It's more likely white people doing the buying. I've said this before, but my wife once said to me, "the only jersey she would by, is mine.! I'm so thankful for her.
It's probably a lot like rap music. It's not the blacks that drive the sales, it's young white kids that buy that crap! There's not enough of the black population that have the money to buy all his jerseys. It's more likely white people doing the buying. I've said this before, but my wife once said to me, "the only jersey she would by, is mine.! I'm so thankful for her.

I would like that it's blacks and Hispanics buying up these jerseys as a black and brown pride thing. Some white liberals as well.
I'm thinking of buying a Clevenger jersey. I know they're expensive and the money goes to the team but it would be a cool statement to wear it. Although I never wear team gear but might make an exception for this. I'm going to wait a little and see how groveling his apology will be. It won't do him any good but he'll probably do it anyway.
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