SPLC Joins Forces With DHS


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This is akin to the KGB & Gestapo joining forces...

SPLC, DHS, Community Officials Team Up to Attack Patriot Groups

Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet.com
Friday, October 8, 2010

Stewart Rhodes writes today on the Oath Keepers website that the Southern Poverty Law Center is now officially part of the Department of Homeland Security. Rhodes sources a DHS document, entitled "Countering Violent Extremism Working Group,"Â that lists Richard Cohen as a member of the DHS created group. Cohen is president and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center. In addition to Cohen, a number of law enforcement officials are members of the DHS group, including Austin Chief of Police Art Acevedo.
SPLC, DHS, Community Officials Team Up to Attack Patriot Groups onepixel

"What does the working group do? Make recommendations on training and how to use all of the local resources â€" police, social services, media, NGO's, you name it â€" to fight ‘extremism.' So, now no need to file a FOIA request to discover that SPLC is writing the reports naming constitutionalists as possible terrorists. Now it is in your face and the mask is off," writes Rhodes.

The document encourages local "partners" and the feds to work together to share "threat-related information"¦ and develop case studies that can be used by local authorities as a learning tool for law enforcement personnel" in order to prevent "ideologically-motivated violent crime (radicalization, violent extremism, etc.)," in short the patriot movement.

In early April of 2009, a document produced by the Department of Homeland Security, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,"Â characterized patriot political groups that reject "federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or [reject] government authority entirely"Â as domestic terrorists.

The DHS report followed similar reports issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center and the Virginia Fusion Center. The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as "militia"Â influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.

According to the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, the MIAC documents were heavily influenced by "faulty and politicized research issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Anti Defamation League (ADL)."Â In 2008, law enforcement officers from across Missouri gathered in the town of Arnold to hear from ADL experts on right-wing extremism.

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The SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League work hand-in-hand with the Department of Homeland Security to demonize patriot and constitutionalist organizations,"Â we wrote on April 10, 2010, after the government attempted to frame the Hutaree in Michigan. "SPLC's Mark Potok appears on corporate media networks almost daily peddling his organization's hysterical rantings and fairy tales about impending violence and mayhem that will be perpetuated by patriot groups and individuals."Â

In 2009, DHS boss Janet Napolitano showered kudos on the ADL during a conference held on April 22 of that year. "In recent years, the Department has placed our employees in your advanced training school to educate us on the tactics used by extremists and terrorists,"Â Napolitano said.

The ADL is currently involved in brainwashing children in the Austin, Texas, school system under the guise of preventing cyberbullying and guarding against so-called hate speech. "The ADL said schools have a duty to protect students and exercise precautions against cyberbullying that happens on campus through policies, supervision, reporting processes and education,"Â reports KXAN. "Through the years, the League has been a leading provider of anti-bias education and diversity training programs that help create and sustain inclusive home, school, community and work environments,"Â the ADL website states.

Both the ADL and the SPLC have manufactured a cottage industry around the bogus threat of the "modern militia movement"Â and specialize in going after key individuals and leaders of the constitutionalist, Libertarian, and patriot movements.

Alex Jones is a favored target of the ADL-SPLC propaganda and demonization project. A Google search of the ADL website produces dozens of references to the radio talk show host, most related to the Pittsburgh cop killer and admitted white supremacist Richard Poplawski. Poplawski posted comments on the Infowars website.

Other ADL targets include the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, who are according to the ADL "both part of an anti-government extremist movement that has grown since President Obama took office, promote the idea that the federal government is plotting to take away the rights of American citizens and must be resisted. The two groups are apparently trying to make inroads in the U.S. military,"Â a distortion that plays right into the DHS "rightwing extremism"Â document that claims returning veterans pose a violent threat.

In 2009, DHS boss boss Janet Napolitano showered kudos on the ADL during a conference held on April 22, 2009. "In recent years, the Department has placed our employees in your advanced training school to educate us on the tactics used by extremists and terrorists,"Â Napolitano admitted.

The vicious campaign against the Oath Keepers escalated earlier this week when the CPS in New Hampshire kidnapped the newborn baby of John Irish and Stephanie Janvrin. Authorities said the child was taken in part due to Irish's association with the patriot group the Oath Keepers. "The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers,"Â confirming the fact that Irish's political beliefs were the primary reason the child was snatched.

As Stewart Rhodes notes on the Oath Keepers website, the DHS spawned working group details how they plan to utilize local social welfare and mental health agencies to counter "violent extremism"Â as defined by the government, the SPLC, and the ADL, thus revealing that Irish and Janvrin's newborn was kidnapped as part of an effort to criminally harass and punish members of the patriot community.



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
SPLC Ostracizes Patriots...Again

SPLC Ostracizes Patriots...Again

Columbia, MO, March 18, 2011 â€" It's Spring and you know what that means. The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued its Spring Intelligence Report. The "Active ‘Patriot' Groups in the United States in 2010" is always good entertainment. Since when is it bad to be considered a patriot? Along with the Spring publication, the SPLC has also issued a couple of other interesting pieces. One is "SPLC Report Examines Extremist Views of Lawmakers Attacking 14th Amendment" and the other is "The Legislators: The Dirty Dozen."Â

In a letter to Mark Potok, I ask since when is being a patriot a bad thing? And, not that I am sad about being labeled a "Patriot Group"Â, but since when do a films, websites or a film company constitute a "Patriot Group?" Potok is an award-winning mainstream journalist, having worked for USA Today, the Dallas Times Herald and the Miami Herald. So"¦what happened to his journalistic integrity?

