Spielmann plays to caste


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
During the UM-MSU game the play by play man stated that a linebacker for MSU was a lot like Chris Speilmann (who was doing the color announcing) in his work ethic and desire, I assumed that theplayer in questionwas white because that description is usually only used for white players.

The camera then did a close up on the player and he was black. Spielmann agreed with the assesment then blurts out "but he's a much better athlete then I was". I nearly lost my beer I laughed so hard! Spielmann reading right from the "caste-script" even when it comes to degrading himself. It was classic caste-speak and I'm sure Spielmann will get a bonus in his contract for following protocol. But sad none the less.

I remember Spielmanns pro-career well. He came to the Lions from hated OSU where he had excelled. He had a great career there but was projected to be a low draft pick because of his "athleticism"? At the time I wondered what the reason for his low status was, he had been a great player at a top notch program. Whatwas the problem? Apparently he had some kind of handicap because he was always denigrated by the media and at the time I had no reason why.

I was glad when the Lions drafted him because he was a tackling machine and once in a while a guy who can make tackles is better then a guy who can't play worth a sh*t but runs the 40 yard dash very well. Sure enough he was a mainstay for the Lions for years and had a great career. The whole time he was treated like he had some kind of physical handicap which made his accomplishments all the more impressive. I can thank Chris Spielmanns career for opening up my eyes to the caste system. It's too bad it didn't open his.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Spielman was an outstanding linebacker who might have made the Hall of Fame except for injury problems that shortened his career.

Cris Collinsworth is another one. He's cocky as can be -- except when the subject is his short but outstanding career (Pro Bowl appearances his first three seasons) as a wide receiver.When it's that subject he always does his aw shucks, I was awful and didn't deserve to be on the field of play with the real receivers routine.

There has to be a good name for all these knowing and unknowing white step 'n fetchits. Is Caste Clown sufficient? White Uncle Toms? Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
How about Uncle Clowns or Uncle Whites?


Jan 8, 2005
I find that Caste Clowns is usually sufficient.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I like Caste-clowns too, although Uncle Whiteboy might be better for the uninitiated.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
There has to be a good name for all these knowing and unknowing white step 'n fetchits. Is Caste Clown sufficient? White Uncle Toms?

They remind me of the operatic singers of the past who were castrated in order to performas females.Many white men today willinglysubmit to psychological castrationto advancetheir careers. They all sing songs of praise to the black afflete, while denigrating, and emasculating themselves in the process.


Castrati singers were the most popular singers of the 17th and 18th centuries when women, following St. Paul's admonition, were held to strict silence in church and on the stage. The singular term castrato refers to a male singer who as a boy showed great vocal promise and was consequently castrated so he could sing female roles well after puberty. Male roles were composed for the castrato as well. In those days being one was a ticket to fame and fortune.


Oct 25, 2007
I disagree with you guys on this one.

A hallmark of white players has always been humility and professionalism.
It's rare to see white players that become braggards. Superiority speaks for
itself and there's nothing wrong with being a bit self deprecating. I find it
something that is honorable.

Leave the endless celebrations to the players that need constant reassurance
that they belong and the quiet confidence to those who know they belong.


Oct 21, 2004
There's a huge difference between self-deprecation (which is almost an exclusively white trait) and voluntarily uttering a politically correct (but clearly untrue) comment. The Collinsworths and Spielmanns don't have to be boastful or lower themselves down to the level of conceited stooges like Keyshawn or "Prime Time," but there is absolutely no reason for them to maintain that black players who haven't accomplished anything are "more athletic" than they were.

Just picture ANY ex-black player stating publicly that ANY young white player is "more athletic" than he was.

I agree with Don completely about Cris Collinsworth. This guy is unbearably cocky most of the time, with a perpetual smirk on his face. However, he plays the Caste game all the way, and becomes meek and submissive in the presence of his black peers. Merrill Hoge and Sean Salisbury are the same way; clearly full of themselves, but (except for Hoge's recent surprising criticism of Vince Young) all too happy to help spread the myth of black athletic superiority.

Perhaps the saddest of all these white guys is Mike Ditka. Supposedly an "old school" type, who is feared by all the jock-sniffers who never played the game, he is in reality a Caste puppy dog. Watching his ridiculous relationship with pea-brain Keyshawn Johnson is proof positive of this. Keyshawn was the epitome of the overrated, selfish type of modern player that Ditka supposedly detests. He doesn't detest Keyshawn; he seems to be in love with him.


Oct 26, 2008
I was watching a game and a white wr ran by a black cornerback and the announcer popped up and said the cornerback must be injured. I wish I remembered the game. Maybe he would have said the same thing if it was a black wr,but I doubt it.

Also, A ex English soccer player ,Warren Barton,who comments on theEnglish game for Fox soccer channel , said that the players today are much more "athletic" than in the 90's when he played. Of course,there are many more black players playing In England now. It is starting to look like an NBA game.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Collinsworth was an excellent WR in his heyday. He should have enough self-repect not to defer to any of these loudmouths. let ex mediocre qbs like salisbury do that.


Oct 25, 2007
Europe said:
I was watching a game and a white wr ran by a black
cornerback and the announcer popped up and said the cornerback must
be injured. I wish I remembered the game. Maybe he would have said the
same thing if it was a black wr,but I doubt it.

Also, A ex English soccer player ,Warren Barton,who comments on
the English game for Fox  soccer channel , said that the players today are
much more "athletic" than in the 90's when he played. Of course,there are
many more black players playing In England now. It is starting to look like
an NBA game.

Hard to tell.Kevin Curtis has wheels and watching the Texas Tech vs
Texas game was the first chance I got to see Jodan Shipley play as well.
Spielman knows his athletic achievements and he doesn't have to be a
primma donna and let everyone know it.I respect that.