Steroids in Basketball


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
There isn't much discussion ot possible steroid use in basketball. Many of the younger, thin players lift wieghts to bulk up and gain strength. I would think testing would reveal more cocaine and marijuana use than steroids. Just curious.
"Possible</span> steroid use" in
basketball !?! Are you kidding me? Most NBA players
transform their bodies from stick-pins to massively muscled, often
within the course of a single off-season between high-chool/college and
the pros. Anyone who has lifted weights can tell you that nature
only takes you so far...To get the results that NBA players achieve,
you need a little extra "oomph." The "oomph" can either be
injected or taken orally (i.e" the clear"). Of course, the NBA
will never address steriod use among its players because the players
are overwhelmingly black, and -- as we all know by now -- blacks are
just naturally superhuman.

Dennis Rodman was the epitome of a 'roid freak, complete with the
disfiguring whole-body acne that is typical in steriod users.
I didn't phrase the post well. Yes, I realize and have posted previously that I believe steroids are prevalent in all sports. Since basketball players lift weights to to gain size and strength and possibly increase jumping ability, I wondered why there is little talk of steroid use as opposed to football, baseball and track etc. And,I do feel the amount of coke, marijuana and other substances would be off the charts.
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