Southern Crackers = Hip Hop


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Col.Reb, you have a lot of explaining to do. I didn't realize you and your Southern Redneck kin folk were responsible for all the ills of black society.Even Hip-Hop can be attributed to their rubbing shoulders with white trash Celts! Must read article:

The dominant social, moral, and cultural values among Southern rednecks that Sowell highlights, and that have been explained in works such as Grady McWhiney's Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old South, include aversion to work, proclivity for violence, contentment with little to no education, sexual promiscuity, short-term thinking, drunkenness, an anti-entrepreneurial spirit, reckless pursuit of excitement, and wild music and dance. Rednecks had touchy pride, what you might call today a "bling-bling" vanity, a boastfully dramatized sense of self, and little self-control.
Rednecks-a positive term gone awry, just like the word gay-are bling bling? OK, I'll have to think about that one for a while. I do know that many hip-hop phrases were coined by American and English groups in the 60's and 70's. Ex. the way they sing "hey, ho" in their music, and wasn't Blondie the first rapper? I don't recall her being from the piney woods.
What utter, utter bullsh*t.

Well, I used to have respect for Thomas Sowell, but under his intellectualism, I guess he's just another damned racist *******.

All these comparisons they cite are flawed. The supposed Celtic-Southern "disdain for labour" in actuality means a preference for hunting, keeping pigs, and growing a few crops that are easy to tend-a smart choice especially in land-poor mountain areas-NOT equivalent to being a wellfare parasite.

Yes, Americans at that time, especially Southerners, had a "duelling" "feuding" and "brawling" culture amongst the young males-but I challenge anyone to show where the random street crime, robbery, rape, etc, was anywhere near what it is amongst the urban ********. Also, the foul language and general boorishness shown by ******** today would have resulted in a man having to fight for his life constantly in this 19th century culture.

Sexual promiscuity my ass. Boys and girls may have gotten together early, but have you ever heard of a shotgun wedding?

Bluegrass=Hip Hop? Yeah, "Turkey in the Straw", "Forked Dear", "Palms of Victory", "The Johnson Boys", all the Bluegrass I love is equivalent to songs about "f the ho, shoot whitey"
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