Some Mexicans Leaving US, not to return


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Some good news here. Hopefully this trend will grow!

Some Mexicans leaving US, planning never to return

By IVAN MORENO, Associated Press Writer Ivan Moreno, Associated Press Writer - Mon Dec 15, 5:16 am ET AP

DENVER - After going months without a full-time job, Daniel Ramirez has decided it's time to return to family in Mexico.

Vicenta Rodriguez Lopez says she can't afford to live in Colorado any more because her husband was deported.

Roberto Espinoza is going back, too. After 18 years as a mechanic for a General Motors dealership in Denver, his work permit wasn't renewed and he didn't want to remain in the country illegally.

All are leaving Colorado in time for Christmas  joining a traditional holiday migration that will number almost 1 million people, says Mexico's interior ministry. But they have no intention of returning to Colorado, a place that promised prosperity.

Layoffs, dwindling job opportunities, anti-immigrant sentiment and the crackdown on illegal immigrants are forcing hard choices on many Mexican nationals in Colorado. Though not an exodus, some are returning to a nation they haven't seen in years.

"You despair. You think, 'I used to earn $600 a week and now I'm getting half of that a week?'" said Ramirez, 38, who lost his Denver construction job in August. He left last week, driving to San Luis Potosi in central Mexico.

Mexico's consul general in Denver, Eduardo Arnal, said more people like Ramirez are going home for good.

He cites a rise in applications for import tax exemptions by Mexican nationals bringing home their belongings. The consulate hasn't compiled statistics for 2008 but says it receives about three applications a day, compared to one per week in 2007.

"We've seen an increase in this service, which implies that there's a tendency among a larger number of Mexicans who are returning home definitively," Arnal said in an interview in Spanish.

Nationally, 1,809 Mexican immigrants filed for the exemption between January and August, compared to 1,447 the same period last year  a 25 percent increase, according to Mexico's foreign affairs ministry.

That's hardly an indicator of reverse migration, noted Carlos Rico, Mexico's undersecretary for North American affairs. Rico said what is known is that Mexicans are moving to other U.S. states  often places that historically have not seen a large population of Mexicans. They include North Carolina, Georgia, Idaho and Alaska, Rico said.

Whether for economic or anti-immigrant reasons, Rico said, "People are looking for alternatives within the United States."

An estimated 243,253 Mexicans lived in Colorado in 2007, down from 254,844 in 2006, according to the U.S. Census. The state's construction industry, a traditional source of employment for Mexicans, is contracting, and University of Colorado economists expect the state to lose 11,200 construction jobs next year.

Nationally, remittances to Mexico are down, as is Mexican emigration to the U.S.

August remittances totaled $1.9 billion, down 12 percent from August 2007, Mexico's Central Bank says. It's the first drop since the bank began tracking remittances in 1996.

Mexico's National Statistics and Geography Institute estimates that 814,000 Mexicans emigrated to the U.S. in 2006, compared to 1.2 million in 2007.

Arnal noted that Mexico's economy is growing, albeit modestly. Mexico's Treasury Department reported a 1.7 percent growth rate for the third quarter and forecasts 2 percent growth for the year.

But hard times, not tepid growth back home, are prompting some Colorado Mexicans to leave.

Espinoza said the recession's onset took him by surprise. He'll be seeing his country for the first time in nearly two decades.

"I miss my country," said Espinoza, 34, who is returning to Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Vicenta Rodriguez Lopez lives in Severance, about 60 miles north of Denver. She's leaving for the Mexican state of Sinaloa after 15 years because her husband, who worked at a ranch dairy, was deported for being here illegally.

"He told me to pack up everything," Rodriguez, 40, said in Spanish. "We're not young anymore."

Her 21-year-old son, also in the country illegally, plans on staying.

Jesus Luna, 30, is returning to Puebla with his wife and two children after nearly four years in Colorado Springs. His reasons aren't entirely economic. His parents are ailing. Packing things he said have been so easily accumulated here  bikes, toys, a washer and other appliances  he will be driving nearly 40 hours to arrive in time for Christmas parties.

"You know how it is  eating and more eating," he said, smiling.

Still others return on their own terms, having accrued the wealth to let them live their dreams in Mexico.

"I can't complain. I have a job and I am able to come back if I want," said Gustavo Camacho, 43, who works for a firm digging trenches for electrical cables in Denver.

Camacho, who is from Jalisco, has been here twice, from 1999-2003 and again since 2005. The first time, he saved enough money for a house in Jalisco. This time, he has enough to start a business  either a car repair shop or selling food on the street.

He wants his six children to grow up in Mexico, where he thinks family values are stronger.

"I'll miss it," Camacho said about his time in Colorado. "But you always miss something, whether you're here or in Mexico.

"I might even miss the weather."

***Reference article...
Oct 24, 2005
Not enough are leaving. The US is still safer than mexico. We still have to round them up and kick them out.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
This may be the one good thing that comes out of the recession we are in. More of the illegals and Mexican nationals may go home and stay there.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
A good start, ...but I agree its not enough...enforce the law---deport---let them know how unwelcome they truly are.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Let's not get our hopes up guys. These illegals may leave because of the recession but as always they will be back. Once the economy picks back up expect even more to show up.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Ture WA33 but it may offer a sort of vacation for at least two years before our economy turns around!


Nov 25, 2004
Without investigating the numbers, I'm going to guess that this is just a propaganda piece meant to lower our guard. Mexicans don't ultimately don't come here to work. They come here for our security nets, entitlements, and to live amongst docile white people like all other minorities. A bad economy will only make immigration worse as even more Mexicans will want the American tax-payer dollar. I've seen a surge of similar articles - that alone makes me a little more than suspicious.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Whenever I hear some sob story about illegal immigrants fleeing an oppressive birth nation to come to the U.S. for opportunity, I want to gag.

If Mexico or Cuba or Guatemala or Peru or whatever country they come from is so terrible, what's with all the foreign flags hanging off their section 8 housing windows and off the hoods of their (a) beater cars with no insurance or (b) 2009 Range Rovers bought with a phoney ID?

And secondly, they didn't come here to work. You can work anywhere. They came here to cash in on a whole lot of freebies they can't get anywhere else, because America is the only country that will give you free money in exchange doing absolutely nothing but have a lot of unprotected sex and no plan whatsoever about raising your turd nugget children.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
GiovaniMarcon said:
And secondly, they didn't come here to work. You can work anywhere. They came here to cash in on a whole lot of freebies they can't get anywhere else, because America is the only country that will give you free money in exchange doing absolutely nothing but have a lot of unprotected sex and no plan whatsoever about raising your turd nugget children.

Well said, Giovani.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Kaptain Poop said:
Without investigating the numbers, I'm going to guess that this is just a propaganda piece meant to lower our guard. Mexicans don't ultimately don't come here to work. They come here for our security nets, entitlements, and to live amongst docile white people like all other minorities. A bad economy will only make immigration worse as even more Mexicans will want the American tax-payer dollar. I've seen a surge of similar articles - that alone makes me a little more than suspicious.

KP, good analysis. On the surface, it is indeed "good news", but could also be a swurve meant to appease the angered GOP base.


Oct 26, 2008
This woman I know at work had to send her child to a private school because the public school is spending their time teaching the Mexicans English. This isn't in the inner city either. This is in a suburb that is pretty far out from the city.Also, why do they have books in foreign languages in the library. I can't read Hindi or Spanish or Bulgarian. They should learn English. Films are ok if they are subtitled.

Many Northern European countries like the Netherlands and even the UK give a lot of freebies also. I read in a book "Whlle Europe Slept" that a large portion of the Dutch want to leave their country because of all the immigration.They have a problem with all the Africans, while we have Mexicans and south americans, although many South Americans are going to places like Spain now.One Dutch guy in the book said he is moving to Norway because it will be 20 years before Norway is ruined and he will be too old care. I think I read that Lyon, France is 50% Muslim now.I thinkMiami is 50% foreign born and they aren't european born either. This country is a completely different country than it was in the early 70's. How can a country have cities that are 50% foreign born. The natives feel like they are foreigners in their own country.Here is an interesting story about stoning in France.