Just to set the record straight for Potok, the SPLC and the rest of the world. Camp FEMA and Don't Tread On Me are feature length, well researched documentaries. Take Back Washington and Restore the Republic are websites and William Lewis Films is a film production company consisting of two people!

So, what, exactly, landed these different modes of communication, NOT groups, on the ‘Patriot Group" list of this years edition of The Intelligence Report? Could it be that all furnish the viewer/reader with information about egregious actions, or the possibility of future actions, taken by our government against its role in protecting our Constitutional rights, or against the Constitution, itself? Could it be that someone, somewhere, say Mr. Potok, is upset at the fact that we, as web site hosts, film producer/directors, or independent journalists question what is going on in our country today rather than follow along obediently like good little sheep? I thought the whole purpose of this country was for our central government to stay out of our lives and protect us from oppressive behaviors of governments, as in those of England at the time of our Country's founding? Possibly the SPLC and Mr. Potok should brush up on their history a bit!

Also making news were several legislators who made the SPLC's "Dirty Dozen" list of legislators, two of which are guests in the film Don't Tread On Me. Both are painted as major troublemakers by the SPLC publication. The film, remember, it is listed among the 824 "antigovernment ‘Patriot groups'"Â, is also berated as "produced by antigovernment conspiracist Gary Franchi and claims to offer ‘sound solutions to take back rights stolen by our out-of-control, despotic federal government.'" The film actually does pose a couple of very interesting suggestions that might stop the treacherous government. One is a Tax Escrow Account, another is the possibility of the states to adopt a stable monetary system and yet another calls for the individual states to assert their rights to State Sovereignty.

In the film, Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key and Missouri State Senator Brian Nieves speak out about our uncontrollable government and the need for states to re-assert their 10th Amendment right to govern as they see fit. Key even discusses the Tax Escrow Account. For that, both are considered supporters of the "antigovernment" movement. What both want, however, is the same thing many of this country's "Patriots," including film producer Franchi, want"¦a return to our roots as a Constitutional Republic. How is wishing our government would adhere to the Constitution antigovernment? In truth, it is anything BUT antigovernment.

For the record, the 10th Amendment IS part of out Constitution and does state, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."Â And where might one find what powers are "delegated to the United States by the Constitution?"Â Try Article 1 Section 8 of our Constitution. That ought to set a few more things straight, as well. That is, unless the SPLC can dig up some reason why the Constitution is, itself, "antigovernment."Â

My letter to Mr. Potok was not immediately answered. I am not sure he will even bother, as he surely didn't bother to make sure he was listing actual patriot groups, warranted or not. Among actual "groups"Â listed, however are several state chapters of both the Constitution Party and Oath Keepers. Again, it bears repeating, the Constitution Party simply wants government to return to its constitutional roots. The "Oath Keepers,"Â likewise, have stated that they will not disobey the Oath they took when entering into the service of this country, to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So, again, I need someone at the SPLC to tell me how upholding and defending the Constitution of this country gets one put on a list of antigovernment, conspiracy theorist "Patriots."Â Aren't those people actual Patriots of the caliper of our Founding Fathers?

To the SPLC, in the words of Gary Franchi, "I want to extend my gratitude to the Southern Poverty Law Center for keeping track of our successes and making it easier for me to find like-minded patriots."Â Truly I do thank you, but don't you have anything better to do?


Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The SPLC takes aim at CF friend James Edwards...

SPLC upset that Amazon sells my book instead of porn

James Edwards, The Political Cesspool

I think their headline tells you all you need to know:

Amazon Often Rejects Porn But Helps White Racists Publish Books

Fans of racist literature looking to get their hands on a copy of Kyle Bristow's 2010 novel White Apocalypse need look no further than Amazon.com. Thanks to the online retail giant's print-on-demand (POD) service, the bloodthirsty white nationalist fantasy â€" which Bristow self-published through Amazon subsidiary CreateSpace â€" is available for sale on Amazon for just $17.58.

And it's eligible for super-saver shipping.

Amazon will even help novice white nationalists get their library going. For $50.14 â€" a slight discount â€" interested readers can buy Bristow's book together with Racism Schmacism by James Edwards , host of the unabashedly racist radio program "The Political Cesspool"¦"Â

Amazon did not respond to a request for comment from Hatewatch.

The SPLC also claims that since Amazon.com refused to sell how-to books on child molestation and homosexual rape, it should also refuse books written by conservative authors like myself. This gripe comes only a few days after the SPLC accused Newt Gingrich of financing a "hate group."Â What is this "hate group?"Â The completely mainstream American Family Association.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, as everyone knows, has been thoroughly discredited as a radical left-wing fundraising operation by numerous mainstream newspapers and magazines.

I wonder, however, if I can legally change my name to Racist James Edwards? Then, perhaps I could trademark the name and demand that the SPLC pay me royalties every time they write about me. I'd be a millionaire in a year!

Oh well, maybe one day Amazon will sell porn and the world will be a better place.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer